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Posts posted by duckets

  1. nightcrawler...the ones i got had little yellow dots, so if it's like you said, it probably wasn't e. i just got a test kit though, so next time, if there is one, i can test the pill first.

    I was about ready to give up on e...but then the test came in the mail and I gotta give it a try. i don't drop that often, so you would think that I'd roll pretty good, but lately all I wanna do is sit down. And the night i had the pikachu pill, I hated everyone and felt like less of a human being.

    All I want is a good pill!!!


    "A witty saying proves nothing."


    [This message has been edited by duckets (edited 02-23-2001).]

  2. I was at exit with a few of my friends, we happened to be leaving around the time of the wizard of oz show, which was the only thing that caught our attention thaty night, maybe it was the pills we were on but we thought besides the show, it was the most boring night ever. i guess that's why people over 21 shouldn't go to exit on a friday. None of you that went were digusted by all the gross people there like we were? I'm glad you all had a good time, and like i said, maybe it was just the pills we were on, but I think we're done with going there on fridays.

    But, in any event, I'm glad u guys had a better time than we did.



    "A witty saying proves nothing."


  3. has anyone taken these recently? i took one last night after hearing good things about them and it sucked. I was bored, I hated every piece of music I heard which is strange bcuz I heard a lot of songs that i normally love! I didn't feel like dancing, or moving for that matter. It wasn't a dopey pill cause I was rolling pretty good, and was having a good time with my friends, but I was bored with the atmosphere. Then all today I have had the chills and I haven't slept but one hour.

    has this happened to anyone with these pills? and can anyone restore my faith in e, cuz after last night i vowed to never do it again.


    "A witty saying proves nothing."


  4. I can tell you about the first time I was rolling and I bugged out while driving home on the Belt Parkway (those of you from Brooklyn or Queens etc, may be able to relate....). It was 5 am and I thought(key word..thought) that I was ok to drive...all of a sudden, traffic starts to build cause the drawbridge was up and I freaked! I didn't know the drawbridge was up cause I was too far away too see it. I was sitting in traffic for what seemed to be eternity... and I started to get really hot, my fingers and toes started tingling, probably cause I was sooo nervous and I almost passed out. Thank God for a cell phone cuz I called my cousin just so I could hear someone's voice. SO, why take the chance driving if you don't really know what to expect?!? I guess that applies to taking e in general...lol.

    Be safe.


    "A witty saying proves nothing."


    [This message has been edited by duckets (edited 02-13-2001).]

  5. I was just wondering if anyone else get the shakes right before they drop a pill? I don't know whether it's nerves or my body just trying to warn me, but right before I take a pill I get shakey like I have the chills or something.

    Ok, so yeah , maybe I'm just weird!



    "A witty saying proves nothing."


  6. ok so my input will be nothing like e-tarded, but my roomate is an avid valium taker, one puts her to sleep, we snorted it on halloween and felt nothing, so I wouldn't recommend snorting it. Take a few, no more than 3. We've taken up to 3, felt pretty good. Let me know what happens.

    Good luck. cwm13.gif


    "A witty saying proves nothing."


  7. My roomate is turning 21 in a few weeks...she's from Connecticut so she doesn't have a lot of friends here, and most of her friends can't make the trip to see her, so I wanna do something nice for her but I have no ideas.

    Any thoughts?



    "A witty saying proves nothing."


  8. hey just don't be a pushover. I too agree that it's disrespectful to you to let other guys touch her, let alone dance with her. and I also agree that there's a lack of communication. And I'm not sure if anyone mentioned this already, but if you have to worry about her constantly, than the problem lies more in you than it does in her. You have to be secure, and trust her. If you feel secure, and she still winds up hooking up with some random guy, the guilt is with her. Not you. You should't feel hesitant to ask her to be faithful, I thought that was a requirement of a committed relationship! And you definitely shouldn't ruin your night or your roll by having to keep a close eye on her for fear that she might cheat. Talk to her, but say more than you not wanting her to hook up woth other guys, tell her that it upsets you. Let her know that you won't tolerate it again, not even if she says that she didn't mean for it to happen. you deserve equal respect.

    Whew, that took a lot out of me. Now if only I could fix my problems.

    Good luck kid.


    "A witty saying proves nothing."


  9. i can think of a bunch but one that stands out is from "the house of yes"

    "is that a gun"

    "no it's a camera that looks like a gun"

    ..."it's being gunesque, gun-like, gunnonic"

    -ok, so not so good when you actually write it out.

    oh-and anything from "fight club"


    "A witty saying proves nothing."


  10. entrepreneur..

    i'm glad you brought this topic up, i have been debating about it in my head for a while. i miss the companionship-don't miss the drama, love being free, but miss someone to take a nap with, miss the surprise exchanges, but not the responsibilty. So what's a girl to do? been single over a year-is it time to get back in the game?



    "A witty saying proves nothing."


  11. i'm with the other girls on this one. Most of the time, and may I stress MOST..those guys are all sweaty and nasty, dripping all over you cause they decided to take off their tank tops and show off what steroids can do, they can't dance, and all they wanna do is rub up on your ass and shit when you're trying to dance!

    Just say NO to a juice head!

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