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Posts posted by guinevere

  1. My best friend is coming to see me this Thanksgiving. Well, I love her to death and want her to have an awesome vacation. However, she disapproves of my chemical experimentation-doesn't understand it and doesn't want to understand it.

    I have a rather nice kitty coming to visit me that weekend also. Do I save it for later or just do it at will in front of my friend?

    I can't decide. She's so sensitive about the whole topic, but that weekend is going to be INSANE and I wanna enjoy it!

    Opinions, please, folks. :D:confused::D:confused:

  2. Nothing feels better to me than having a nice dick inside me. No amount of oral or toys or anything will ever suffice unless it can be followed by FUCKING.

    I don' worship cocks, but I do love them. I love how they're all (most) so small and useless(comparatively---no offense intended, boys), then they GROW and GROW and GROW into these big angry things....

    I love how guys are so protective of their shit, like, "Be careful!" Not during sex, just in general.

    I wonder what it's like.....

  3. Trancend, it goes, "Do you know what it feels like to fuck on cocaine? This is what it feels like to fuck on cocaine: BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM...." One of my favorites, of course.

    I had sex last night after doing a rather large line of K. Quite nice. I was somewhat detqched from my body, kinda numb, ha ha, but it felt AMAZING. He liked it, too, had none of the problems we sometimes encounter after using other substances and shot LOADS.

    Very nice. I like this guy.

    :D:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

  4. Barvybe, I'd take ya up on all that, except I'd feel so incredibly guilty making you spend your unemployment check on me. I mean, come on!

    However, I just may get a picture to you and then eat nothing but ramen for the next week so I can afford the $20 for DD.

    DD are two of my favorites, too.

    If you're serious, I'm serious.

  5. Against a chain-link fence in the Cloisters in Manhattan at three am.

    In a hotel room bed with a rock star I'd met earlier that day, while the bass player "slept" in the other bed (don't ask; I won't tell).

    And, of course, in my parents' bed.

    I'm still very young, gotta lot more craziness to do!!!!!

  6. OK, Barvybe, I'll take ya up on that offer TONIGHT, but only if:

    a.) you find me an ID that'll work at Centro

    b.) you find me a job that allows me to go clubbing more than twice a month.

    Sound Good?

    BONUS: just imagine the MOOD I'll be in.....;)

  7. Doggie allows for the deepest penetration. Feels like it, anyways. Plus it hits the G-spot, which is nice for girls, and it makes the dick hit the cervix, I think, which is the firmer thing in the front of the vagina way deep inside, which feels good for guys.

    It's my favorite. :D :D :D

    I'm going insane.

  8. Oh my God. I can't listen to it and not wanna fuck. Makes it a problem when i go to a club, he he he.

    Especially really banging house, or songs that say dirty things like, "Do you know what it feels like to Fuck on COCAINE?"

    Aaahhhhhh! Is anyone else like this?

    I NEED it to be FRIDAY already!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Sometimes you think it's done and then the sex makes more blood come out.

    She prolly didn't know she was gonna bleed on you. Don't blame her for it.

    Other thought: I've never met a guy who didn't want to have sex because of my period. They're always like, so what? Let's go!

    Just make sure the sheets aren't white.

  10. I like to get fucked. It's my favorite. Oral's very nice, but it's like a precursor to sex, not a substitute.

    Nothing feels better than a nice dick inside me. I never orgasm from it, only from oral, but I'd still rather get fucked.

    Both is best. :D

  11. Thanks, guys. Daemoncel, I think I like what you said. He should appreciate the things I love BECAUSE I love them, even if he doesn't. I wouldn't begrudge him his waterskiing simply because it's not something I want to do- I would just let him do it and hope he's happy.

    Im sitting here listening to my Oakenfold and am so happy, just with my music. I can't give it up; it's probably my true love. ANd I'd be unhappy with just movies every Saturday night. So either he accepts what I do or he leaves.

    I don't do that much, just to clarify. Rolls and K, a little coke. That's all. And not that often. I just talk too much.

    Anyways, you're all right in your answers. Thanks. And maybe I will showe him the post, just edit it a little first. That "love" part would prolly scare him off faster than a herion addiction!!

  12. OK, so I met the most wonderful guy five months ago and we've been chilling since. I'm like in love with this guy, I swear, but we talked this weekend and I can't decide what to do.

    He used to deal drugs heavily and has quit. He still does them, as do I, but is sick of the whole clubbing scene. I LOVE IT. It's why I'm in New York, it's why I'm happy, it's all I want to do. I love it. I met him at Vinyl (ha ha) and was so happy because I thought I'd have someone to go out with and party with all the time, which is what I wanted. We do go out, a lot.

    He said that he can't open up to someone who is as into drugs as I am because it scares him. Now, I'm no fiend. I do like my shit, and all kinds of it, but I'm no fiend. I do it twice a month at most, and even that's on a good month. He said that the more he opened up to me and ther closer we got, the more he';d want to see me and the more serious we'd be (duh), but he can't do that with the drugs in there. In reality, he probably does more drugs than me.

    If I want to be deep with this guy, which I do, I have to give up my fun evenings out, according to him. He's beautiful, he's amazing, he's wonderful, but is he worth it? He's sick of clubbing and wants to find something else to do with his time. I haven't even begun my nightlife yet!

    So I need help. Do I give up what I love for someone I might love? I'm sad. I want both together at once.

  13. :mad: FUCK THIS SHIT :mad:

    Shouldn't Sasha and Digweed be about MUSIC and not MONEY?!?!

    I'm so sick of how everything is turning to judging based on money. I guess more than just a club died when Twilo closed. Seems like the whole vibe is gone. Now you have to be society chic to go hear good music. And then there's the bullsh*t age discrimination factor: 21+?

    If this information is true, then I'll have to label S&D sellouts.

    I'm going to Vinyl. I love Danny. BE YOURSELF!!!!!!!!

  14. I'm like going insane right now. My bad to read about this stuff on a Wednesday afternoon. I'm shaking, ahhh!!!! FRIDAY!!!!!

    The posts with pictures of the stuff are the worst. SO MEAN!

    I WANNA HAVE FUN. And I have to wait for two more loooong looooong days. Oh, agony.:(

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