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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by vikkii123

  1. I'll be there getting my drink on
  2. Why couldn't I be one of the winners What would you do if you had all that money???
  3. I know it kind of sucks cause I'm going to have to get up in the morning and go to work... hhhmmmm might just call in sick:idea:
  4. Yes I'm going to the game tomorrow night Can't wait should be fun! You're going on Sunday right
  5. Today is so boring!!! I would love to be at the beach today
  6. You know you're a Bostonian if...... 1. You've slammed on your brakes to deter a tailgater 2. Your favorite adjective is "wicked" 3. You remember when the "Fleet Center" was "The Boston Garden"Â and refuse To refer to it as anything BUT "the Gahden" 4. Know at least three Tony's, one Vinnie and a Frank(ie) 5. You go to the "packy" not the "liquor store" 6. Paranoia sets in if you can't see a Dunkin Donuts, ATM or CVS within eyeshot at all times. 7. Know how to claim your space on the T Know what the T is 8. You keep an ice scraper and can of de-icer on the floor of your car...year round 9. You still try to order curly fries from Burger King 10 You know how to pronounce Worcester & Peabody 11 You know where the Combat Zone used to be and still avoid that area 12 You don't eat dinner; you eat "suppa" 13 Pepsi, Coke, Sprite, etc are not called "soda", they are "tonic" 14 You order iced coffee in January 15 You can curse in Italian...only you don't say "curse" you say "sweaa" 16 You don't understand the purpose of a crosswalk and therefore refuse to Use them, even outside of Boston 17 You know what candlepin bowling is 18 You have tried to drive the measured mile in less than 45 seconds. 19 You drive 45 minutes to New Hampshire to save $5 in sales tax 20 The whole 'Big Dig' mess drives you nuts unless you are spooning it from Brighams. 21 You know what Brighams is and it shows 22 You've used the statement "not fa nuthin" in conversation. 23 You serve bread with every meal. 24 You feel compelled to hear at least one weather report a day. 25 You've pulled out of a side street and used your car to block oncoming traffic so you can make a left. 26 You've bragged about the money you've saved at The Christmas Tree Shop.
  7. And for those of you who are into the Real World / Road Rules Chicks check out this thread from the sex board.... Warning for those at work http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=91189
  8. See and you guys went dissing my Ladies eye candy thread... I shared the love
  9. I wish:D I think all those women are beautiful!! Nope I'm 5' and Blonde
  10. Well that's good cause you ain't a girl and I've seen/meet your gf so we all know you ain't gay either
  11. vikkii123


    Hope you're feeling beter
  12. vikkii123


    Busy working
  13. vikkii123


    Has this board been so slow lately? Where is everyone?
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