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Posts posted by nifer

  1. i'm in sarasota this week for business, but a bunch of us are going to drive down to miami on saturday night. what's going on then? we're mainly looking for house (*not* progressive :tongue: ). i know spiclub is having something, but there must be other stuff goin on :)

    thank ya

  2. Originally posted by richiemarvisi

    i actually stumbled onto your show thiws week. good stuff, im a displaced music snob from NY and was happy to hear your set. THANKS!

    thank ya ;)

    i'll be away on business for the next week or so, so my next show won't be until 24 April. watch out for surprise special guests though :D

  3. Originally posted by djxeno

    Cool. Yeah Drexel has some pretty wierd schedules. I know a couple ppl who go there.

    I go to Rutgers Camden in NJ, the suckiest college in the U.S, and I'm graduating in May.


    congrats :)

  4. Originally posted by djxeno

    Ok cool. How is Drexel?

    i've already graduated from drexel. it's pretty cool how they let alumni still have radio shows.

    drexel itself was... it was *ok*. not the best school for my major (biology/psychology) but having co-op was a great experience. drexel's a 5 yr school (for most majors) since youre either in school or working fulltime in a job in your field. having no summer vacations though because of it, sucked :tongue:

  5. while i was in south beach last week, i usually wore my shorts and tank top over my bikini to go to the pool. going to the beach though, i wore a short skirt or one of those sarongs (which is what most of the gals wore down there)

  6. Originally posted by gmccookny

    See man, i hate to say this, but you seem to have made up your mind about a lot of views, without hearing other ones.

    1st of all, i know a handful of girls who choose to forget their "first one". It's not always a rosey picture.

    2nd, Virgins aren't necessarily ignorant of how to be sexual

    3rd: you say virgins have a lack of sexual experience, but this is another naive point.

    The world is not so black n white, tastey-- there's lots of grey area too ;)

    took the words right outta my mouth

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