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Posts posted by myrlin

  1. W/in the past few months, he has definately gotten harder & darker. He's playin less fluffy epic trance & more prog house. His latest remix of a techno choon Members of Mayday- 10 in 1 has phat ass break beatz.

    Hmm....I agree....wow...thats new.

    Personally, cd 2 of the Live at Casino, Berlin kicks my ass.

    I think we all desperately wish he would play some of the sets he plays In Europe HERE.....its like he expects us Americans to not appreciate it or something.

    And a little inside joke F*** you ______, PVD RAWKS smile.gif



    Hope breeds life, lose your dreams and you'll die

  2. Originally posted by PFloyd40:

    fergie shouldnt' even have gotten past round one...

    Well, he dropped Pistolwhip this rd.....always gets me...



    Hope breeds life, lose your dreams and you'll die

  3. Originally posted by brandie:

    yes, i was carried quite easily like a sack of potatoes. wink.gif

    charlie def. would have stepped back from the toss and just laughed and laughed while i writhed in pain on the floor! smile.gif



    hmm....Maybe i shoulda just dropped you and watched you writhe in pain...

    **thinks about it**

    Nah, im too nice....lol



    Hope breeds life, lose your dreams and you'll die

  4. Originally posted by brandie:

    Did you guys ever eat those chicken fingers? wink.gif




    Hell No....I did try one though....LoL.

    Hmmm yur just lucky i couldnt find Charlie when i picked u up, cause we woulda played catch with yur little tiny body. Figured if I could twirl you that easily, tossing you back and forth was a snap.




    Hope breeds life, lose your dreams and you'll die

  5. Originally posted by deanna11:

    thank you, myrlin! for the glow bobbies, for being a pillow, and for the consistently superficial promises of hot sex

    because i'm slow and never get around to anything. i still have undeveloped pics of myrlin and pikachu from the second time we ever hung out

    Haha, no problemo, my pleasure. I have pics of everyone too, ill drop them off 2morrow for development....

    Yeah and she is lazy, hehe...I want that pic!



    Hope breeds life, lose your dreams and you'll die

  6. Ok you psychopaths.

    Yes the little party was fun and since you all had such a good time, I wont mention any of the bad things....**grins**

    And all you degenerates are welcome for.....glowtsticks, glow bobbies.....

    Next time, give an old man a thanks!!!!

    Sheesh.....Children always forget their elders.

    On the flip side......for all those interested,...I DID give Keoki a lightshow...no bullshit.....LoL

    They should filmed me blowing Scottie up with Vicks while he acted fucked up....it was perfect... smile.gif

    And of course, a pleasure meeting all the new peeps out there....Ill be at Cream tonight



    Hope breeds life, lose your dreams and you'll die

  7. Originally posted by vampienyc10:

    and it wasn't with two people otherpeopel besides yourself replied to him in a negative manner..FOR NO REASON !

    Is that a sentence? Hmm.....Call me if you want lessons...you seemed all there when i saw u yesterday wink.gif



    Hope breeds life, lose your dreams and you'll die

  8. Originally posted by vampienyc10:

    I agree...and I understand where he's coming from not wanting to pay so much to get in.. It's not being cheap.....Wouldn't you rather not have to pay as much to get in so you can have more money to drink or party or whatever?? I would that's for sure..especially since he would be treating three girls..damn .... do the math people..

    One post 2 people, next post large group.

    Consistency is a good thing.

    Now get back under my desk Vampie, Im not finished yet



    Hope breeds life, lose your dreams and you'll die

  9. Originally posted by pglkm:

    for all those that helped with ideas thank alot

    for all those with comments..go fuck yourself


    Okay Cheapo.

    Lets analyze. You will pay for all those charges at every club unless you find free admission. So do your math minus admission.

    The drama stops when we say it stops.

    We did not misunderstand, we know exactly what yur quetion is, perhaps you should use better phrases than "Im not gonna spend 60 bucks to get into a fucking club" then mention yur paying for 47 hot chicks.




    Hope breeds life, lose your dreams and you'll die

  10. Dont forget to get yur picture taken by the guy selling shots.

    Oh....dont forget to enjoy the cavity search when you walk in...

    Oh....They call that music? I love being in a club with people wearing Webster Hall and I love New York shirts......**grins**



    Hope breeds life, lose your dreams and you'll die

  11. Originally posted by pglkm:

    i heard that it's free for girls to get in saturday at world and exit..if so then it's one of those two places..i'm not wasting $60 dollars just to walk in a fucking club for me and my girlfriend.

    wasting money to see good djs....hmm...I guess to each his own.

    Girlfriend not worth it?

    Girls free at exit? heh

    World...say hi to the ROCK for me.



    Hope breeds life, lose your dreams and you'll die

    [This message has been edited by myrlin (edited 03-15-2001).]

  12. Jammy - Famous Jammy hug is expected

    PooH - Oh Im sorry, u just happen to me next to me when Hide U came on....LOL

    Korzo - WIne eh? Mad Dog 20/20 dosnt count... wink.gif

    SHadow - Junior is so worried he actually has already alerted security guards to my prescence and at 4:30 am, my lights are to be taken away

    Deanna11 - You already do anything I ask you to do

    Ez - We need to hang in our backup kingdom lol



    Hope breeds life, lose your dreams and you'll die

  13. Originally posted by sgbrooklyn:

    Claudio darlin' I am pretty sure I'll be there! what time are you boys heading over there.. LEts to dinner before that eh? call me at work.. do you have the darn number.. I am being soo lazy dont feel like PMing you... I'll call you tomorrow..

    Lazy slacker.....Call me sometime today or pm me with yur work number, i only have yur celly. Well be out early so dinner is always a posssibility sweets



    Hope breeds life, lose your dreams and you'll die

  14. Originally posted by lexxxi:

    It's Wednesday so that means I only have one more day before PORN leaves NYC and comes home.......I hope he will be prepared for a freaky sex attack when he walks through the door!!!

    Just dont tell him about us




    Hope breeds life, lose your dreams and you'll die

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