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Posts posted by illlogik

  1. Originally posted by silente

    I'm back exactly a month from today. (And after a two-day drive alone with my mother, I will DEFINITELY be down for a couple bowls.) :)

    damn two days in the car wit mom, O geez. haha well I always got straight up goodie, nothing but the goodness. LOL so when you are coming home let me know.. Where are you from???:)

  2. Originally posted by silente

    dude, when I get back to nyc we should meet up and do some smokin - we've got exactly the same tastes. :)

    NO DOUBT :D :D sounds like fun, I am down, just let me know when you get back into town!! Or when you are going to a club around here, I always sneak alil something in... hehhehe;)


  3. Delerium right ?very good track ;) You gotta stay stong brotha, I just went threw the same thing you are goin through. I was with this girl that was younger than me for more than 2 1/2 years. I gave this girl everything and I mean everthing. ANd she hurt me real bad, I thought at the time it was the worst thing that ever happened to me. It just didn't make sense. For awhile I wanted her to come back too. THen I relized if she really, truely loved me as much as i loved her, she wouldn't have done this to me. As time has been passing, the last couple months now I feel it was for the best. I know its hard to get her out of your mind but you have to. I started doing alot of drinkin and other things(bad stuff), which I thought would make me forget, but it did the total opposite. It makes you dwell on it more. You have to stay buzy also, and stay away from her. It makes it worst when you see her, or at least that was the way for me. Because when I would see her, I would just want to hold her and be with her and it made things so so much worse for my mind. It was like back and forth, that was just horrible for me. Just do things for yourself now. Thats wha I've been doing, I think I am have done so much more with my life without her. Because I used to be so caught up in her, and now I am focused on better things! ANd now shit is really coming along in my life, when i need it the most. SO fuck that bitch, oh yeah i pretended I hated her too that helped out alil bit, haha even though i really loved her deep down. I have come to the conclusion that time does heal everything. So don't be bummed and i hope things work out for ya. l8ter bro

  4. I saw it last night. I kinda liked it, the story was interesting and it was entertaining.;) But i really hate monkeys now after seeing that movie. I think they are fuckin grosss and mean. I think i might go to the bronx zoo today after work and throw rocks and the apes and monkeys. LOL :laugh: na not really but i just don;t like monkeys anymore. Iknow i know its just hollywood, but i don't care. And you guys are right the end was really bad.

    :gang: :monkey: :monkey: :monkey: :monkey: :monkey: :monkey::biggun:

    Bad monkeys






    if you need more info call me 201 522 0922

  6. hmmmmmm first off, you can't cut the lines even though you are on the guestlist. They will deff tell your ass to get lost! hehe "Are these people (dex, john nova, etc.) promoters? " Bro there are about 567,878,485 promoters in NYC. lol no joke :) Your best bet is to get a list when November comes around. Those guys might not even have a list then. You guys will have a good time at SF on Sat. no doubt. Its the older crowd so don't worry. But as for Friday exit might be alil young for ya. SO you might wana go somewhere else. :spin::roll: hope I was some help. peaceeeee and hope you have a good time.

  7. Originally posted by bastardino

    Fuck all you bloody bastards. I am 13 and I have been out to clubs already more times than some assholes on this board. Don't discriminate based on age you mental midgits.

    hehe wha a funny lil guy

    :laugh: :laugh:

    you kidz

    anyway if you want a good kiddie club try Hunkabunka's, i used to go there when i was alil guy

  8. LOL :laugh: BRo belive me i know about browies, I will be fuckin toasted and prolly fired on the spot. But your right it will make things alot more interesting. Maybe eat half in the morning then the other half after lunch. Thanks for the idea, :idea: I'll let ya know how it goes maybe tommorow, if i have the time to make tha ish.

  9. My weekend was tha ish!!!

    Thrus- TWIRL- which wasn't too crazy of a night-but still got toe up had a blast and chilled late night

    :drunk: Friday- house party --then *SOUND FACTORY*, music wasnt' too great, But was prolly the best night I've had a SF in a good month or two. Big props to the guy from LI who gave me and my boy his bottle of absolute. That was a night saver!! ANd to the guy from the WWF who chilled with me and brandon till 7 finishing that bottle up in Level 4, we are DEFFINATLY GONA TAKE YOU UP ON THAT OFFER, for the party at WWF next SAT.!! hahha hawian tropic girls!!!!woooohoooo. :biggrin: :biggrin:

    Sat- house party -Got drunk as a skunk at my boys dannys crib till the wee hours

    Sun- recovery day- did stuff for ma mommy:smile2:

  10. YES YES YES Another boring ass fuckin day stuck in an office with nothing to do but chill on CP. hahah :laugh: i just wana get of here too. Lunch is coming soon so thats good, get out and get alil fresh air. I would talk to you on Aol but my company will bitch. :unhappy::( ahhhhh this sux

  11. Those are two of my fav's :D THe Fatboy slim-what tha fuck- is old but i don't care i still like it, because its not played out yet. And the Harry Choo Choo Romero is most deff HOT.. Two hot songs that get me pumped. Hear them at crack factory alottt :horns:

  12. The TUNNEL is one of my favorites too, I promoted there for alil while a few months ago, there were rumors goin around that they were going to put alot of money into the place, but as we can see that never happened. I stopped going because it was getting so beat. So someone tell me what the deal is on Sat. nights? I would love to go this saturday if its worth it! But i don't wana show up if nobody is going to be there. I know Nero is still chillin, Does Jackie Christie still spin? Plez let me know the deal yoooooo.

  13. Naa your not the only crack head Daniela, so don't worry!!haha I can never get to bed until at least 4 on weekdays. Prolly because i get about 2 hours of sleep from thrusday till sunday. And that fucks my whole shit up :screwy::( I must do sumthin about this soon though, like see a doctor and get some good drugs. Cause weed doesn't work anymore. Before i lose my job for falling asleep at my desk. like i am about to do right this very second. goodnite :zzz: :zzz: :zzz: :zzz:

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