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Posts posted by lesdig

  1. Originally posted by xtcgspot

    im a fawkin asshole :( most of the time i really dont think before i do somethin. i've known that for a while. but i really found out today how much of an asshole i am. and it hurts people around me. and i dont know how to change, no matter how hard i try. :( i dont know what to do with myself anymore. sometimes i feel like life isnt worth living :(

    Hey, if I didn't know any better, I'd swear you were my

    exboyfriend...the two of you sound like you have A LOT in common:( :(

  2. Originally posted by cgm

    Well, I think I give new meaning to the phrase "couldn't get out of bed"...I went to AC this weekend and got NO sleep, got home last night around 11:30 PM, called ot sick today because I could not even open my eyes, and just got up! What is that, like 15 hours of sleep? And Im STILL tired!

    wah, wah, wah!!!:cry:

    hey, some of us know how to party and manage our jobs together...SKIRT!!!!!!


  3. Originally posted by cgm

    My girls and I used to live for The Party 2001 by Kraze....I used to level people trying to get out to the dance floor the second I heard the first "Excuse me...."

    And of course, the obvious, like Sweet Dreams and To be able to love...

    Well I would definitely have to agree with you here, but I also have to add one... I wanna dance with somebody, sorry Car, I know how you feel about that one:)

    Hey car-

    I think you forgot one....Smoke machine...you know, that Suinday night when it lasted for around 2 hrs. the only song we heard the WHOLE time we were there:confused: :confused::)

  4. Good God, where to even begin, or should I??? First off, let me preface this by saying that I do not fit into any of the ignorant categories listed above, but I must comment. Did you ever go to school???? Exactly what language are you speaking, you sound soooo completely IGNORANT. I teach 4 year olds that could probably spell better than you for God's sake! So where exactly do YOU get off making comments about fat, ugly. etc. people?????

    Word of advise buddy...get to the gym, FAST!!! There are only about 4 months left until Memeorial Day weekend, and If I were you, I wouldn't be showin off that bod... I guess it all makes sense, you feel inferior, so in order to make your self feel better, you put down others. How sad.........

    Oh, and another bit of advice, try thinking before you speak next time...it helps:) :)

  5. I definitely agree here...Jersey is the best. I mean its all about the location, nice and close to the city and a short drive to the shore...what could be better. Oh yeah, and to all those who talk trash about Jersey...Don't be a hater...just stay the Fuck out!!!!!!:mad:

  6. I must agree, last night was probably the most crowded I've ever seen that place and that one bouncer at the door definitely thought he was God or something. I understand that it was extremely crowded and all, but for him to be throwing attitude at absolutely everyone for no reason...where the hell does he get off??? Howver, I must say, somehow I managed to have a great time even with the insane amount of people in there....may have something to do with the fact that R.J. was with us, right Car??:) :)

  7. Originally posted by tempkid

    Why don't you stop bitching about people bitching!

    People bitch about everything. I find it so funny how people on these public message boards take everything so serious.


    Hey Tempkid...

    Heres an Idea...Why dont you shut the Fuck up!

    Just Kidding...Why is it that everytime I see you your getting thrown out of one place or another????:confused: :confused:

    Oh yeah...and CGM, this comming from the biggest BITCH of all...How IRONIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D :D

  8. Aside from the obvious hygiene thing, bad breath, messed up teeth, etc. I would have to say a major turnoff for me is an extremely CHEAP guy. I mean its one thing if you dont have the money...its a whole other story when you have plenty of money but your too damn selfish to spend it on anyone besides yourself!

    Oh yeah and a guy who spends more time making himself "pretty" than you do...thats a definite turnoff!:(

  9. My strangest K experience (amongst the many) would have to be at the Factory last year. I was there with my best friend of many years. It was just the two of us and I guess I got really quiet and completely stopped talking to her. We were sitting on one of the couches and all of a sudden I was walking around in China town...so I thought! Everthing around me was chinese, the people, the streets, even the lights turned into those wierd chinese lights. I was like some stranger in a completely foreign country. Then she tried talking to me and I apparently looked at her as if i had never met her and said, "I don't even know who you are" as if I were confused as to why she was talking to me! It was real wierd...I have no idea the signifigance of the whole chinese thing!:confused: :confused:

  10. Well it all depends on what scene your looking for. If its Belmar you want then I cant really help, not a big fan personally. But if your interested in Seaside and the whole Temps, XS, Surfclub thing then maybe I can. Myself and four friends have a house in Ortley for the second summer, about five minutes from Seaside. This works out really well, because we kinda get the best of both worlds in a sense. During the day we don't have to be subjected to the seaside trash, since we use the ortley beaches and at night we're a close distance to all the clubs, either walking (God knows its been done plenty!) or driving. If you are interested in Seaside/Ortley we used Crossroads Realty in Lavalette, they were really helpful and thus far no problems. Hope this helps some...Good luck! :)

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