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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by clubkitty

  1. we are looking for a house in ortley too.......i am counting the days until memorial day.........WINTER SUCKS!!!!
  2. whoops....that was my post.....i accidentally did it under clubangel's name!!
  3. ......changed my work schedule.......i will be at vinyl....in my running pants and sneaks @ 4am sharp!!!!! i am the happiest girl in the world!!!
  4. i didn't mean to offend you.......i just can't stand hip-hop or reggae.....but if you want to avoid drama.........you are on the wrong board:D
  5. me and teresadf are home from work today.....haha!! it was nice seeing everyone thursday!!! emmitt how was the tree????? tell your "neighbor" i said hi!! jbr...thanks for thursday....i had a great time.....i think.....i was pretty bombed!! haha!! spygirl and eviljav....where the hell were you two?????????
  6. ....you heard wrong......that song absolutely sucks!!!!! and lets not even get into without you......lmfao....i can't believe anyone is even promoting the fact that he will be preforming that...........ughhhhh!!!!!!!
  7. i am going to try to go see dt.......i work saturday morning though!! ...i missed last friday, and i read on his board that he played almost an entire set of 80's.....including don't you want me baby, blue monday, and you spin me round like a record, i can't believe i missed it.....i want to cry........
  8. yeah....vinyl is a good time......i go almost every friday with my girls.....DT is amazing.........i think that vinyl is more about the music, less about the scene/crowd......and i would take hearing a great dj over a great crowd anyday!! not a lot of people feel that way....at least people i know!! did you go to factory on thanksgiving eve???? f**cking amazing.......best time at factory ever!!
  9. Factory is the devil...LOL...i always end up getting a little too banged up, and staying a little too long!! i used to LOVE factory.....but now i just can't get into the music (i am not a big j.p. fan lately),......vinyl fridays on the other hand................DT is the man....that place is great........great music......good crowd!!
  10. i live in hoboken......and i go out in the city usually either friday or saturday night....but the bars in hoboken are a good time if you are just going out to drink.....much cheaper too!!.....granted the music is horrible in most cases (except river street), and the crowd isn't the greatest.....but definately not as bad as you are making it sound......if i am with my friends~~then i am having a good time!!
  12. myself, clubangel, and teresadf will be stopping by around 7!!!! see you all there!!!
  13. of course you can come..........i love a man in uniform!!
  14. :idea:sounds good to me.............when you're done with their apartment......mine needs some cleaning too......and cigs....you can come to.....if you dress up!!!
  15. look who it is promoting hunka bunka again.........i think that they should start paying you!! haha!! just kidding!!! sorry i had to miss it......i was in bed sleeping like a good girl!! are you going thursday??? and clubangel....you better go too!! lisa
  16. on monday i am ready to take a break.......but by friday......watch out!!!!! now get off my board.......LOL!!!
  17. i just might have to join you guys!! i haven't been there in a long time!!!
  18. i have too much to do today......i edited my first message.........everyone have a good day!!!
  19. :mad: AND DON'T CALL ME SWEETIE!!!!! :mad:
  20. not that i need to defend my actions to anyone.....but......i waited until he had dissed her for like the fourth time......that is when i posted about it!!!!! if he was really playing....than he should apologize!! until then........ lisa
  21. hi JBR!!! what have you been up to????? when is the next hoboken meet-up???? no shots for this kitty though....LOL
  22. Okay unclebuc......you seem pretty sincere........so i am deleting what i said..........please tell your friend to play nice from now on!!!
  23. What is that supposed to mean? Why all the hate for my girl?
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