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Posts posted by armada

  1. dunno,

    they way i view it......

    i dont think drugs are bad when done in moderation and done responsibly.......if you love someone, you love everything about them even their viewpoints....

    it makes me more mad that he wont even try to understand where im coming from....i understand his POV and respect it

    Responsible crack use?!

  2. I have heard numerous accounts be people all saying the same thing: "I can't believe they were going up and in when we were all going down and out!"

    No, they weren't stupid. They were and are brave beyond anything you could comprehend.

    As for the collapse, I don't buy into them not knowing it was going to happen. They knew it would at some point (they were in contact with building engineers/original archeitects within a half hour of the fires). They didn't think it would be that soon, but they knew they would. The engineers also said that they never thought there could be a fire that hot. There were steel upgrades they could have gone with in the original construction but didn't think it necessary because regular building fires don't get as hot as what happened.

    Finally, if you really believe that people didn't get out because the FD was blocking the staircases, you are a complete mess and probably are operating on an IQ below the certifiable moron level!

  3. Originally posted by bkissa

    don't you think its rude to be publically gossiping about someone? especially about the personal aspects of her life?

    Uh, not when she's somewhat of a celebrity! Didn't mean to 'offend' you so much. Although not as obviously dramatic, I equate it to asking about Keoki history with Michael Alig or the like. If you don't want to answer, don't and just post something stupid instead... oh yeah, you did!:) :)

  4. Originally posted by boywondernyc

    All I know is she does the door at SF. Is she all female now??

    That's kind of the stuff I wanted to know. Where has she worked (what parties made her well-known), what has been the entire gender switch thing, etc...

  5. Can someone tell me the whole story behind Paris (the person, not the city)? Where she worked/does work, her 'changes', etc. I met her recently and she was very nice and I am curious about her whole story. Thanks.

  6. Originally posted by tastyt:

    Okay Armada, I see your point, I really do. I was trying to imagine defending something that came out of Hitler's mouth and I couldn't even think of anything he would have said that was positive.

    However I still find it amusing the number of people who will defend nearly any of the US's actions. If the thread had nothing to do with McVeigh, and was only about immoral actions our government may have taken, I don't think the responses would have been that different.

    When it comes to our govt's actions, do you really think our media is presenting us with all sides of the story? We have no idea how much of what we're fed is propaganda. Of course they're going to do their damndest to put a spin on the stories to make us look like the good guys.

    (BTW I'm not addressing that specifically towards you)

    Yeah, I was thinking about it in relation to the Nazis as well. Great minds think alike!!! cwm1.gif

    Can't argue about getting the same responses if it was merely a thread about the US Gov't or about the media/propaganda. You are probably correct. I guess I would have been better able to accept without this guy's words or thoughts involved.

    Thanks for the conversation, viewpoints and consideration of my words, hon. You seem to be intelligent and well-rounded. Much respect. cwm16.gif

  7. Originally posted by tastyt:

    Sigh... I'll repeat myself... NOBODY is defending him.

    BTW, using your logic- and this goes full-circle, proving the original point- if his abhorrent actions negate any credibility his words may have had- then the atrocities commited by the US gov. negates it's credibility as well.

    And I'll repeat myself! Do not associate him with what may be an otherwise valid point. By doing so, your point is lost because it is difficult to separate his act from his idealogy. For him, they are one and the same. The point/argument may have validity but if you are using him as the one who 'opened everyone's eyes' or is the spokesman against gov't atrocities, you are sympathising and supporting his act/idealogy.

    It would be similar to using someone who shot the Pope in the name of abortion rights as a crusader for those rights. The message is lost because of the horrible act.

    As far as the US Gov't, I made no comments regarding what they do or their credibility.

  8. Originally posted by tastyt:

    This thread got fucked up because of a knee-jerk reaction and inability to even try to look at things from a different angle.

    Just because something someone said makes you stop and think- doesn't mean you condone everything they do!

    No, it works the other way. McVeigh did something that is abhorrent so therefore it pretty much negates any credibility he may have and anything he may say. If he had said what he said and then took proper actions of protest, then you stop and think and maybe you have a point. But this guy wasn't really concerned with that. He wanted an excuse to destroy. That is why any 'message' he may have wanted to send or why anything that you see fit to think about based on HIM, is garbage!

    His supposed message that the U.S. does immoral, illegal or otherwise horrible things is not origianl. Don't use him as the poster child for this type of cause because as stated before, the message is lost.

    I still don't think he was overly concerned with letting me or the rest of the world know of the atrocities committed by the US gov't but if you think his intentions were that noble, that's your choice.

    [This message has been edited by armada (edited 06-13-2001).]

  9. Originally posted by karch:

    Hey I know a country you could live in. Cuba. No one questions the goverment there. I think tastyt explained it the best. That's the reason why I started this thread. I never said what Timothy McVeigh did was right.

    But you see how fucked up this thread got, right? Why? Because by mentioning the words of McVeigh and the fact that he questioned the gov't and was like MLK in this questioning, people miss your point. You are passively (or maybe not so passively) supporting McVeigh like thinking. That sounds like a defense of him. This would have been far more effective if you had attempted to make your points without mentioning McVeigh. Delivery and compelete thought process are often more important than just sputtering out some idealogy.

  10. Originally posted by karch:

    That's what people said about Dr. Martin Luther King.

    Please , please please do not equate McVeigh to Martin Luther King!! This is getting worse and worse!!! WTF??!!! And who said that?


    [This message has been edited by armada (edited 06-12-2001).]

  11. Originally posted by karch:

    Well, I don't think was Timothy McVeigh did was right. That was totally wrong and cowardly. I'm just saying isn't that what the US goverment does also? People don't realize that I think.

    I think that if you want to raise awareness of injustices by the US gov't, it's probably a mistake to do so accompanied by a quote from Timothy McVeigh.

  12. Originally posted by cmb1975:

    Sarcasm noted....

    This all goes back to the original argument of do two wrongs make a right? If they kill, then does that give us the right to kill, and if so can they kill back?

    Its a vicious circle.

    So he was bombing that building in response to this distroted sense of righteousness that he has against the violence committed by the U.S.? I think he was hiding behind that. I love your signature and when I just noticed it, it gave me feelings of hope, pride, and even motivated me a bit. This guy would find a negative in your quote and then say he killed others because of it. He didn't want to see any hope. He wanted to be angry and hurt, maim and kill no matter what. He could have blown that building up at night when it was empty and made his supposed statement againt the gov't. He had not statement or purpose other than he wnated to be angry and hurt. He was happy that he could find negatives and use that as a front for his act. That is spineless and ignorant!

  13. Originally posted by karch:

    I was watching all these news programs yesterday. Some showed interviews of Timothy McVeigh that were taken like 4-5 months ago. Anyways in one of the interviews, McVeigh said that: If the US goverment uses violence, such as in Sudan, Afganistan, and Iraq. Violence should be able to be used against the US goverment.

    I think there rings a truth in that, that people don't really see. Our goverment kills so many innocent people, like in the areas of the world as was stated above. They don't get punished for it. The US goverment might be the biggest terrorist in the world.

    Uh, good point. Let's all bomb gov't buildings then!

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