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Posts posted by sexybitchjenny

  1. Woof..

    I'll be there!

    Nortec is a really brassy Nortena influenced techy sound with warm global grooves and breakbeats..

    Veeeeerrrryy FRESH!

    These guys have played all over the world and are spreading the Nortec collective vibe everywhere they go..

    Mugz is lucky enough to be helping them out in NY right now..

    So please feel free to swing by and suport a fresh new thing!

    More to come...


    hope to see some of you there!

  2. I told Mugz to give it to you personally..


    I hope you had a great party..

    I even had a gift for you as well..

    (But Mugz told me that a dog turd is not considered as friendly for humans as it is for dogs!)

    Oh well..

  3. Your gonna give us a bad rap!

    (on Mugz behalf I apologize for his grammer..He can't spell to safe his ass!)


    *But I gotta agree..

    take a deep breath..

    and keep telling yourself:


    Mugz saves the HUGZ for real life ..

    and he would give you ALL huge MUG HUGZ if he could right now..

    (I on the other hand would pee on your shoe and then sniff your butt!

    That's Doggie talk for telling you I like all of you too.)

  4. Mugz..

    They say imitation is the best form of fladgulance..

    or is it Flattery?..


    The originality in the place is breathtaking ain't it folks..

    I guess people can't come up with NEW material..

    They have to borrow ours!



    Mugz and I are touched never the less!


    (reminds me of the time someone started to post as little ol' me on another board)

    *Poor chaps....

    they must need some leasons in creative writing...!


  5. Originally posted by crystalmethod

    You know Mugz

    I have to admit, I take great offense to you and bashing upscale parties.

    You know who I am

    And you know that I've done the dirtiest, underground parties that will ever exist, where you drip in sweat, dressed in a tank top, warm up pants, sneakers and dance all night on nothing but gatorade, for YEARS.

    But, I throw upscale parties too, for a living. Bro, always thought you're made cool, but stop dissing on the flavors of NYC.

    That's the beauty of this city...

    One day I can be at say... Jade Terrace, the next at Vinyl for Shelter... which has run for years on end.

    And who's to say that the music isn't good at some of these parties? Sure, some of them suck, frankly, but some don't. Like my bday party tomorrow? Expect to hear the songs that made house music what it is... Classics and current hits.

    So.. "I'll House You."

    BTW, the Frying Pan Party looks dope... I've been to the Pan before.


    don't take personal offense brotha~

    You'll be having a kick ass birthday Party Friday..

    (I just can't afford to go)

    but LOTS of people are gonna go!

    I'm not Bashing YOUR PARTY man..

    I'm just giving an alternative for us unemployed broke asses.

    It's just Mugz and my opinion to not like "upscale parties"

    that's all! (to each his and his dog's own)

    I'm sure there is a HIGH demand for those GLAMY type of parties in NYC!



    Come out next Friday and get dirty with me on the river!

    (happy Birthday by the way..please don't be mad! Your'e the first clubhead we met remember!)

    Mugz and I will toast a drink from the top of the boat in honor of you..

    (chill bro..It's all good!);)

  6. Originally posted by junglekittn

    yo yo mugz, check it. i was in a relationship for about the same amount of time as urself. let me tell you, being single is THEEEE BOMB!!! it takes a little while to get used to it (took about a year for me). but after that it's all about having fun. you will feel that sense of freedom. embrace it (rather than being afraid of it). it rocks.

    shout out to mugzzzzzzz, who's really not as annoying in person, as he is in his posts (who knew?).

    Yea well I heard he kept stepping on you and Hacker in Baktun while he was doing his Mugwump stomp!

    But I'm sure he apriciates the advice...



  7. Well it aint what it use to be..

    They ban Warner brothers cartoons for making "rascist cartoons" that poke fun of stereotypes.

    They took the Little Rascals off the air..


    remmember when:

    Sopranos offended the American Italians..

    The quiero Taco Bell dog pissed off the mexicans..

    Seinfield got a slap in the wrist for poking fun at the Puerto Rican day parade..

    And Jay and Silent Bob's new film is already under attack by the Gay and Lesbian society..

    EVERYONE these days it seems has to use the correct "termonology"

    why can't you call someone a "Natzi" without the Jews freaking out?

    Or make a joke or statement about ANY race, sex, or relgion without starting an uproar?

    Are people TOO easily offended now (more than before)

    Or is it Wrong to loosen up?


