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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by markyhatter

  1. Qoute from Boa_boy - "the only sports that your country is good at you need to have your dick in one hand and a pint glass in the other" I think you will find that Lennox Lewis is heavyweight champion of the world and your very own rapist, Mike Tyson is too shit scared to fight him cos he knows he will get his dirty retarded, rapist arse knocked out. Says something about your country that your only chance of winning back the championship is by letting an alcoholic rapist out of prison to try for you! Ha... Anyway, you did not answer my question about the vietnam war, who won it?
  2. I would take your mum somewhere, right up the old shitter.
  3. Oh, I forgot to say, who won the Vietnam war and what was it all for?
  4. Toastednut... It is obvious from your posts and replies that most of you are pre-pubescent wankers. The only reason you get so many posts is a: Most are from club planet owners. b. there are 260 million sad obese wankers in america who have fuck all else to do with their time except abuse anything that is not american unfortunatlely all the great discoveries have been made by non americans with the exception of the silicon chip which was then developed by the japs cos the americans could not handle it. If any of you little boys can get permission from Mummy and Daddy to come over to the UK please bring lots of American flags so I can wipe my arse on them as I have clean run out of your sisters panties. Have a nice day arse holes!
  5. Should have stayed in London buddy.
  6. I think it is a liberty, unless you all love pop ups.
  7. Why do club planet have pop ups? It is a real pain in the arse.
  8. Thats real funny, cos we do not have 1 advert on the whole site sucker! If you hate ads, then it seems hypocritical that you post here as club planet have a shit load of ads and even the dreaded pop ups. i suggest you get you facts right before you make yourself look a prick in future.
  9. Thanks for the info! Strabge to hear they pick on Asians, but it does sound a god club. $45 for special occasions is a bit steep but then NYE in the UK loads of clubs charge betwen £50-100 for a ticket so we can't complain.
  10. Thanks for the info! Strabge to hear they pick on Asians, but it does sound a god club. $45 for special occasions is a bit steep but then NYE in the UK loads of clubs charge betwen £50-100 for a ticket so we can't complain.
  11. Just like to tell Jennifer Lopez how dear and near she is to my heart and that I will see her later so we can play our 'special' games. Love you honey bunny.
  12. C'mon, I am sure someone here knows about Twilo! PLEEEEEEAAASSSE can I have some info?
  13. Just to ask you, as I am an ignorant Brit who should know better, what makes Twilo so cool? Can I have some info on entrance charges, drink prices etc... do they have a website i can get the info? Thanks
  14. They do in London. Try Scala on a Saturday night, happiest vibe in town!
  15. So, have you calmed down yet, can we talk rationally?
  16. No way! We love Americans when they visit London, I remember last Summer in London, the American clubbers seem to have more 'up for it' value than the UK clubbers sometimes, ok, this could be cos they are on holiday but I have to admit, you like a good time! and therefore are welcomed with open arms!
  17. Definately not my style, thanks for the offer though.
  18. Oh dear, seems you got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning. You need to chill out, I am just trying to correct something that has been said. I do not need the us traffic, it would be pointless as we cater for the UK market only. As for the name calling, well done give yourself a round of applause, it really upset me. Anyway, just like to reiterate that I think club planet have the best forum and community on the net. Thanks.
  19. FYI Ab fab is about to come back to UK tv with a new series. I can video it for you and send it over if you like!
  20. Oh, I aint trying to cause an arguement either here, I do actually feel that club planet has the best forum and community on the net. Just would like to stop the aggro that is evidently still there and put it all to sleep. Anyway, have a nice day, and congrats on your amazing forum.
  21. Yup, that would be.... US! Ha, so to the post a few weeks back, saying we were 'cry babies' and that you won the vote, actually, you are wrong. We won, habds down once the cheating stopped. Fel free to check us out at www.clubberscafe.com or www.clubbersforum.net
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