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Posts posted by gambitrah

  1. San Francisco. :)

    Why do you ask?

    I find myself wearing trucker caps like they never went out of fashion.

    I'd say he asked cuz fashion is different on the east coast then it is on the west...as it is from the middle of the country.

    And trucker caps..really? ive seen some kids wearin em but dont see the appeal..i love ball caps but trucker caps dont catch my eye

  2. ive got the same question..im in Colorado if it matters. But looking for some new fashion to up the wardrobe a bit. Specifically sunglasses and different style of dress. I notice alot of guys turning to the "OC Look" as i call it. But I'm 31, in a professional job and cant do some of those "sloppy" looks...as much as i may like to because on the off work times im a cross between old skater, boarder..basically a little baggy and comfy.

    I can google fashion for the next few months but would like some live opinions from guys and gals. Guys: what are you wearing and styles, and Girls: what do you think looks sexy on a guy? OH and dont point me to the AC&F site or anything please...altho i noticed Express opened a few mens stores but they dont carry shit my size. (6'6 250, 40 (heading towards 38)\34 pants and xx large shirts) :)

    I'm basically a jeans\tshirt type of guy but willing to expand and get some sort of sense of fashion. :bounce::bounce:

  3. well if you're already going to a gym, don't they have personal trainers there?

    just make sure you pick someone that at least looks fit, half the personal trainers at my gym are in so so shape, and some are outright overweight. makes me wonder how people actually pay them money for nutritional and exercise advice.

    they sit there eating their triplecheeseburgers telling them how to lift..

    the gym i went to prior to my home setup had the same thing...i asked them about it before and all i got was "do what i say, not what i do" bullshit...but if your ass is fat how the fuck can u say u know how to get into shape if u cant apply it to yourself

  4. still on the wanting to lose bf % plan. cut my cardio down to 2-3 times a week and concentrating more on building lean muscle, to of course burn more fat :)

    i want to be in PEAK shape come winter for boarding this year...so i figure i got till Nov 1st to get to that goal.

  5. \

    running typically burns muscle, slow steady walking for long periods of time burns fat. (just out of curiousity why are you doing so much on monday?)

    Just following the routine setup in this workout. The gym has nothing to do with it for me as I have a setup at home.

    Would it be better to spread the areas out over the week? As it turns out I do more on Mon\Tues then any day of the week. And my Fri-Sun are empty. I was wondering if I should spread the workouts out more...

    I took the workout I based this on and removed any machines since all I have at home are free weights, so my workout for Monday is...(which I havent found is to much)...

    Decline Barbell Bench Press

    Incline Bench Press

    Flat Dumbbell Bench One and a Half Reps

    Bent Over Rows

    Non Peak Dumbbell Flys


    Side Laterals

    Front Raises

    Seated Rear Delt Laterals

    And I usually toss in 12-10-12 dips using the bench and a chair and 20-30min cardio

  6. saw on a cooking show if u eat alot of beans and dont wanna deal with te gas those can give u, one should soak them in water overnight (this one mentioned to use some lemon juice in the water). Not sure if the same thing works for Broccoli or not..may be worth a shot if u eat it alot

  7. your workout seems off balance if you are trying to build mass.

    you only have one day a week for each area, and it may only be good for sustaining the muscle you have now, if you want to grow you have to do at least two days for each area.

    try to jog before your leg workout too (as a warm up)

    what time do you workout?

    I'm initally tring to lose body fat. Once I get to a level of my liking I will change up to build mass. But of course while I lose BF I dont want to lose any mass either. I usually did jog before my leg workout as well, just wondering if its to much running.

    I workout in the evening after work. I know for fat burning it would be best to run in the AM, just havent gotten the passion to wake up that early yet. But I think thats one piece that I'll have to do regardless.

  8. So I'm starting to wonder if my 5 day a week running will be counterproductive to my wish to put on muscle mass. As I've read in numerous places it burns muscle, hence the lean (stringy to me) bodies of runners..which I dont want. From the limited reading I've done it sounds like 3 days of running a week is good for weight loss...it looks like anymore will burn the muscle I'm trying to add...

    My plan as of tomorrow will be:

    Monday: 20-30min run, Chest, Back, Shoulders, Traps

    Tuesday: Biceps, Triceps, Forearms

    Wednesday: 20-30min run, Abs

    Thursday: Quads, Hamstrings, Calves

    Friday: 20-30min run

    Any comments on the running part of it?

