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Posts posted by aemoc

  1. Hey nychunk, don't get too down on yourself! There's one girl out there who's perfect for you, you just haven't found her yet. But you will, just be patient. And when you do find her, it will be all the more special. (God, I sound so corny...)

    I must add that as a woman it is really refreshing to see that there are actually guys around who are into romance. It seems like a good 95% of the guys that I meet only want to get me into bed, which is pretty much a turn-off. I mean, I'm not looking for a serious relationship or anything, but at least an interest my personality instead of my body would be a welcome change...I was beginning to think that romance was a thing of the past, but then posts like this make me realize that maybe I'm jumping to conclusions.

    But enough rambling about me, I guess the bottom line is this: No, romance isn't dead. You yourself just proved it nychunk.

  2. What is robocock talking about??

    The most attractive thing in the world is self-confidence. I doubt that most people here actually prefer to club alone, but I have a lot of respect for people who don't have to rely on others constantly, people who aren't afraid to do what they really want to do.

    In the spirit of NYdancer, does anyone else have any great clubbing solo stories?? My lone nights out have resulted in parties in the VIP room in the best club in Paris, a crazy night partying with the Greek mafia in Athens, and even a trans-atlantic romance.

    Anyone else out there have stories of people they met or things they otherwise wouldn't have done had they not clubbed solo?

  3. DO IT!!! I clubbed alone practically every weekend over the summer (granted, it was overseas). It's kind of intimidating at first but you meet so many fun people that you might not otherwise. I even still keep in touch with some people that I met in clubs while I was alone....

    In my opinion life is all about having fun and being open to new experiences and new people, so go for it. Plus people will think you're even cooler for having the balls to fly solo.

    Just remember to be safe!

  4. Hey Tomix,

    Where do you go clubbing in Paris? I spent the summer there and wasn't terribly impressed with the scene. The places I went to most were Les Bains and Rex...know of another other (more underground) places for next time?

  5. You're all quite right...

    A little annoyed at the extreme cases...I mean, anything could be considered a gateway drug. I think it was simply the feeling of an escape from reality, not the actual drug, that got that girl hooked and led her to try other things.

    However, I was somewhat surprised (and pleased) that ecstasy wasn't completely portrayed as being 100% terrible. I liked the fact that at least they showed a seemingly normal woman whom the drug helped, without condemning her as an evil person. Overall not a spectacular show but certainly not the worst thing I've ever seen.

  6. You're all quite right...

    A little annoyed at the extreme cases...I mean, anything could be considered a gateway drug. I think it was simply the feeling of an escape from reality, not the actual drug, that got that girl hooked and led her to try other things.

    However, I was somewhat surprised (and pleased) that ecstasy wasn't completely portrayed as being 100% terrible. I liked the fact that at least they showed a seemingly normal woman whom the drug helped, without condemning her as an evil person. Overall not a spectacular show but certainly not the worst thing I've ever seen.

  7. Ah, oui? Vous etes vrais francais? Franchement il faut que tu perds l'attitude tres vitement...si non, le seulement chose que tu va trouver ici sont les putains degueulasses...mais si tu les veux, bonne chance.

    English...Lose the attitude or all you'll end up with are stupid sluts...but if that's what you want then happy hunting.

  8. Ah, oui? Vous etes vrais francais? Franchement il faut que tu perds l'attitude tres vitement...si non, le seulement chose que tu va trouver ici sont les putains degueulasses...mais si tu les veux, bonne chance.

    English...Lose the attitude or all you'll end up with are stupid sluts...but if that's what you want then happy hunting.

  9. Been looking for this song forever...

    Lots of drums, guy singing who sounds almost tribal...in the middle the song just stops and a voice says "Lord Have Mercy on My Soul"...then the music starts again.

    Fairly popular in Europe (heard it ALL the damn time in Greece) but not that much in the States...

    Does anyone know the artist/title?...Thanks!

  10. Been looking for this song forever...

    Lots of drums, guy singing who sounds almost tribal...in the middle the song just stops and a voice says "Lord Have Mercy on My Soul"...then the music starts again.

    Fairly popular in Europe (heard it ALL the damn time in Greece) but not that much in the States...

    Does anyone know the artist/title?...Thanks!

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