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Everything posted by Felix_Leiter

  1. silverbull can blame monbth for turning his thread into drama
  2. regardless if you believe i was there or not.. i said earlier there is potential.. thats what counts
  3. i answered ALL your questions before you deleted. What a great mod you are.. get a life dude
  4. where are the rules? you delete threads that dont break any rules or TOS...i guess you get off on it since you are a nobody in real life!
  5. glad its killing you inside! maybe next time you wont delete threads for no reason!
  6. im not succumbing to your drama efforts.. next time dont delete threads for no reasonyou must have a terribly boring life btw
  7. does Dave even own the site anymore? dont understand how he keep letting this happen
  8. thats the monbthism of the day
  9. ACTUALLY, Stop running your mouth with my name in it. It was DAVE who deleted them with the reason BOOTLEG. Then DGMODEL undeleted it, and I RE-DELETED it. So you can all grow the fuck up. As soon as someone does anything on this board you don't like, you point the finger at me. This time it was DAVE HIMSELF who deleted it. Now, this is getting locked.
  10. i think all you mods need to discuss this in the mod forum.. if all the mods agree on it, maybe Dave will listen
  11. there we go again with the fake maybe if you had stuff going on in your life, youd be different.
  12. do you honestly read what you write?
  13. in all honesty, you are really the only one that is looking like a moron.. arguing about where I went! seriously, get a life man.
  14. well thank you for keeping it civil..at least you didnt call me a liar for no reason. Like I said earlier, maybe it was an off night. Im sure the parties can get better. It wont be the last one I go to... next time maybe we can discuss over a drink.
  15. Just because I didnt enjoy myself doesnt mean I am flaming.. not everyone is gonna love all the parties posted here. Deal with it.
  16. its not about not being able to answer the question.. its more principle than anything. i refuse to answer since I have done so already but you deleted the thread. I wont succumb to your childish antics.This last post of yours is just as good as showing how you should NOT be a mod here. Maybe Dave can make you the mod of the drama forum instead since all you do is create drama. Nice life you got there
  17. even if it was a CP sponsored event, i should be able to state i didnt enjoy myself.whats the point of having a messageboard?
  18. Monbth, continue will your pathetic trolling. I will wait for deepsee to respond so we can continue our adult discussion.(and if i really wasnt there, by now i could have easily researched reviews and seen the pics silverbull already posted) nice try monbth, maybe one day you will grow up and not act like an immature little child
  19. i answered all of this in the thread YOU deleted. Im not repeating myself anymore to satisfy your trolling needs.Deepsee, maybe we can continue this discussion in another forum or messageboard since Monbth will probably delete it.
  20. does Dave even own this site anymore?Deleting threads for no apparent reason? This is not the CP we have all grown to love.
  21. so in other words, monbth is a pathetic loser!
  22. how can you honestly know for a fact that I wasnt there? I mean seriously, listen to yourself.deepsee, i was there and have been giving you my honest opinion. montbh, please stop being a troll on this thread. You're a mod, set the example.
  23. i was upstairs most of the night.. but downstairs wasnt really popping either
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