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About nite-owl

  • Birthday 01/01/1950

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I think a lot of people on this site would like to know
  2. what is this problem between you and Nicky are you that pissed at him that every time his name comes up you get on and bash him I wish we knew who this bitter bitch is.
  3. I think the resident Dj should be Danny Teneglia , the famous Boris from the famous friday nite Roxy, or Jason P.
  4. I think that the Dj at (Metro South) should definitely be Danny Teneglia I saw him once at metro doing a guest spot he off the hook or Dj Boris does everyone remember Roxy fridays the best club to go to on a friday nite.
  5. I think that the Dj at (Metro South) should definitely be Danny Teneglia I saw him once at metro doing a guest spot he off the hook or Dj Boris does everyone remember Roxy fridays the best club to go to on a friday nite.
  6. I definitely agree with what your saying now but you are contridicting yourself because just the other day you said something that bashed Nick s just to backup your boy Louis keep it real and true
  7. Why do you always have something bad to say about Nick and something good about Louis they are both great Dj's just a little different in mixing styles. Also what is all the cracks about newbies I am new but I have more posts than you what do you have to hide????
  8. For a person with only four posts you sure got a lot to say about newbies unless you are some one else who is hiding under a different name whoever you are don't be jealous Nick is a great DJ and so is Louis so just relax .
  9. This is for SEXY27. what you can't read I said LUNA LOUNGE is a upclass lounge not a club but you wouldn't know about class. also I got nothing against Metro but I am glad I am not going because there will be simple minded people like you.
  10. YO! BASTARD apparently you can't read because the name of this place is LUNA LOUNGE it ain't no club it is an upclass lounge but with the name like bastard you don't know about class.
  11. TO SEXY27: if you knew what you are talking about you would understand what I was trying say luna LOUNGE is the best spot to be in my opinion and to the other 800 people in the place every week. also you say i am not a true clubber if i like it,well just like in the name it is not a club it is a lounge. you get it LUNA LOUNGE
  12. TO SEXY27: if you knew what you are talking about you would understand what I was trying say luna LOUNGE is the best spot to be in my opinion and to the other 800 people in the place every week. also you say i am not a true clubber if i like it,well just like in the name it is not a club it is a lounge. you get it LUNA LOUNGE
  13. i am sure that eddie is going to be great and i would go but i would rather go to luna were the crowd is a lot prettier then metro . that club was fun but to me it is played out but no offense to people who go there i used to be there every week who to see some of you at luna
  14. to tempkid: finally i read something that is true and not pointing fingers at no one. to me luna is a upclass lounge and is perfect for the people who love city lounges with out the city trips
  15. actually if you know anything about music you would know that Nicky is one of the most respected Dj around with the most updated music also he uses vinyls not only cd's like many other Dj's. I think him and Denny T will tear the roof off
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