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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by sumguy

  1. sumguy

    Dirty Sanchez

    it's when you are pumping your girl from behind. right before you are about to cum, you stick it in her ass and punch her in the back of the head, knocking her out. this causes her asshole to tighten up big time. tighter=better. by the time she wakes up, your long fucking gone. feels fucking great. but it kinda pisses the girl off, so be careful.
  2. who here is a fan? I def. am... have been for a long time now.... I think he is amazing... so unique in his sound.
  3. Sumdum...... oh oh oh! sumdumfuk. I see what you did u rascal! You took my CP name and kinda added your own little twist. You took sumguy and just changed it to say sumdumfuk. Incredible. Hey! I have an idea. Why don't you "ceejay" your ass on out of this post. See I did it too! Instead of using the word "see", I changed it to say "ceejay" That's my own little twist. I can make a funny too. What's even more funny is the size of the line outside of your mothers room last night. I was 19th in line.
  4. one more thing......I still look better then your goofy friend. "Armani.......... man......... love............. chunk!" "Well fuck off Armani man. And tell that slut princess she better have my money." :laugh:
  5. Haha! Good one princess. I feel very good about myself right now. Smiling ear to ear. I'm glad that lil ol' me actually got to u enough that u spent time looking for a pic of me. You're another CP great. Did u stay up late last night and think how to upset me? Well it really worked. Boo hoo. U got me!! Good one. really. I have learned my lesson and will never make fun of you or your messy friends ever again. Thank you for showing me the error of my ways and for taking time out of your plain, boring life for me. I bet you were so excited when you posted my pic. Probably said to yourself that this will get sumguy! This will piss him off! Oh sweetie, you got me. You got me good.... I am so mad!! Grrrrrrrrrr!
  6. He disrespected the board by posting shit on it. And so are you by replying. I'm glad it ends here. You and your messy friend are the C.P. laughing stocks now. Good job.
  7. after this im not even replying back its just gettin dumb so in closing I just have to say I hope you and your close family die SLOWLY <-- hows that for childish:blown:
  8. yeah, I admire your sticking up for your friend. But do not ever ever never ever ever ever PM me again. Am I clear? Good. I'm not trying to be mean or make enemies. I just don't appreciate that. U can be open here. It's a message board. You made him look like a huge punk.
  9. Just stop. It's too late. u posted the pic of yourself. Isn't that enough??? U must have a sense of humor to post that pic.... For Christ's sake. Please return to the 1st grade and learn how to write a sentence with periods. Dumbass.
  10. 1- Good one. I remember those come backs from the 3rd grade. "I know u are but what am i?" 2- I'm one of those retards in the circle ripping a hole in the floor while you are in some dark corner grabbing every girl that walks by. And I wouldn't be caught dead in exit. It's a place for your kind to hang. 3- My girl is still by my side and always will be. Armani? You dick. You look like everyone else. I thought we all went to clubs to get our dance on, not to stand in a corner and try to model clothing. 4- So tell me, if I dressed like u and wore sunglasses, would they let me in??? Cause God knows, you haven't experienced the club life until u have been in the VIP room! loser. Lastly, you openly admit to addending exit from the begining? oppps!! I mean "beging." Is that how u get into the VIP room? Jesus Christ! What is up with that last sentence??? Stay off the juice!!! Stick to the beer! Oh God..... I just re-read your reply... YOU??? a player???? Holy shit that's good.... Well play on player! hahahahahahahaaaaahahahahahaaaaaa!!!!!!!! One last question. I can't resist. How many times a night do u hear, "we are laughing with you, not at you" ??? I'll be a nice guy and tell you, we laugh AT you, never with you.... So return your knock off clothes and just stay home. You stink up the place.
  11. Jealous? R u kidding me??? That guy looks like EVERY other meat head u see in the clubs! ha! Post a pic of myself???? Now i know u are full of shit. I would never ever post a pic of myself on a message board. In doing this, u mine as well leave your address as well. That is why i would never post a pic of myself. I promise u honey, jealously has not a damn thing to do with it. Who the fuck are you anyway? Who asked for your input here? Does that meat head need some bitch to come to his defense? I hope not. Your reply was week and not to well thought out. You made him look worse. Are u one of those chicks hangin' on him? How much do u charge a night? Sweety, your reply was not needed here. BTW, I have blue eyes, dumbass.
  12. I could have sworn that exit was a night club and not a sunny beach...? What's with the sunglasses?!?!? Yet again, someone who has no business in clubland at all. Could u pose any harder? haha!! fucking dork. Stay at the bars where u belong please!
  13. Well that sucks dude. I am sorry.... really. A few of my friends were caught in the same situation. Serious question..... why are you involved in selling anything anyway? I mean, you put yourself in the prediciment u are in now. If you were straight as far as that goes, your "friend" could have killed someone, and you would have never been brought into it. A bit too late now. I really hope everything works out for u man. Rethink your situatiuon. Not to be a parent figure, but I had to say it. I'm sure you're thinking the same thing now.... As far as your "friend" goes, I would beat him badly.... over and over again.... Good luck.
