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Posts posted by chris817

  1. 1. They thought he had a gun.

    2. They hit an officer with the car.

    3. They hit a police van with the car.

    4. The BLACK officer was already firing when Mike got there.

    Are you illiterate?

    If they say that the first officer was justified, they all get off. If they say he wasn't, then it goes to Mike. And he will probably be justified because the other officers were saying there was a gun in the car and they were already shooting.

    I never mentioned race why would you? mike got a little overeager and shot 31 times.. 2x as much as the other officers

  2. exactly, you weren't there so shut the fuck up

    stop acting like you know what you would do in the situation, cause you dont

    First off don't tell me to shut the fuck up, second i'm not saying i know what i would do.. I'm saying that the cops should know what to do

    if there was a shooter than how come it has not come out??

  3. :funny:

    All I'm sayin' is you really can't sit behind a keyboard and say what someone should do in the line of fire.

    You weren't there.

    exactly i was not there, why b/c im not an undercover cop.. Your execuses sound like he was a civilian not a cop with training in these type of situations. he emptied and reloaded his gun and continued shooting

  4. Actually, I have a feeling he'll get off. He showed up after the other officer was already firing. Yes, 31 shots is excessive but there's no telling what any of us would do if you believed your life was in danger.

    The officers believed the dude in the car had a gun.

    The key word is believe the dude had a gun.. They did not.. So 31 shots were excessive... The difference btwn us and him is he is a trained undercover cop to act in these situations.. We are not

    If they get off the defense better show a 4th shooter.. If not people are gonna go ape shit, and well deserved

  5. DEF not ready and if it were up to me there should NEVER be a female or an African American as President of the United States. Unfortunately, it's not up to me so who knows maybe one day it will happen. God help us all if it does

    well George Bush has proven you don't need to be a white male to do a good job as president

  6. im not saying the repub's have anyone great either...but they are white males...i hate to bring racism and sexism into the discussion on voting for the Pres but Americans will...

    I understand that but my point is its too early to see who will win each nomination. we should be focusing on iraq and how to fix it

  7. haze...i thought so too...

    chris...i HOPE not...but i dont see much of anyone else being thrown in our faces as much as these 2...

    Well Bill Clinton announced his candidacy on October 3, 1991.. Thats about 13 months before the election. Who do the republicans have?

    romney? rudy, john mccain, brownback? no one i would really go nutty over

  8. Here's a listing of clubs in Manhattan for Sunday


    Or if you want a mix of all trade party, Junior's Red Party @ Pacha 9am - 8pm is the place (think late crowd of Victor Calderone)

    Late crowd with the strippers or without the strippers?

  9. Well thats why you need satellite radio..its the new medium for music and talk radio..no commercials and if there is any they're only about 30 seconds long.. Its uncensorred and you have every music genre u can think of. For what, a whole big 12 bucks a month.. thats a small price to pay for all the programing and selection of music. Did any of you hear Howard stern lately as well..its better than ever Sirius radio is the shiznit... Fuck regular radio shit is wack all you hear are the same 10 songs all day long anyway

    No doubt.. I have not listened to Terrestrial Radio in about a year.. Sirrius radio IMO is much better than XM

    Fly me with ballons

  10. yeh i think today and thru sat she will get a lot of coverage

    with all thats happened in the past 6 mos with her combined with the fact shes been some what of a pop-culture icon for 15 yrs now.

    that train wreck finally pulled into the station


    YOu wonder why people don't have any faith in the media

  11. We have the supplies, it's the people that we need, how about jumping on the band wagon for the win! Not all people support the president, that's obvious with your comments. It's just a job that we have to do. Just like the firefighter that doesn't want to run into a burning building, but still has to because it's his or her duty. Loyalty and Selfless Service. That's what is keeping the components united. If you'd like to really see how things are going on the ground in the "dirt".... try joining and see if your unit is going there. Then you'll truly get a sense of accomplishment.

    They have enough body armor? thats funny its one of the biggest complaints comming from soldiers.. It was even asked to Donald Rumsfield..Why are private security soldiers making 3x as much as regular soldiers? Why do families have to send body armor supplies b/c our govt can not supply them?

    I did support our president but his mistakes have cost kids lives who have loyaly and seflessly defended our country.. We needed more troops 3 years ago, now its a bandaid to police a civil war.. We barely have baghdad secure must less the rest of Iraq.. I would get more of an accomplishment in helping the many soldiers come home..

  12. Got you; I am lead to believe that by your statement that you believe that I am following a party agenda. Sorry, I am straight line independent. I don't take a side on one issue or another. I primarily gain my news from different sources, but the main focus of media would probably be the BBC. Also, I agreed that your material was worth publishing to enforce the idea of working together as a country. This has needed to be done for a long time now. As far as the negativity, my friend, you don't have to tell me how negative that area of the world can be. I know first hand.

    If you know this first hand then how can you support a president who does not let you accomplish the goal at hand?

    A president who does not give you the supplies needed on the battle front?

    An Administration who misguides the american public about what is really going on in Iraq?

    A president who flew into an aircraft carrier with a mission accomplished banner above him 1,367 days ago..

  13. I know he is looking to retire from djing soon and get into full album production. He just worked with Britney spears on her new album so i guess that's the direction he is looking to go. Who knows?? that flyer could also be a way to full all his up comming events leading up to that date. If he is done..its been a great ride and no one will fill his shoes any time soon. It could also mean it's the last pride party of the weekend.

    If he can make britnety spears sound good he should stick to full time production

  14. I cant wait for MORILLO's CENTRO FLY CLASSICS thats gonna be a fun party if he stays true that sound.


    That was my fav party in NYC for so long.. Thursday nights at centro fly, dance all night. Hit NYSC take a shower and suffer through a long day at work.ahh memories

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