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Posts posted by shlonger

  1. Originally posted by dogekid

    how was lookers bus?? when you called i was actually at exit 70 something and wanted to yank the wheel into the woods. shlonger and his boy were snoring me to insanity, or further insanity i should say.

    how was deko w/o me geeks?

    Had to get you back for that debacle you pulled friday night after metro-- making me get off exit 154, go to route 46, u-turn to route 3, back on the parkway at exit 153???? Does that make any sense? Also, sleeping in your front seat is as comfortable as sleeping on the arm of a couch.

  2. Originally posted by liqidtouch

    is that how u spell it?

    and njdionysus

    YOUR just up for that pic huh?


    sorry, but i forgot the e at the end and couldn't find the middle e with the accent on top on my keyboard. But if want to step into this fire, make sure you've brought your hose buddy. I'll go edit that post now, and note that I will watch every single one of your posts, and proofread them as well. I am your worse nightmare BITCH.

  3. Originally posted by ninadd

    thanks choops and angelicious jess my buddy.:D

    I don't know what you're thanking them for or why they feel the need to protect you. I never attacked you, but angelicious has her panties up in a bunch because I told her I'd never go for her, so she starts ish with any chance she can get. I also love causing drama. I know who u r and what you look like, so I can say choop was right with his statement. I offered you a place in the Shlonger Harem. Only the worldwide creme de la creme get offered those spots.

  4. Originally posted by mystify82281

    Sore loser syndrome will NOT be tolerated and is frowned down upon by the council!!!!! :tongue: jk.....

    Shlonger - awwww Don't worry I said some very nice things about you to Incredulous after Friday..... :D

    No, not a sore loser... doesn't really bother me. Badass is my boy. I'm glad he won, and he should win every month. Maybe him, jpdd, and myself can share a cot one day.

    Incredulous... good guy. Tell him I had a bad day at the Blackjack tables, but I started hitting some high low yo's at the craps table to put a lil dent in the hole I put myself in. I was gambling for 17 hours straight w/o taking a food, bathroom, or sleep break. And I went down on sat night instead of after metro. Should have known that God was telling me not to go by placing a 1.5 hour delay at exit 135 at 10 pm. I've got problems... anyone wanna go to AC this weekend?

  5. Originally posted by mystify82281

    Don't be discouraged, there are many months to come!!!!

    exactly what's wrong with this contest. as time goes on, the previous hotties can't win, so the competition level goes down. eventually everyone will be a hottie of the month, so it takes away from the title. i think the only true hottie is the one first voted by the women, unless u make it a seasonal contest. sry badass, seems like i'm having an anti-badass day with my posts today. enjoy your tainted crown.

  6. Dan,

    My condolences to you, dave's friends, and dave's family. As much as it is difficult to do, you shouldn't think about the what ifs, because that is indirectly putting blame on yourself, when you are not at all responsible. Hindsight is 20/20, but it was just another night turned tragic by god's will. Life is short, and sometimes a tragedy like this makes u take a step back and realize how important each day is, and how each day is taken for granted. I'm deeply sorry for your loss, and pray for dave and all his loved ones.

  7. Originally posted by pipdaddy

    sometimes an explanation is not needed....but...alas, since you owe me a drink, i'll play your game...

    A looks at B&C and sees white and red. B looks at A&C and sees white and red. C looks at no one cause he's freaking blind and realizes if either of the sighted cons saw 2 white they would realize they were wearing red.....simple numbers game. i think i just confused myself:laugh: but back to my original point, the guy is still blind....in which case i'd rather be dead.

    i'll take a red bull & stoliO please. thanx

    close, the only mistake being that when a looks at b and c, he sees AT LEAST one red. then b knowing that a saw at least one red, looks at c and sees that c has a red hat on. had he seen c with a white one, he would have been able to deduce his hat as being red.

    The problem with your explanation. If B looks at A & C, how do u know he doesn't see 2 red???? remember there are 3 red hats.

  8. Too easy buddy, try this one:

    3 guys are in jail carrying out life sentences. Guy A has normal vision, B has one eye, and C is blind. The warden has 3 red hats and 2 white ones. Each person is given a hat. If they guessed the right color, they would be freed, if they were wrong they'd be executed. They also have the option of not guessing.

    They are all in the same room. Inamte A says that he will not risk his life since he does not know what color his hat is. One eyes inmate says the same thing. The blind inmate says judging by the answers my 2 fellow inmates have given, I can correctly tell you my hat is ________. And he is set free.

    What color is his hat, and how did he know?

  9. Originally posted by psychosweetie9

    I think that the best figure for a girl is a body like jennifer lopez b/c she has a flat stomach and good curves

    Get the f outta here. J Lo sucks. Ben could do soooo much better. J Lo's too bottom heavy for my taste.

    Ideally I like 2 types of girls:

    1. Girls created in the same mold Heidi Klum came from. Tall, skinny, yet curvy, tight stomach, and enough cleavage to stick my cock between. Or:

    2. A short girl, about 4'10" height and weight, with 3rd degree burns covering 70% of her body, a fetus growing out of her back, stab marks from when her parents tried to kill her, and/or 2 TOTAL limbs. Her equilibrium must be completely distorted. I'd like for her to trip every 3rd step, and to have no sense of perception (sorta like my cat when I cut her whiskers off last week). I'd like for her to see me as triple layer chocolate cake when she looks at me, and chase me around with a fork.

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