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Posts posted by guinevere

  1. OK, because all the world needs is to listen to a guy with Hate for a name!!

    I don't understand how anyone could threaten someone so much that he'd be so agonized by them. Yeah, so they walk funny and look funny and don't dance very well, but why would you ever let them ruin YOUR night out? Besides, the music at Vinyl/arc is always so good that no crowd of people can do it justice.

    While you're whining about how bad nightlife sucks because some other goofhead has bigger muscles than you, I'll be dancing my ass off to the best music in the world.

    When did PLUR die? It was such a beautiful message. Now it's all about HATE. It makes me feel so sick and so sad, and I think I'm the only person who even cares....

  2. I had so much fun last night. I think I danced more than I ever have before.

    I love Vinyl so much. I left my coat on the bench in the back room all night and it never disappeared! He he, thanks everyone for not stealing it, lol. Kidding!

    SO I saw the guys with like the tooth necklaces and stuff. Board members, I gather. It's so funny, beause I probably saw every one of you last night, but I don't know you, though I read your stuff on here almost every day. Maybe I'll go to the next meetup....

    The vibe in there last night was awesome.

    :D :D :D :D :D

  3. Ummmm, hmmmm. The music was amazing, I just wish there had been a few more people there to enjoy it!! Very deep beats with pretty vocals, good for trancey dancing. I liked it very much.

    BUT... they closed at friggin' seven because there was no one there!! I wanted to cry. Hello, New York! Where are you! Home in bed, I'm afraid.

    I brought two friends who left half an hour after getting there. I hate that, like, oh well, now I won't be stressing about whether or not they're having fun here. I met some really chill people though, and I had fun. Thank god.

    SO was it just last night at Vinyl, or is the club scene really becoming a little less vital? Maybe you were all at Shelter or SF....

    Whatever. Even if all my friends go home and stay there permanently, I can still have fun going out. Ahhhh, I hope!!

  4. OK, boys, way to judge.

    Now then, she's not a WHORE unless she takes $$ for sex. She might be a SLUT, but


    If you have issues with her numbers, don't fuck her yourself. BUt don't all her a whore, or you risk sounding like all the oher assholes in the world.

    I don't mean to sound snotty, but I just hate the double standards that you're helping to perpetuate.

  5. HROARK:

    I just found out who John Galt is!!!!!

    It's an amazing book, but I wish it would end already. Atlas Shrugged, by Ayn Rand.

    Off topic, yeah. OK, on topic....

    I used to be what some people would consider a hell-bound, dirty, amoral slut, but then I met My Boyfriend and am completely contented with monogamy.

    Not the answer you were looking for!! Oh well....

  6. How bad does it hurt?

    What does it feel like *later*?

    How long do you have to wait before you can have sex again?

    ...and finally...

    Is it worth it?

    I wanna hear details!!! I'm curious. Does anyone have any stories to tell??

  7. Either I must answer affirmatively or it was a very realistic dream....

    I'm pretty sure that one time in the middle of the night (after having lots of sex earlier that day) while we were sleeping I woke my guy up and was rubbing on him and stuff and he got on me and tried to have sex, but then he was like, "I can't, I'm too tired" and went back to sleep. But then, I was asleep the whole time, just really really horney in my dreams, heh he. But I might have dreamed the whole thing, too, because my recollection is very faint.

    :confused: :confused: :confused:

  8. The info on your 82 future sex partner(s):

    11 of them will be female

    71 of them will be male

    And you will actually love 2 of them!

    Based on your answers, there's a good change that someone your know secretly wants you.

    OMG. I better get to work, ha ha. That's a lot of lovin'!

  9. I thought I was the ONLY one!!!! Oh, I'm so glad I'm not....

    Yeah, some of the things I've seen, just all these images jumbled together in my mind, like a giant hand holding a fork about to dig into a couch, or like a girl's torso with a curling iron shoved up her thing while sitting in a bowl if dirty silverware.....Among other things I've seen but haven't bothered to remember.

    I think it's just cause your brain is so scrambled it can't keep things straight. It scared me the first time I noticed it, like WTF is this? But now it's just plain entertaining....:D

    Ahhhhhh, I love drugs.

  10. Hmmmm....(considering morals).....

    My guy has similar needs to yours....

    What if we traded? As in, you use me, but then I get to use your girl with my guy.... I hope she's as cute as I am!

    I can't believe I wrote that!!! And people are gonna read it! Oh well, no judgements on CP, right? Sigh...

    I've kinda been craving a new dick to fuck, anyways. Four months is a long time....

  11. I've had one bi experience, and the whole time I was wishing the two guys that were there weren't there. It's not something I did to impress them; I just wanted to fuck the girl. And when I'm *all alone,* most of my thoughts involve girls more than guys.

    It's true that my guy does like this about me and that he wants to, uh, take advantage of my liberality, but I'm definitely not bi for his sake. Probably if we got another girl into the mix I'd spend the time wishing HE weren't there (is that awful? maybe I'm lesbian....)

    On another note, I definitely wish he weren't quite so hetero. It seems like we could have so much fun with some more boys to play with, he he he. I find bi guys to be very sexy.

  12. That article is right on. Everything is so accurate, like forgetting you have a body or going to other planes of reality. Or at least temporary reality.

    The magician part is cool. But I wonder if they were just cracked-out clubbers hoping to find a new source? Heh heh.

    Last time I bumped I swear I went to ancient Egypt. There was no time, like only eternity, no scale on which to measure time.

    How can people be afraid of this? I think it's so fucking FUN!!!!!

    "Hmm, to what ancient civilization shall I go tonight?"

    K is definitely my favorite. I wish there was a little more going around right now.

  13. I had this planned out for weeks....

    We meet up for dinner, get a bottle of wine, a couple beers later. OK. Back to my place. I tell him to shower cause he's still all sweaty from his workout earlier.

    He comes out. I tell him to lay face down on the bed, naked, of course. I sit on his rump, get a bottle of massage oil, and go to work. He get a full body massage from his neck to his toes and back again. Then I tell him to turn over. Same thing, from neck to toes and back, ignoring one specific part. He's so cute, he has this little smile on his face....

    Then I wipe the oil off my hands and replace it with this Tasty Lovin' cinnamon stuff I bought at Ricky's. It's a hot cinnamon lube, very tasty. OK. I go to work on him. I've never seen him so big or hard. Nice. He cums all in my mouth. MMmmmmmm.

    OK. So we chill for a bit, recovery time. Then I hop on. Yep. :D Had my first ever orgasm from actual sex. Very nice. Then sleep.

    Four hours later, the alarm goes off. He's still tired, so I figure I know a good way to wake him up fully... Again, blow job. A good one, too. Then he's in the shower and off to work.

    He heh he. I had fun. I think he did, too......:D :D :D :D :D

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