  9. Do you know if they sell the annual snowflakes too?

    Not sure, i'll look for the link but the main store has these on their site


    their online store is http://www.swarovski.com/index/

    they also have a store locator so u may be able to find one online thats less then the local retailer. B&M stores are expensive to upkeep, online stores arent ;)

  10. most of the time i wear a chain with a diamond pendant on it, but there are times where i like switching up with some costume jewelry to go with my outfits...especially now that i found a place in miami where i could get some good deals on swarovski jewelry...:bounce:

    there are online spots based outta Germany where Swarovski is made that you can get things up to 50% less then anywhere in the US. I found one last Xmas and got my mom a few things, for half of what they were anywhere locally.


    edit: just saw that one on their site..wow

  11. Possible side effects are: heart palpitation, trembling, irregular heartbeat, heart oppression, agita-tion, shortness of breath, excretion of sugar through the urine, excessive perspiration, diarrhea, weight loss, psychic disorders, etc., as well as symptoms of hypersensitivity." Our experience is that most symptoms consist of trembling of hands, nausea, headaches, high perspiration, and increased heartbeat. These negative side effects can often be eliminated by temporarily reducing the daily dosage. Those who use Cytomel over several weeks will experience a decrease in muscle mass. This can be avoided or delayed by simultaneously taking steroids. For the most part, since Cytomel also metabolizes protein, the athlete must eat a diet rich in protein.

    the bold text would make me never even think of taking this stuff. Man...taking a drug to get cut only to lose muscle mass and have to roid to counterbalance that and then probably take something to counterbalance the roids...sounds like a deadly circle to walk in.

    Great info tho!

  12. messing with a thyroid hormone just sounds like trouble to me. I'd rather have a little extra BF that takes more work to get rid of then fuck up my thyroid.

    so just read a few things on Clen.. is that something someone could use to drop weight for a short period..say a few months? Since (as i read) its like a 24 hour ephedrine type substance....

    Maybe i'm just to impatient..and if i dropped the weight with something like Clen, would it just rush back?

    I'd be willing to risk using something like that to reach my weightloss goals quicker then the "safe" weightloss amounts per month...

  13. You did to a point...but ur gettin a scholarship though...if u suck or get seriously injured they can yank it.

    been there done that..lost a full ride to CU Boulder for football due to an undiagnosed heart condition that lead to heart surgery when I was 19.

    "medical liability"

    fuckin sucked.

  14. I've taken Ripped fuel and its worked. I also work out regularly and eat a sensable diet. I felt it really helped me achieve that cut look

    it sounds like you were already in decent\good shape and had good plans to workout? or did you start from "normal" shape ?

  15. As far as Advil, I live on the during the season. The old joints get a lil sore now a days...

    you may want to look at taking glucosamine for your joints. I started it about 2 months ago and its working wonders.

    i dont see what the big hoopla is over taking advil\aspirin before working out..its a low end drug compared to a 800mg motrin or something similar.

  16. i tried the ephedra diet pills before and didnt see any particular loss of weight. if anything it gave me the energy to run and workout for days but i found myself hurting myself lifting more often then not. maybe it was poor form or lack of thought when lifting..not sure. I also didnt sleep for crap when I was on those.

    Of course i had an undiagnosed heart condition (along with hypertension apparently from this condition) and could have killed myself with ephedra.

    The general consensus ive always heard if they are useless...they just prey on the fat americans needs for a weight loss pill they can take while they drink a 6 pack of beer and eat a dozen doughnuts while waiting for the fat to disappear.

  17. I used slim fast for a while (i still use it)..here are my thoughts on it...

    - the canned stuff does taste like complete shit. Buy the powder (i used choclate delight, or something like that) and mixed it with water. I tried the strawberry stuff but dont like it, they have mocha\chocolate flavor to if you like that stuff. I made 16oz and drank 8oz on the way to work in the AM and the other 8oz either with lunch or a snack during the day. It worked well for me as a meal replacement so I didnt drink soda or eat snickers\donughts. The stuff is filling and satisfied my craving for chocolate.

    some of the "meal replacement" bars are actually awesome...most of em (to me) tasted like crap. I forget the name of the one type but it taste better then a candybar (IMO). As far as the vitimins i didnt really care about that since i take other supplements twice daily (multi,glucosmine, fish oil and vitc)

    I think it works well because you start off with replacing 2 meals a day with the slimfast and work down to once a day. If you use it in place of snacking on crap like candy, soda, bad popcorn, etc you will no doubt consume less calories. combine this with exercise and you should lose weight...

    just dont think you can replace solid food with slimfast because you cant and you'll do more damage then good in the long run doing this. i had a friend try this and he ended up in the ER.

  18. hope its a strain or micro tear as opposed to a full rupture. i would assume if it was a full blown rupture you would be on the ground crying right after it happened and would wish you were dead..seen one of those, NOT pretty

    ive pulled my hamstring before in football and soccer. I usually wrapped it up and was light on it for a few days and increased the amount of abuse i put into it. i have a high pain tolerence so...

    i would use a compression bandage or heat retainer until you feel no pain and also look online for some massage ideas to help it heal faster. anti inflammatory drugs (aspirin) wont hurt either...

  19. with tomato sauce, ok.

    with pesto or plain, horrible.

    barilla plus is a good alternative. one cup's worth has 17 grams of protein in it (almost as much as 3 eggs).

    this taste is close to that of regular pasta.

    amen whole weat pasta is nasty... i cant eat the shit even with a meat\tomato sauce. with pesto..might as well just flush that down the sink. i need to try Bailla...

    IMO its all about moderation.. I eat bread and pasta but in moderate portions.

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