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Posts posted by remy5150

  1. Originally posted by ibclubbin

    what about at 5 in the morn....say, jeans a nice shirt and sneakers??? opinions?


    get there at 5.. paris will probably be gone by the time you get to the front of the line anyways :)

    btw.. I've seen paris let in kids wearing jeans sneakers and tommy hill sweaters...

    as long as you dont look sloppy, you should get in

    But Paris can be moody...

    Once my buddy tried to bring in a plain grey T-Shirt to change into..

    He had to throw it away.. Paris told him, "Honey, I couldn't bear to see you in that shirt!"


  2. Originally posted by PFloyd40

    in a way, i guess..

    i constantly having dreams where i am running from something but my legs feel like they way a thousand pounds and i cant' move..

    i had that dream before..

    try to run.. cant move

    try to speak.. cant talk

    i think its pretty common...

    as for tingling ... i dunno

    try using the bathroom before u go to sleep

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

  3. On sat nights, they stop serving drinks at 6am.. sf then becomes 18 to enter...

    So if she doesnt have ID... just get there at 6

    Most people... even those with ID get there at that time anyway :)

    By the way... I dont even know if this saturday will be a huge party since a lot of regulars will be going there on monday for NYE

  4. Originally posted by rudeboyyouth

    therefore the statement that implies that one does is idiotic.


    :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

    Fights can happen unexpectedly and do usually get out of hand if they arent stopped quickly...

    This fight was out of control and that is wall street's security's fault...


  5. Originally posted by rudeboyyouth

    probably the most idiotic statement ....

    I dont understand your point

    all I meant was that if u are small you should be careful

    and yeah... you can talk

    thats good it helps

    I've gotten into a few situations when I was younger where I had to talk to save myself and I'm not small at all..

    and I've gotten into plenty where I've had to talk to save a friend

    but lets say that by chance..

    some how...

    some way...

    as unlikely as it may be....

    that one time you were unlucky and found yourself in a situation you couldnt talk your way out of...

    Maybe a kid just didnt give a fuck..

    Thought you gave him a dirty look...

    and decided to kick the shit out of you...

    I've seen it happen..

    how long would you want it to take before security got there to help you?

    I would want them there right away if it was me...

    stopping fights before someone gets badly hurt is their job

  6. I know you guys all watched like a million hours of cartoons growing up

    So I am bumpin this thread up with my top 5 80's Cartoon shows that have not and will probably never be seen on TV again..

    These all were real cartoons i swear.. and if you werent allowed to watch em you were one deprived little kid!!!


    That ghostbusters cartoon...

    where it wasnt the ghostbusters from the movie...

    it was three guys and a gorrilla catching ghosts


    Captain Cave-man...

    He used to shout Captain Caaavee Maannnnn and hit bad guys with a club....

    aint nothin wrong with that


    The Magic House

    OK so this one was on the christian channel... and I dont really think I understood that it was a bible story cartoon...

    But there was something about a house that could fly around and travel back in time that really impressed me when I was 5.


    Bionic Six

    A story about a family that had super powers and fought bad guys around the world.



    Probably the best cartoon ever.. with the best toys ever

    I honestly havent thought about this in a long time... so if i left any good ones out add them to the list

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