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Posts posted by djmoonshine

  1. ... i dunno... maybe this is hard to believe but a guy could have a metro card and if he was chill and i liked him it wouldn't make a difference...

    but then, maybe that's why i don't have a guy... gotta be more high maintenance... thats what you boys like, no??

  2. Originally posted by phuturephunk

    . . Its all in how you carry yourself . . .

    i agree.

    but you know what? you guys as usual only look at things from your perspective... what about girls? i have to deal with guys always going for the hot, blonde, slutty, big-titted girl who wears gucci, prada and has a fendi bag... so fuck you guys too...

    i'm chill... i don't think i'm hideous... i'm not stupid... what's wrong with me?!!!!! :blown:

  3. Originally posted by joeg

    a "serial bride"... lol... matt damon is awesome... Ben is lucky Matt was trying to talk him out of it...

    Ben should tap that shit, and go the fuck home... So atleast when him and his hollywood buddies are all sittin around, drinkin beer and tellin stories... he can say "I got with jlo" and not "i have to go home now, she'll be mad if i'm late..."

    p-whipped moron...

    im pretty sure he already tapped that... quite a few times actually... and if he hasn't - he's a fuckin moron...

  4. Originally posted by dgmodel

    Everything Costs money... you name it... its cost something...

    finding the one to kiss costs money, with out it you cant kiss the one you love, making love costs money b/c you have to buy a condom, you have to buy a bed, you have to buy a car, you have to pay for a motel/hotel room, a couch, a floor, something anything.... walking on the beach costs money, cause you cant walk naked, you need to be clothed, you need to get there some how, and some beaches you need to pay to get on... reading a book costs money, you have to buy the book, or you have to join the library, sunset is free, absolute dirt free, but do you think homeless ppl look up and say "dang, thank GOD that shit is free or Else I wouldve had to walk along the E train and ask for money to see a sunset... hi im homeless i havent seen a sunset in 5yrs can i have a nickel" basically everything costs something... theres nothing in life thats free... except i think air.. but if you get sick then you have to buy it.... fucked up right? way to kick a man whiles hes down...

    yer just ... ugh... yer just so damn depressing marko... :blown:

    if you believe that then you cant ever be happy without money? there's no hope for me... :hang:

  5. Originally posted by danamdkny

    well not having a car sucks let me tell you-- it's the second time for me :(

    you cant even get to the free places =-- like the beach - or wherever-

    unfortunately - society has set this world up based on Monetary substance

    grrr :mad: I wish everything I loved to do was free :(

    you can't get to the beach without a car?? take the train (not free, but you can get $1.50 somehow) ride a bike... something!

    i hate people who dont know how to get anywhere without a freakin' car...

    i'm curious as to what everything is that you love that costs money??

    kissing the one you love cost you money?

    making love requires money?

    walking on the beach costs money?

    ... reading a good book?

    ... sunset?

    i mean yeah, i won't deny that you need money in life... you can't escape it, but i wouldn't go as far as saying that everything i love in the world costs money... that's def. not true...

  6. ahhhhh mugz i haven't gotten a chance to see it yet! i promised my dad i'd wait for him and i'm dying!

    he turned me on to tolkien last year and i'm such a huge freakin fan... ahh!

    when i see it ill def let you know... i cant wait...

    btw... im gandalf... :grin:You are Gandalf

    Old and wise, quick tempered and even quicker to laugh, Gandalf is an organiser, a guide, a leader, a friend, and a source of wisdom for the Fellowship.

    He is an intellectual, but he appreciates people for all their qualities.

    While dedicated, he values life the enjoys a laugh when he can spare it.

  7. Originally posted by dgmodel

    absolutely same here... i have certain colognes that i wore at certain times, and when i wear them again... they bring back wonderful memories... same with when i sometimes catch of wiff of a passing female, and she's wearing a parfume of an old flame or if i walk past a candle shop blah etc...

    OMG! i'm def. like that... ! :drool:

  8. Originally posted by tastyt

    I'm pretty sure Moonie knew what you meant. No one here is arguing that drugs are a good thing (although that is an argument, we'll not touch upon it right now). What we ARE arguing, is that it is INDISPUTABLY wose for someone whose brain has not yet reached maturity. There are a lot of factors to consider besides the physical effects on the growing brain, which in and of itself should be an enormous factor.

    As Moonie pointed out, someone that young isn't really able to make an informed decision about something like that... it's a scientific FACT (watch TLC if you don't believe me :) ) that the teenage brain is not yet equipped with adequate impulse control or judgement (among other things). Therefore, someone who's 16 is unlikely to be able to make a sound decision about taking a drug that's as powerful and damaging as E. And once he starts it, he's more likely to abuse it than someone a few years older, whose brain has developed better impulse control.

    right on the dot... as usual~ :grin:

  9. Originally posted by kaligirl

    I am not so sure that she knew what I was saying, thus her response.

    i was just pointing out that they are still not good for you when you are older either. That is all!!

    Originally posted by moonie

    yeah ok, drugs are bad. period... doesn't matter how old you are BUT they're so much worse for young kids...

    u m m m . . . .? ? what does that mean?? :confused: just wondering... cause to me it sounds like i said that drugs are bad no matter what....? no...?

    i wasn't jumpin down yer throat... it's not that serious...

  10. Originally posted by kaligirl

    I am an old fart and I agree with ya about people talking shit about the yongsters doing drugs. There is no minimum age limit on drug use.

    Its not better for you when you get older. Drugs are not good for anyone of any age!!

    no minimum age? yeahhhh... you sound reallllly intelligent... why not give pills to 5th graders... might as well prepare them for what's coming... :rolleyes:

    yeah ok, drugs are bad. period... doesn't matter how old you are BUT they're so much worse for young kids...

    yeah they're brains are developing and shit but come on... they're not even old enough to make proper decisions... i didn't drop till my freshman year of college... college seems to be the time when you start experimenting... like shroomy said... go drink and smoke and shit but stay away from anything else...

    if nothing else, at least it'll give you something to look foward to...

  11. Originally posted by cosmonaut

    Shrooming in clubs isn't something I personally would do, although some people like it. Shrooms for me are an intense, spiritual/psychological experience. The more I trip, the more I don't even categorize it as a recreational drug anymore.

    ive only shroomed once and i def. agree... i would never ever do it in a club...

  12. Originally posted by phuturephunk

    . . New York is dope, you gotta have the hustle though . . or You sink . . . :smoke: . . .

    definitely true... you def. gotta hustle your shit to make it in the city...

    for those who say the city is all grime... chillllll... there are some amazing neighborhoods in brooklyn...

    ehh... everyone thinks they have it bad... but somewhere, someone else def. has it worse... keep that in mind people...


  13. Am I wrong for loving the early darkness of a day?

    Sky stained with azure, crimson, purple

    The grass and exhaust of Union Square

    This cup of coffee in my hands remains unsipped…

    i like the smell.

    Mouth on shoulder blades

    Tonguing syrup of time

    Bitter taste of perfume on her neck

    Eyes dilate… sighs decontaminate

    the Silence

    The measured choreography of that moment

    Familiar body parts, distinctive smell. She’s not

    the same.

    Symphonies in her rapid pulses

    And intakes of atmosphere

    Parents due back any minute but take your time

    The city outside the glass panes slows as her hands cup

    His face and the rumbling of trains matches his


    Dabbing lips dapple

    And flesh mechanics rust.


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