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About lbrooke8

  • Birthday 08/10/1977

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  1. Moonshine by Liberty???
  2. Actually, I have only been there once and I don't remember much except that it is packed.. Tomorrow there is a Fashion Escape party there..Doors open at 11, Open Bar from 11-12, Music by DJ Exacta and Ricky B..Lingerie Fashion Show at 1am...
  3. If your looking to go out in the city, Saci and NV are both good!
  4. Don't know if it has been posted before but slightly amusing! Men's guide to the club scene By: RAVER BILL 1. Don't wear a shirt that you can use as a mirror. * it looks as though it is your first time at the club, or are really just that cheesy? 2. Don't shop at places like Bang Bang. *The selection for guys is limited and too outrageous, you won't be the only one at the club wearing that ugly shirt. Besides, your lucky if it doesn't fall apart before you leave the house. 3. Always wear dark colored shirts. *If it is too light in color she will be able to see your sweaty armpits,not attractive! 4. Black shoes = black socks * This is not the fifties, and your not the Fonze. 5. No glowsticks * Grow up, you don't look cool, this is not a rave, and your wasting to much space on the dancefloor! 6. Arrive with girls * at a good club you will get in faster. * inside the club having girls with you makes you more attractive, it doesn't even matter who the girl is, it helps you look like less of a meatball. * It appeals to the competitive side of girls (they won't want you because you look good, they will want you because they think they are better then the girl you are with!) 7. Breathmints * do you really need an explanation? 8. Don't get too drunk. * its hard to hook up when you are slobbering on her. * yes, she knows you are drunk. 9. Don't carry a water bottle. * she'll know your on drugs, and good girls (or at least girl who think they are good) don't like that. 10. Don't use a line. * No matter what you say to her, its a line, and she has heard it before,try using hello." 11. If a girl wants you, she will make it obvious * if your not sure if she wants you, she doesn't, or her boyfriend is there. * and if you do get a smile, make sure it is an inviting smile, she may just be laughing at you. 12. If a girl asks you to buy her a drink, that is all she wants, you will be lucky if she stays until its finished. 13. Bring a pen (you never know) * you can't always read a number written in eyeliner. * let her write it down, since you already forgot her name (she will probably write her name next to her number). 14. If you do hook up, go wash the sparkles off your face before you go up to the next girl. She will know how they got there. 15. Condom? * OK, first off, the odds are your not going to need one, but the one time you forget it, will be the night you need one (life's a bitch). * If you choose to bring one put it in your sock, not your pocket, if you are dancing closely with a girl and she feels the condom in your pocket she probably is not going to want to use it. Keep your future plans to yourself until the time is right. 16. NO Cigars * What are you thinking? Do you really think a girl is going to want to go up to you when you are smoking some smelly ass cigar? (These are the guys who are usually wearing suits as well, trying to make themselves look important because they don't have any other excuse for being that fat.) All of these rules are based on my personal experiences or behavior I have observed at the club. Save yourself some embarrassment and live by these rules, I'm sure you will appreciate the results. WOMAN'S GUIDE TO CLUBS (from the male perspective) 1. If you wear tight fitting pants you must wear a thong. *don't think guys don't notice, that is one of the first things we look at. *If I can see panty lines you are tacky. 2. If you don't have the body to wear tight close do us all a favor and dress conservative. * I don't want to see your roles and I'm sure no one else does. * Just because your chest may be big doesn't mean you should wear a small top, especially a half shirt, I deduct a cup size for every role you have. (In other words a girl who is skinny w/ a B cup has a bigger chest to me then a girl w/ double D's and three roles.) 3. If you are a larger woman you should stay away from animal print clothes, you will look like the real animal in life size. 4. Anything that glows must go! * If I see a girl wearing a glow bracelet, necklace, tongue ring, or even worse using glowsticks I will look at her, laugh at her, and walk away from her. * Its just not ladylike, and makes you look cheesy. 5. I think it is time you girls left your glitter at home. * The sparkle era is over. * My dry cleaning bill is getting a little ridicules b/c of you girls and all your damn sparkles. 6. Don't make a fool of yourself. * Keep your dignity and don't dance on the bar or stage. * If you make a spectacle of yourself expect to get no respect, guys will talk to you and give you lots of attention, but when they walk away they will call you a whore. 7. If you are not Bisexual don't front like you are! * I'm getting really tired of these girls who are clearly strait going with other girls on the dancefloor, if you are bisexual good for you, but if your not stop crying out for attention. We get teased enough as it is. 8. If you are not interested in a guy don't let him buy you a drink. * If you let a guy buy you a drink it is only courtesy to stay with him for a little while, but do us both a favor if your not interested don't accept the drink, it saves us both time. * And if you ask me to buy you a drink I'm going to laugh at you because I know that is all you want! 9. Cowboy hats are getting played! * Yes, you do look cute in a cowboy hat, but its time to leave it at home in the barn, to many girls are trying it and now its played out. You won't be the only girl at the club wearing one so why do it. Its like showing up and every girl is wearing the same dress, by trying to be different you end up being the same as the rest of them. 10. Don't lie about your age. * we really don't care if you are 17 or 28 as long as you are truly interested. * We can usually tell when you are lying, and do our fair share of background check, so you will only end up looking like a fool if you lie.
  5. Has anyone heard anything about an anniversary party at Chaos this weekend? I wanted to go on Friday but now hear that there is this party on Saturday, which could make Friday not as good. Also, anyone know a <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> guestlist</A> ? Thanks.
  6. I would have to say Seattle was also my favorite..maybe it has something to do with fact I hooked up with Nathan last year! What a hottie!!!!
  7. Is she kidding? I am from North Jersey too..I think you should move.
  8. Seriously..your killing me too!
  9. I am from Jersey you idiot....I was saying that to defend Jersey people so everyone doesn't think we are as superficial as you!
  10. Seriously and don't use "NJ" in your screen name if your going to make comments like that.
  11. I go every damn weekend and have the best time! The music is awesome and boht the guys and girls are among the best looking in the city. Word of advice though..make sure you have girls with you to get in and use one of the smaller coat checks..the main one is a bitch to wait in at the end of the night!
  12. I totally agree...what I now realize is having a curvacious, veloptuous body is what makes a sensual, charasmatic woman!
  13. Last week I saw this girl who I personally thought had the body of a 12 year old, but all the guys around me were definitely in to her because she was so little. In your opinion do you like girls with the very thin, no hips, no shape stick figure look or do you prefer girls with some meat on them, curves, and a nice chest? Or does it not matter at all?? Any thoughts?
  14. Well, I am definitely one of those girls that goes alot and swears by the place...haha. I agree that the music is great and the crowd it good. Sometimes it can get a little annoying with long lines and stuff like that. For me who isn't into the whole Factory scene , it is the perfect type of place. The crowd could stand to get a little livlier. I personally feel that those dumb fashion shows or whatever they are totally kill the place for like an hour. People want to dance and they have those damn girls just parading down the runway and everyone is just standing around...they could definitely do without that..total buzzkill! Besides that I recommend it to just about everyone I know!
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