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Everything posted by pipdaddy

  1. that woulda been george o'leary if i recall...hahaha. what a dumb fuck he was. willingham is the faaaaawking man. i got a little nervous there towards the end when the usual powerful defense let up that td.....charlie rogers is a playa. but alas, the irish pulled it out. to be honest with you, miami hasnt really shown me much..... i hate to say it, but it doesnt look like ANYONE in the country can beat them
  2. 2nd cd, track 3...go to about 2:45 i can almost FEEEEEEEEEL myself at tempts again.... then track 5 at about 2:38..... it woulda probably been around 1:45am.....mothafuckin africa
  3. fuck yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah. go irish :D :D :D
  4. hey, how did you make it metro last night? i thought you were in jail after you ran onto the field thursday night to try and break that first base coach's teeth....tell your dad to put his shirt back on...hahaha
  5. well now you're just gay....fag and gay shouldnt be used in the same sentence. its like a double negative or something...l-o-s-e-r im an editor:laugh: i like to edit all day and night i edit edit edit edit
  6. did you get your mail yet focker? you're welcome don't mention it. i'll break your teeth next time i see ya
  7. kimmie, you're gay. go to sleep already
  8. duh......feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeg
  9. weeeeeeeeeeerd. barry and hum melody..sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
  10. ehhhhh. whatever. for a friday night i had a great time. thanx to prime for the hookup, thanx to barry for the muzzzzik, thanx to dancaruso. for being there and listening to the "king of drama", thanx to spygirl for the shots and intros, thanx to joey for catching the yellow fever and driving, thanx to jay for letting me look at that BEAUTIFUL girl's boooobies , thanx to hunnie for being a hottie, thanx to notallthere for being ALLthere, thanx to doublelay for being cool, thanx to thepulse for i dont know, and thanx to anyone missed....im tired and going to sleep. put those damn pics up already spybitch
  11. platinum is on the list of places to go....its just a matter of getting some people to come with me...
  12. i knew i was a mets fan for a reason. this article explains it all . no wonder they sucked sooo bad this year. they smoke up before every game and forget to play baseball... Valentine: I've seen signals, but nothing definitive -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Associated Press NEW YORK -- A newspaper reported Friday that at least seven New York Mets smoked marijuana this season, and manager Bobby Valentine acknowledged being worried about drug use on his team as far back as spring training. "I've seen signals, but nothing definitive,'' Valentine told Newsday. General manager Steve Phillips denied there was a "rampant'' drug problem on the team. Former Mets reliever Mark Corey, traded to the Colorado Rockies in July, told Newsday he smoked marijuana just before having a seizure in a parking lot outside a hotel near Shea Stadium in June. Several newspapers reported that Mets teammate Tony Tarasco, who drove Corey to the hotel and was with the pitcher when he was stricken, had used marijuana with Corey. Tarasco and Corey are two of the at least seven players Newsday refers to in its story. The newspaper cited sources close to the team alleging the drug use. "After the one incident we had, I addressed the team about this stuff specifically, about how foolish it was, how it was illegal and how embarrassing it could be for it to continue,'' Valentine told Newsday. A top team official told Newsday that Valentine confronted rookie reliever Grant Roberts about his suspected usage. The Mets told The Associated Press they would not comment on the story but would issue a statement later Friday. New York (73-79), already eliminated from postseason consideration, is ending a disappointing season that began with talk of contending for the playoffs. Major league players are not subjected to testing for marijuana. For the first time, players agreed to mandatory testing for steroids last month as part of the new labor agreement. The testing will start next year. "It's hard enough to play this game if your brain is normal,'' Mets first baseman Mo Vaughn said. "I don't know if it's a problem on this team. I hope to God it's not. "If there's something going on, we need to correct it.'' All-Star catcher Mike Piazza said the reported drug use would be "kind of disturbing'' if it's true. "I'm not against having fun,'' he said. "For me, it's having a few beers, if you're of age. You have to blow off steam somehow. But you'd think guys at this level would be completely focused on their careers.''
  13. CRAZY...absolutely crazy. those guys must have been drinking bud all night
  14. 33 is my new low....and i absolutely COLLAPSED on the last 2 holes....van de velde style... randy said he's averaging 23...i call bullshit
  15. approx. 245 by my quick count. joey, 45 is low round. send the link to r-bone and try to BEAT THAT!
  16. for a good time call = 917-921-0541. ask for V-bone
  17. http://www.people.fas.harvard.edu/~pyang/flash/miniputt.swf wow. i think i just played mini golf for 2 hours ....
  18. QUIT NOW. not to sound like a dick, well actually i dont care, but your team is terrible. why do you have 3 qbs and 1 rb? alstott and morton dont count as rbs
  19. i gotch yo ass! love always, yo teddy bearrrr
  20. what about lizzzzz-adies. i like my women hairy. don't steal my stuff
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