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About clunedoge

  • Birthday 04/27/1976

clunedoge's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER IS SOOOO HOT. The Fat girl comes in a close second.
  2. does anyone remember Hana Barbara? The king of saturday cartoon creations. The muppets were always good too.
  3. Sandstorm and Blackout by Embargo are the two fatest songs out. These two get me and many other people in the best Vibe. Whats your Vibe setter?
  4. I went to this club in Philly called Envy on a night that they were have a foam party. This place was jumpin! Everyone was up to there necks in foam. Well i was out on the floor doing what i do best, Dancin. The floor had gotten real slippery after a while. I was dancing near the group of girls when all of the sudden i slipped. When i was falling i put my hands out to catch myself. On my way down i mistakenly had grabed this girls bikini top. Her top and i fell all the way to the floor, revealing her beautiful breasts. I thought i was going to get a slap, but she just kept on dancing in the foam. I politly gave her her top back and appologized. Till this day we still talk.
  5. I totally agree with you nessalove.
  6. What is the crowd like at tunnel? Do you think that these new DJs will bring a different crowd? I am dying to go, but every time i get a chance to go no one else can go.
  7. Hey nessalove! I have been wanting to go to Tunnel, but i have never gotten to go. Everytime we would make plans to go we would end up at Exit or somewhere else. How is Tunnel? What is the atmosphere like? How is the music? Let me know thanks.
  8. Thanks for the suggestion. Oh yeah does anyone know if Twilo gets as packed as Exit?
  9. Hey Lips! Josh Wink is pretty good. If you never saw him, I would defineltly go see him. What is your opinion about EXIT and TWILO? Which do you like better. I have never been to twilo, so i was wondering what it is like? Is there any comparison of the two?
  10. I went to EXIT for the first time on Friday and I loved it. The DJ on the main floor rocked the house. He played some good hard house all night. I was wondering if S.F has the same atmosphere as Exit? One thing i didn't like about Exit is that is was jam packed with people, which if fine, but there were a lot of people on the dance floor not dancing. They were just standing there. If your not feeling the music the Dj is spitting out then step off the floor. Is exit always that crowded? How is S.F compared to Exit? [This message has been edited by clunedoge (edited 01-15-2001).]
  11. Hey i went to exit for the first time on friday, and i had a great eXperience. I know what you are talking about with the virgins, cause i saw it myself. I might be an exit virgin but i have been to lots of other clubs all over and i know what to experience. Maybe some people don't know how to handle the Dj and the mood of the whole crowd. There are some people out there like myself who know how to get the feeling out of the club. I have one question. Does Exit always get that crowded, and it seemed to me that on the main floor not everyone was dancing. Lots of peple were just standing there. If your not going to dance and get in the vibe then why stand in the way of others that are totally in the moment of the music?? [This message has been edited by clunedoge (edited 01-15-2001).]
  12. [img]http://bbs.clubplanet.com/ubb/smilies/cwm11.gif[/iM Hello all! I need some info about Exit. I am a first time visitor to the club. i am going tonight, is Fridays a good night there? What is the dress code? Is there usually a line to get in and what time does it the line usually get long? Thanx
  13. Whats up club heads! Hey i am a first timer to exit tomorrow night, can anyone tell me how good or bad it is? How is it on Fridays? What is the dress code? Thanks
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