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Posts posted by nite-owl

  1. Originally posted by whome:

    hopefully it is nickey sibila, so he can run that club into the ground also. He sucks, just ask anyone but him, you will hear the the truth.HE IS KNOWN AS THE CLUB KILLER, HE DESTROYS EVERY CLUB HE PLAYS AT.THATS WHY HE WAS FIRED FROM METRO, AND WILL NEVER PLAY THERE AGAIN!

    what is this problem between you and Nicky are you that pissed at him that every time his name comes up you get on and bash him I wish we knew who this bitter bitch is.


  2. Originally posted by a-tip:

    Don't you people understand that by what you're all doing ESPECIALLLY YOU DENNY, is giving bastard exactly what he wants?? now if there was no replys or comments made about his outrageously idiotic post, that bastard would not be getting his kicks off this?? c'mon people this is exactly what he wanted.. to have someone like denny tsettos come on this board to reply to one of his cowardly posts makes him wet in his pants. now i know how extremly mad you were denny when you read that and you couldnt hold it in.. when i came on this board and posted something about one of my close friends louis spinning somewhere, bastard came and totally ripped me and him apart and that was actually his first post.. what did i do when i saw it?? JUST IGNORED IT!!! gave him exactly what he didnt want.. people, cmon now, dont even give that piece of shit the satisfaction of wasting your finger strength.

    I definitely agree with what your saying now but you are contridicting yourself because just the other day you said something that bashed Nick s just to backup your boy Louis keep it real and true

  3. Originally posted by whome:

    i heard that almost everyone that posted and replyed to this bullshit are really same people. Notice almost all are NEWBIES!!!!! Nick, you will not become a respected dj this way, when are you gonna learn, thats why the only job you can hold is that tiny room in hoboken called the cady bar.Just be happy with it.Not one of these people ever posted anything about luna and now all of a sudden they were there and the music was better that normally,PLEASE! The music sucked, all old played out stuff, i felt like i was listening to one of those mondo discs. Cant wait to hear louis this week, the place just has a better feelig with louis there.

    Why do you always have something bad to say about Nick and something good about Louis they are both great Dj's just a little different in mixing styles. Also what is all the cracks about newbies I am new but I have more posts than you what do you have to hide????

  4. Originally posted by whome:

    Guys, enough is enough. I am not a nick hater.Facts are facts. He was fired from metro.He kills every club he works at, what happened to casablanca. The only dj job he has is at the cadalaic bar in HOBOKEN, and there is nothing wrong with that. The only thing that is wrong is trying to pump him up.ISNT IT FUNNY THAT ALL THE PEOPLE SAYING ANYTHING ABOUT NICK ARE NEWBIE WITH UNDER 10 POSTS, SOUNDS KIND OF FISHY TO ME."LUNA WAS PACKED CAUSE NICKS NAME WAS ON THE SIGN"?!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARE YOU CRAZY! It is like that every friday when louis is djing.YOU REALLY HAVE THE BALLS TO SAY IT WAS BECAUSE OF YOUR, I MEAN "NICKS NAME"? You need to get real and come back to reality. And i do not think you will be seeing nick at metrolounge.He was fired from there, ask anyone. i GUESS THEY WILL FIRE MENDEZ OR RYDELL FOR NICK...KEEP DREEMING.

    For a person with only four posts you sure got a lot to say about newbies unless you are some one else who is hiding under a different name whoever you are don't be jealous Nick is a great DJ and so is Louis so just relax .


  5. TO SEXY27: if you knew what you are talking about you would understand what I was trying say luna LOUNGE is the best spot to be in my opinion and to the other 800 people in the place every week. also you say i am not a true clubber if i like it,well just like in the name it is not a club it is a lounge.

    you get it LUNA LOUNGE

  6. TO SEXY27: if you knew what you are talking about you would understand what I was trying say luna LOUNGE is the best spot to be in my opinion and to the other 800 people in the place every week. also you say i am not a true clubber if i like it,well just like in the name it is not a club it is a lounge.

    you get it LUNA LOUNGE

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