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Posts posted by myrlin

  1. Originally posted by az-tec:

    listen...if there are any more rumors about LL or Tunnel...please pm me and i will let you know what the deal is..there is no need to blow these things out of proportion.

    I would think that if anyone would know whatis going on there it would be me.


    oh ye..in case your not in the know, i work there in the offices.

    Az-tec is the main man.



    The Future is what you make of it.....Dreams are powerful

  2. U got a lot of nerve posting MUSIC information on this board!!!

    Now if you woulda mentioned the fabulous recital of the time u spent in line waiting to BUY this cd.,.....THAT would have been worthy



    The Future is what you make of it.....Dreams are powerful

  3. Here , here.

    I totally agree. Hmm, been agreeing with PooH too much lately......Thats a bad thing.

    Shadow and Deanna must go at it for 6.25 hours


    Originally posted by p00h:

    d u need to go out and get a good shaggin. i suggest u and shadowbitch lock yourselves in a room, preferably not your smelly one, and go at it for a while. i bet u won't be bitchin so much after. either that or do more drugs. and if shadowbitch ain't your type send me a PM or IM or VM. I'll set u straight...



    The Future is what you make of it.....Dreams are powerful

  4. Originally posted by melichacha:

    Yeah, I can see that... haven't been on in a while, so I guess it's just a little more of a shock to the system... How are ya, buddy?


    - meli -

    quite good. Over on the Twilo board alot now.

    You never come out anymore smile.gif



    The Future is what you make of it.....Dreams are powerful

  5. Originally posted by p00h:

    r u talkin to me punk? cwm3.gif

    anyways, i'm gettin sick of all this hiatus shmiatus bullshit. all fuckin day. nyc club scene hasn't seen days like these in a while, atlease as far as music goes. twilo is blowin the fuck up and u kids wanna stay home. barbecuing and going to the beach are daytime activities, the night is all about debauchary and wickedness. I'm a fuckin old man and i don't wanna miss a week, and u youngins are actin the fools with hiatus this and blah blah blah...

    get your asses to twilo now!!!

    Uh oh, I agree with PooH....people bitching and whining. Come out and have a fantastic time while the everything is going strong. Frankly, if somehting pisses you off....say so...it helps. Everyone knows how blunt and honest I am....


    Brats :0



    The Future is what you make of it.....Dreams are powerful

  6. Originally posted by misskittie:

    Yea well, there's a lot of shadiness going on that I'd rather not be involved with. And I'm truely getting sick of the scene and people. (no offense)

    Theres a great "Jersey" board for ya.....





    The Future is what you make of it.....Dreams are powerful

  7. You havent been clubbing in the city anyways.......

    So hah.....


    Originally posted by misskittie:

    I for one, don't like to do the clubscene during the summer as much as the winter. In the winter, it seems as though there really isn't much to do other then go dance and party at a club. Yet, during the summer, the fun is never ending. You can do the shore, throw house parties, barbeques and so forth.

    So, do you still club in the summer as much as the winter?? Most people on the board, from what I noticed, pretty much dedicated almost every winter night to Twilo, SF, Exit or some where else. But do you like to let your warm summer nights that only last for such a short period of time go to them too??

    I just can't see the sense in it..






    The Future is what you make of it.....Dreams are powerful

  8. You say

    ""Oi, I am soooo drained...(physically, mentally, and monetarily)

    Hiatus by default for me too...""

    Theres a few of us dont like what we heard Friday...I suggest you fix that up......



    The Future is what you make of it.....Dreams are powerful

  9. Originally posted by blueangel:

    I think they're STUPID! cwm25.gif Just another way for Twilo to make some quick cash.

    What good is a card if it's not good for nights like tomorrow. Also, what DOES that card get you? Faster entrance?? To what? The only nights that you have to wait in line at Twilo is PVD or S&D nights. Or maybe special ocassions like DT nights. Other than that . . . there is HARDLY any line at Twilo.

    What other benefits do you get? Any free drinks or reduced admission? None. Enough said.



    Uhm. Bitter?

    They do work on every night. Benefits are to come for the regular card. Discounts, quicker entrance, etc....

    Talk about bashing something before it begins.



    The Future is what you make of it.....Dreams are powerful

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