  14. 17? I'm sorry. U have to be in the 8th grade at the most. Your use of grammer in this post is embarrassing. love that last run on sentence. u should have replied with what your brain was really thinking.... "duh duh duh, dumpf la tee da do dum dumb." Take it easy honey. The U.S. may need your brain power for the war. In the words of Red Forman from That 70's show..... "You dumbass." Please stop replying to this post. I'm starting to feel bad for you. Thanks.
  15. misk misk misk..... i mean tsk tsk tsk. Apparently, georgecasta2 is quoting Pres. Bush. U know, that guy that runs our country? yeah anyway, I agree with georgecasta2 100%! This board is so very, how did u put it..... 'beat'...... and it is. It is so boring here that again, I come here to feel more intelligent. In a nut shell, this board went to shit because of 17 year olds such as yourself. Do u know what happened in NY on Sept. 11th? If u did, u wouldn't be asking what george is talking about when he said ' you're with us or against us' Georgecasta2, thank you for your kind words. It seems that u and I are on the same level here. Misk, keep on commin' back with your wack ass replies and unprecedented level of untelligence. Remember, your stupidity makes me feel smarter. U go girl! Wait a minute. Misk didn't I tell u go sit in the corner and not to move? What the hell r u doing??? Get the fuck over there. No not that one, that one. Good. Now stay.......stay.....STAY! Good girl.
  16. is this soon enough? as far as my assumptions go.... i know i'm right in my statements so far. I have been onto this board before. i pay attention to what happenes on here.... what people say.... so these "assumptions" u speak of, they are facts u moron. and if you were paying attention, you would have seen that i started this wonderful thread as a joke (entertainment). "I don't go to meet ups!!!.... I don't do drugs!!!!" who the fuck is bragging?? who the fuck cares??? well good for u. i never said i was the shit. apparently that is the way u took it so..... thanks! too stupid to even realize when u are throwing someone a complement.... christ.... insecure? what does that mean? anyways.... go sit in the corner and shut your fucking mouth until this bragging, secure, assuming, entertaining, non-meet up attending drug addicted master of your pathetic world riding a fucking horse called SUMGUY gives you the permission to move. please give me something to work with here. someone.... anyone. take notes motherfuckers. class is in session and Mr. Sumguy is your professor. BANG!
  17. I apologize georgeacasta2. seems as if u are being a bit sarcastic, but oh well. i'm not here to make friends. i just come here to feel more intelligent. after reading some of the posts on here, i can't help but to feel better about my life/situation. this board use to be a good one. not any more. this board is like the tunnel. it started off great, but just keeps on getting worse with time. all of the people who use to post here are long gone; they took the fun and intelligence with them.... all that's left now are people who live for this board. i don't want to beat anyone up over it, like many of you would like to do to me, i'm sure. i take nothing that is said here seriously. I think that if this board were to shut down, some of u would commit suicide. so again, georgeacasta2, i'm sorry for including u. the rest of you can go scratch.
  18. keep it up fools of clubplanet. you are all wak. this board is wak. and i know to read this hurts because u are all so involved in what is said here. I started this thread as a joke. Aparently people here consider this board to be part of your sorry lives. Skull fuck me? imagine that. fuck my mom or my girl.... neither would even look at any of u. and i know because this board is so very important that u have all scaned your pics onto it. and u tell me to get a life? jesus. lets have meet ups! we all have nothing else to do! yeah! go find some friends and maybe this message board won't mean as much to u all. it's funny to me. i'll check back here every now and then. to see how you are doing. to see the replies i can generate from u all. u see, for now u jackasses are mine. i started this. u reply. that's just how it is. u may all now speak because u have been spoken to. as for me, i'll be hangin' with my friends in the flesh....and not over a fucking computer. remember that i started this as a joke.... amazing.... u people fuck yourselves everyday on this board.... who does what drugs and where. be proud. i'm sure most of u will be dead soon from an overdose or u will be arrested for what u say on the board...... you are all a collective bunch of idiots.... plain and simple. so again, fuck each and everyone of u and your sorry boring lives. :laugh:
  19. sumguy


    I like little or no hair at all. Soooooo sexy..... just looks sweet and maintained rather then like a jungle.... and when u go down, you come up with only sweetness on u and no hair in the back of your throat..... maintain ladies..... very important!
  20. britney is wack. someone should just beat the hell out of her.
  21. that really is a great idea! 99% of the time, i'm listening to my CD's or tapes of some DJ ripping it up on the house/trance tip. Thanks for the idea.... really!
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