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Everything posted by clubmanxtc

  1. Def have to agree witth you on that 1. Got there about 12 decided not to wait in line ave the dude a 20 4 me and my boys got right in pretty packed. Let me tell sickkkkkkkkkk:eek:
  2. Anyone know set times? Gonna b a sick party
  3. Wow cant wait for this night. Gonna b ridiculous :jawdrop:
  4. Yeah he is my favorite dj saw him everytime he was in nyc when he was at tunnel, limelight, and exit . You can check his website www.overdose.de to see hie tourdates my computer is horrible and i cant get to it so if u c any info post it. :D
  5. I dont knw much about the drug i did it once and it really didnt work. Maybe im an idiot but it is in liquid form right? So how do all these ppl sneak bottles of it into the clubs? Is there different kinds in powder. I really have no idea about the drug and was just wondering y so many ppl like it?
  6. Has anyone ever done it? What are the effects bad/good? Also mixing it with pills:confused:
  7. What i dont understand is why would they take the rug with the SF logo on it? Maybe they wanted something to remember the club by:laugh: But seriously y would they take the rug?
  8. he told me that wini was 21 an amp that is crazy well i guess its not a good idea?
  9. Was i the one ordering them? I was asking if anyone ever did it. One of my boys wants to do it but obviously u didnt read the post. Well thanks 4 the info
  10. that has ordered steroids over the internet? One of my buddies wants to do u think it is safe:confused:
  11. Know both of these dudes, they are finally getting a chance to show what they can do. Known them from when they did teen nights about 6 years ago they both have a lot of talent def check them out:D
  12. What do u think is harder to fall asleep on... Coke, Pills, tina or any stimulant that is out there? I think it is tina did it once didnt sleep about 39 hours... worst experience i have ever had
  13. wha t do u think works the best 4 a bad hangover? I usually take 2 asprin b4 bed and drink water. When i wake up i like gatorade or apple juice and eat a big meal. What works 4 u?
  14. U kidding me? See how long i've been on th board 4 and do u honestly beleive that a cop would let everyone on the board know that he or she is a cop:confused: anyway pretty funny if you think that
  15. Here are all the names i have heard White, skew, ski, ching, skip, butter, toot, booger sugar, lift tickets, skaa any others u have heard or use:D
  16. Yeah he def wasnt there some shit that he was afraid to fly at the time cause of terrorism i dont know how true that is?
  17. There all over the place by me i have done them b4 but cook to so little is that just me or are they all like that?
  18. I cant seem to get his tour dates of his website and i was wondering if anyone knows when he will b back in nyc. Last time he was supposed to b at exit but cancelled i wouldnt mind a dose of him:D
  19. Bam bam cant wait to c and delerium gonna b a good party but i cant wait for afraid of the dark what a f-ing crazy lineup:jawdrop:
  20. Is it true that the october 12th party is going to be that last boo? Someone told me that i dont know how true it is and if so y wouldn't it b at a bigger venue anyway looks to b a good party def goin
  21. yeah ive tried weed but never ever in my life ever smoked a cigarette:vomit2:
  22. Almost everyone of my friends smoke weed and some of them are ridic with it. I mean at least 7-10 blunts i honestly dont know how they do it and they aren't happy if they are not high:confused:
  23. Just wondering i have b4 and i absolutely hate it when i did before. Idk i guess everyone is different but anyone else feel the same about weed?
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