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Posts posted by italianp7

  1. no way man.... if that place closes then all of the trashy people that go there from in and around the city will pollute the other clubs... let them have their "clubbin"...

    no joke i was there once... this bouncer ( a real hardass) was just yelling at people to move... some dude was walking with his girlfriend and the bouncer was yelling at him... so the dude was like "dont fucking yell at my girl man, we're moving as fast as we can" then the bouncer was like "who the fuck you talking to nigga" then the kid with his girlfriend told him "go fuck yourself" then the bouncer ran up to the kid who was walking down a flight of stairs and was like "fuck me nigga..... fuck you" and proceeded to try and throw him down the stairs while other bouncers pummeled the kid..... the place is fucking trash... id rather party at the cheesey nyu bars...

    shit like that happens EVERYWHERE.. ive never seen any of that at webster yet but im sure it does happen... but the worst ive seen has been at Deep there bouncers are the fuking worst,,, in 1 night i saw the same 2 bouncers beat up over 8 guys and 2 of them were dragged down the block and they picked up and punched again

  2. italian .. the mgmt sucks big time .. they are the owners of WH .. and they are the ones managing it .. that is why they are not fired ..

    as for ppl got fired .. there are so many of them .. those assholes mgmt of WH sent a lot of people to the street looking for other jobs .. they did not give them chance .. and just treated them very meanly .. like any big american corps ...

    as for the music . i guess we agree on this one ..

    as for who plays what .. u r right .. most of the DJs there are told by mgmt to play certain music .. but i dont think avery can do better anyway .. coz he is family with WH owners and that is all he can do .. the guy has limited abilities .. lets face it ...

    and yes .. silver .. rick was good DJ ..and be played his thing . and he did a lot of favor to WH making people realize what good house music is .. that is probably why he got fired .. :(

    as for the mgmt at the door .. dear .. this situation happened to my friend who was with me . so it is not a BS .. it is a real story .. and you are right . they might have honored their passes sometimes .but obviously they did not some other times ..and when u r run a club . u gotta be consistent ...

    as for the bouncers and the dancers . what are yo talking about ?????? the bouncers changed at least 2 times in the past 4 years ..

    if u dont agree with me . then can u tell me where is "Diana" the black hair kick-ass dancer?? what about "Mary-Ann" .. the great blonde dancer?? .. ok. what about some of the bouncers like .. shawn .. or eric .. or .. others .. they are all fired babe .. for no fault of theirs except that the mgmt ther is sooooo dictator style ... .. OK . what about Brian .. the floor manager ??? he was fired .. he works now in deep 718 session club (i am not sure of the name of the club) ... as well as the iron-chiek .. the previous WH bouncer . he works there too .. OK . what about the dude who used to walk on those loooong sticks .. he got fired too . and he was the MOST friendly person in the whole world ..

    so don't tell me i am just pissed .. i am mad .. coz those assholes mgmt dont have any consideration to people's lives . or careers ...

    and YES . i went to WH for more than 10 years .. and i still have great memories .. from all the nice people i met there . including some of the local friends (regulars) who still go there .. and you know .. when i went to WH i was always treated GREAT .. i never paid .. and i know everyone ..

    problem is . i could have decided to be selfish and just enjoy going there .. OR take a stand from what i saw was un-fair to all the GREAT people who worked there .. who got fired .. and I DECIDED TO DO THE RIGHT THING AND LEAVE THAT CLUB FOR EVER ....

    you don't have to do any of the things i did .. and yes .. WH is a good club to have fun in .. no doubt ..


    the MASK

    Like I said B4 Managemnet firing their staff from time to time doesnt and shouldnt effect someone from going to a club... how do u know they got fired 4 no reason? were u with them every single night every hr.. oviously u dont like wh.. then fine whatever but dont give it a bad name because ur friends got fired from there,,.. people dont go to clubs for the people that work there unless they were friends b4 that...

    and the free passes... workkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk... use them and tell me they dont work/./ cuz i know for a fact they let you use them.. ive done it many times... and the names of the dancers i dnt know and dont really care honestly about their names.. ..

  3. Ok 1st Of All Newbie... Learn How To Read....... Ya Boy "o" Aka Mask The 2nd.....

    Never Said It Was Mask Aka Dragon.... 2nd I Didnt Wanna Blow Up His Name So We All Call Him O On Here... But Thank U For Blowing It Up... .... Yeah Copycats At Webster Lol Ok... Whatever

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