  8. Well it aint what it use to be..

    They ban Warner brothers cartoons for making "rascist cartoons" that poke fun of stereotypes.

    They took the Little Rascals off the air..


    remmember when:

    Sopranos offended the American Italians..

    The quiero Taco Bell dog pissed off the mexicans..

    Seinfield got a slap in the wrist for poking fun at the Puerto Rican day parade..

    And Jay and Silent Bob's new film is already under attack by the Gay and Lesbian society..

    EVERYONE these days it seems has to use the correct "termonology"

    why can't you call someone a "Natzi" without the Jews freaking out?

    Or make a joke or statement about ANY race, sex, or relgion without starting an uproar?

    Are people TOO easily offended now (more than before)

    Or is it Wrong to loosen up?


  9. Originally posted by bungee

    MessageBoards, dime a dozen, everyone's got one. Peeps on each Board seem to be pissed at each other for some reason or other, give me a fucking break. Over a messageboard? Naughty Booth and Ezdreamer's Board do not like each other (from what I read months ago), VIP hates CP. Gotta admit, it's funny as heck.

    Amen to that!


    (now if velvet rope joe and moe would apollogize to Mugz i'm sure he'd sprout daisies from his asshole and love everyone again!)

  10. Well if that's all you saw then you missed the shit that made Mugz post a million threads ..

    and the actual last post that he posted before he got banned was many hours later on that night..

    (after he quit)

    waaay after his thread diahrea!


    Go back in the archives and loook..

    Oh wait that's right NOTHING"S THERE ANYMORE!

    it's been errased..

    if it where you would have seen that the last thread Mugz posted was one that read 911:

    with three URL links..

    1) about freedom of speach

    2) a class on learning to cope with people with a warped sence a humor


    3) One about Disneyland

    ******And that's the last he wrote!*****


    but it's all good..you nice people over there make yourselfs feel better for believing what you may..

    Mugz is quite happy here in the land of FREEDOM!

    and to make it up to any people that got feathers russtled in this thread Mugz is throwing a party with VUP comps!

    (that's "very UNIMPORTANT people" passes)


    Originally posted by cathyo

    I gotta tell ya mugz, you know I always give the benefit of doubt and when people first started bashing you over there...I was on your side. BUT, I did come to the conclusion later on that it actually WAS your intention to get banned on a board where they say they don't ban just so you can say "see see I told you so!"

    I really can't see any other purpose. As far as the banning itself. It wasn't Donny and Bob alone. They were being bombarded with complaints by countless board members. Where the complaints unsubstantiated? I don't think so. You were posting the same things over and over with small changes, no one wants to be bothered with that. Didn't you say it was your goal to fill the entire page with mugz posts?? I'd delete that shit too! You can't honestly expect D&B to ignore the 800 other members they have for 1 who is so blatently trying to annoy. The board places a lot of focus on what makes the members happy.

    You only did this to get banned and somehow make yourself the martyr for oppressed message board junkies everywhere. Well, is that what you wanted? Shouldn't you be thanking VIP?

    Sorry, I've always tried to be very nonjudgemental about the mugz drama but...it was just a childish ploy to boost your own ego. I don't see where you can be bitter at all towards the board or members, you only got what you were looking for.

    I think you're a nice kid...but I really don't know why you got into all that.

  11. Originally posted by gravity

    I don't understand why are you so bitter about VIP...you only came there with the intention of preaching your bullshit and it turned into nothing more than you being the same annoying fuck that you are/were here. I guess your humor does entertain the 15 year olds here who make up the majority of the posters on CP now...so more power to you. However, don't get mad that everytime I show my face here, you get your spotlight stolen...its just that easy.

    well then..

    you better run back then before those "mature" natzi miss ya!

    I think I hear them sending out the skanky Penthouse models to look for you..

    Pllleeaaase Gary!

    The reason Mugz dosen't like those fine folks over there is because they are a bunch

    of hypocrites!


    So then they come over here and promote and try and insult you when you fuck with them for it..

    (which of course you could NEVER do over there because it's against policies!)


    But the REEEAAL reason Mugz hates that place Gary is because YOU are there!

    And you are about as fun to play with as a a shit stained diaper!

    Why don't you come to the CP newbie meetup and meet some of the 15 year olds?

    There's no Velvet rope or Natzis but maybe you and Mugz can finaly meet face to face

    and you can really tell him what you think about him...

    Who knows..maybe he'll buy you a drink!


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