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Everything posted by ceeotter

  1. HELL YEA FU to those damn gas prices!!!
  2. FU to the weather turning crappy just in time for the weekend. FU for having to leave a purfectly good time at ONeils in Manasquan (great weather drinking on the patio) b/c I had to get up at 6am for work today
  3. No I am saying it is what it is....and nice to have something different in SSH then the same old stupid white party etc...everyone has to bash SSH all the time but yet people still come...not everyone can go to Miami...no its nto the same as SSH but SSH still is a lot of fun...its all abotu who u surround yourself with...I have been to both SOBE and SSH and hands down I have had better times in SSH b/c I am with all my friends
  4. LOL....one drink from georgie...floor!
  5. OH so being a Miami crack head is a good thing but a seaside crack head is bad....your pathetic...I think the party is a great idea with some terrific talent...make sure you stop by so I can throw you in the pool.....
  6. IS IT POSSIBLE.....I try and I never can do it.....tonight I am suppose to go to ONeils in Manasquan to celebrate someone's promotion at work...hmmmmm...think it's gonna be a rough Friday morning....
  7. WHAT??? Do you need a partner in crime for the 10th?? I am bringing Depoto on the 9th...I'll call ya
  8. I think you should come out and have a listen..it doesn't have to be an "a-list" of DJs in order to have a good time or for the music to be good have a damn open mind....you guys were those kids that only wore name brands clothes in grammer school and probably now too huh???
  9. LOL.....Wolfie left me a message last night...NEVER returns calls that man...figured I would drop by tonight to see what the buzzzzzzzz is about...be sure to show him my post about it not being the same last Friday w/o cha:) I wasn't the only one who thoguht so...my partner in crime agreed
  10. I believe I am off all day sooooo I will be DRINKING!!! My guess at pretty ricky's bar or joel's...
  11. very cool!!!! Love AP really coming along....
  12. weekend before memorial day is traditioanlly a VERY slow weekend...everyone is saving it for the big weekend. AC is probably best bet...and you have a few options as well as far as venues and you always have the late ngiht gambling and drinkign thing for after the clubs...
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