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About lifegirls

  • Birthday 08/04/1980

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  1. Alex, Enough of this ridiculousness, if you would like to discuss this further with me, you know my email address. And if you recall, I was already in the hospital before Limelight started and all the chaos that happened over the summer occurred. And, like I had previously stated -- sometimes things get screwed up and you are forced to deal with the good as well as the bad. If you have anything further you would like to discuss with me please email or call me -- clogging up these message boards with nonsense is just dumb....though I'm sure these postings have done nothing but give a few people something to laugh about...ENOUGH
  2. I have a minimal amount to say in return to your blatant accusation that I lied to you...let's read back through these postings and simply take into note the embellishing (if not lying) done by yourself.......we won't even get into other things like your website, repoire w/ people...etc.... Who looks like a fool now? And yes, I was making well over 1000 a week while working with Eclipse... when you and your team each pull high numbers consistantly -- the money is there to be made. I'm not saying things don't get screwed up sometimes -- because they often do. Good luck in the future......Learn from your mistakes and the mistakes of others......talking shit on messageboards isn't going to do anything for the parties you promote or the people who will come to support you.....
  3. Though these postings have THOROUGHLY amused me... and I usually stray from the whole message board posting thing (I like to read them rather than write them...) I needed to add a little fact to this myths...... I have worked with both Neo from Eclipse and Alex "Elite (Riight...) or Ice Promotions". Unfortunately, I was in a car accident in the beginning of the summer that took me away from the wonderful world of promoting for while -- but here are a few things I DO remember... ~Working w/ Neo~ Neo was always respectful, honest, and told me straight out about things. He gave me advice on how to get and KEEP promoters -- by being honest, keeping them informed, and basically to NOT be shady and try to "scam" them. He stressed "quality not quantity" and always kept me well informed so that I could do the same for them. And how did I fare? While I was in the hospital not only did some of my promoters visit me, they sent me cards, emails, flowers... they genuinely cared about my well being.... and when I was out.... they were there for me 110%. And have I retained them as promoters? YES! Though many of them worked directly with Neo and another team leader from Eclipse -- they were eager to rejoin the Life Productions team when I returned. -----As for working with Alex? I don't know how many of his promoters would feel the same way. Before my accident, I constantly got phone calls, emails, IMs, etc. from not only my OWN team, but members of Alex's team. They bombarded me with questions and problems that I did not mind dealing with -- but when it became ME doing a LOT of his work -- I was not at all pleased. I addressed it with Alex.. who then demanded to know who it was that was "bothering" me....only for me to find out that he reprimanded them for doing so. His promoters in turn wanted to become part of MY team... because they felt they would work better with me. Not wanting to cause tension between myself and Alex -- being that I thought we had a common goal -- make the parties great and be a part of the tight-knit "Eclipse Family"-- I urged his promoters to stay with him at least a little longer. So that they could give him more of a chance since he had told me that he was new at being a team leader. (Oh and by the way -- some of his ex-promoters STILL contact me about promoting and now DO work with me). All in all -- he just wasn't doing his job as a team leader. Another thing that blew me away was the QUANTITY of promoters Alex had within just a few weeks... something crazy like 80? For a seasoned team leader that can be overwhelming and hard to deal with -- I can't imagine what would possess someone just starting out to do something like that. While my team was a great deal smaller -- but very close, organized, and worked well --- I (being curious) asked Alex how he had gotten such a HUGE team in such a short time. In addition to emailing just about the entire AOL directory (yes, he is "that guy" heheheh -- I know I'm not the only one who hates when people do that) he admitted to LYING TO PROMOTERS HE WORKED W/ PRIOR TO COMING TO ECLIPSE AND TELLING THEM THAT THEIR TEAM LEADER WAS STEALING FROM THEM AND LYING TO THEM (so basically he stole an entire team from someone he worked with -- I think he said at SF?? So now you know where they went!) If that's not SHADY, I don't know what is..... ~~As for the money situation. When Neo told Alex about his promoters and team leaders making large amounts of money -- I'm proud to say that was MY TEAM! (Yeah Life Productions!) Before my accident, I easily came home with 1000 a weekend, most of the time more. But that was because I worked my ass off flyering (no one is too good to flyer! Oh yeah...... and didn't I even try to help you out a few times by GETTING FLYERS FROM THE CITY AND BRINGING THEM TO NJ FOR YOU????? Riiight..), emailing (people I know and met), and talking up the parties I promoted. My promoters did the same thing..... and because I kept them well informed and motivated them to be GOOD PROMOTERS. This is why I don't need to go on message boards and post recruitment propaganda -- I am always welcome to adding new promoters to my team, but I am content with the QUALITY I have!!! Ok, since there is almost no end to my venting -- I will bring this post to a close. All in all......very few (I don't want to say NO ONE, because I've worked with some VERY awesome people in the past) in the nightclub business are 100% honest with you -- but Neo is someone who I can definitely consider trustworthy and in turn, a great friend. Though I no longer work with him at Eclipse (but merely because I wanted to branch off and form my own production group -- not because of anything else), he has proved to be one of the only people I can trust about any of this stuff.....As for you Alex, good luck with everything --- and maybe taking some of the advice you've been given would do you some good..... Oh and step off your pedestal because we're all equal here --- whether you're a team leader, a promoter, a club-goer,.... the main point is for everyone to have a great time when they go out -- and its people who cause DRAMA like this that ruin the nightclub scene.
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