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Everything posted by sumguy

  1. sumguy

    picture posting....

    well golly gee, that was a well thought out answer! "I do it because I want too! So there!" and sweetie, it's "lite", not "light". please don't "dumb-up" my post any futher with moronic replies. Thanks.
  2. sumguy

    picture posting....

    It is concern dog! nothing more/less.... thank you for seeing that..... and i would jump in and open the can too....
  3. sumguy

    picture posting....

    My point exactly. I know what u look like dog. Now, I'm a nice guy. I'm not looking to hurt anyone, at all! BUT, if i were a dick, i would go to the next meet up and chill in the corner until u were alone. Then I would "try" to kick your ass. Let me make it very clear... I AM NOT GOING TO DO THAT! I WOULD NEVER DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT! But what about the guy who would? Ladies, what do u think about that? Because the guy who would wait to find one of u at a meet up would not beat u up. He would do things that would be much worse. But again, who am I? no one listenes anyway....
  4. sumguy

    picture posting....

    ummmmm, this always happenes.... After the first reply to the post, the replies kinda vear off into something else.... oh well. if anyone is interested in answering my post, please do. model, i didn't even read all of your post. it was too long. The reason i asked why u all post pics is what if u were to run into trouble while out at a club/bar. like trouble u started on this message board. The person will know exactly what u look like. With IP tracking and the way computers work, it takes one hacker to dig up all of your personal info based on your pic. Where u posted from. what time u posted. It's like tracing a phone call. And yes, it is possible! Even if someone was having a bad day, read one of your posts they didn't agree with, and deseided to beat your ass because they know what u look like! But hey, who am I? No one listenes anyway.... and really, I don't care either way. No, i'm not cool. this post doesn't make me better then any of you or any of that. I asked a ligit question, and want a ligit answer. If u can't do that, then don't reply! peaze---
  5. sumguy

    picture posting....

    why do u guys do it? from what i can see, when someone posts a pic and they get negative responses, that person gets offended. Hey, I would get offended too! So why do it? IMO, putting your pic on the web is the same as leaving your address on there too. I enjoy looking at pics. I would never do it though. Not because of any negativity I might get, but because I feel it's not smart/safe to do that. Does it make the person putting the pic up feel cool? Smart? Sexy? here's a suggestion..... please no more guy pics. there are enough on here to make the CP system crash 100 times over. and ladies, if u are going to post a pic, why not get naked? Seriously. Cut your head out of the pic, and let us all see your tits and pussy. That is all.
  6. sumguy


    boys have penises and girls have vaginas. goo goo gaa gaa
  7. sumguy


    one thing at a time. My young and uneducated mind cannot handle two things at once. Count or bow? Make up your mind. Oh wait...... hey rudeboy, i just let out a 73 syllable fart. it was amazing. Can i bow now? oh shit! not yet. i'm still counting the syllables in my first name. (*~*~trying not to be a little boy*~*~) oh fuck it!! I have to be me and only me!!! I'm a little fellow with no intelligence and i'm stupid. gaagaa googoo!! baabaa? rudeboy kaakaa?? Aboo bee baa baa!! googoo gaagaa!! rudeboy can suckaa my cockaa!!!
  8. sumguy


    Message from God? my energy levels? :confused: I'm still counting the syllables in my name. I'll get back to you.....
  9. sumguy


    Whaaaa Whaaa. I'm a child then. u win. and i'm so very insulted by that.... good one. And arguing online is like being in the special olympics. No matter who wins, you're still retarted. So i'm done with you. You win. Give yourself a hearty pat on the back for a job well done. And hey, keep up the intelligent posts. Posts such as yours make me feel smart, mature, insightful, and rational. Lastly, "I will never make the mistake of looking like a little child while making whatever point it is that I am making, mature or not" is what u said. Let me remind you of something...... "Hey everyone, how many syllable do your farts have???" Do you remember that? or have all those dicks you put in your ass finaly poped your brain? In that question alone, you sound like a little child who has no point. What was the point of your post then, rudeboy? Inform me please. Are you doing a report on fart syllables? I want you to back your statement with a real answer. What was the point? Do you think that you look like a jackass now? I need to know so i may increase my negative and limited energy (?????) whatever that means.... If anyone needs me, i'll be counting the syllables in my first name.
  10. sumguy


    You think i seem like a little fucking child? Ummmmm, do u remember what you posted? Negitive energy? Yeah, posting a fart thread is real positive and "adult-like" It's very mature to ask a question like u did. I bet you have a stick to beat the ladies away.... Here's one.... How many syllables does "rudeboyyouth is a fucking jerkoff" have? Now me being the "adult" here, i'm punishing you. Go sit in the corner and DO NOT move until I give you permission to do so. Punk ass.
  11. well don't kill yourself. we don't want that. (i mean that!) BUT, why don't u get to the gym if you're not happy with yourself? I'm just a mean bastard, and most of the things i say here i don't mean. i'm not punkin' out, just clearing things up. It was ment to be funny. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. I'm sure u are senative about your weight, and if i pissed u off/upset u, i'm sorry. I have never had a weight problem, so i don't know what it feels like to made fun of due to that. Yes, this is the same sumguy. I just feel bad for what i said last week about this. Peace-
  12. sumguy


    this board has gone completly to shit. nice post jackass. i bet when u woke up this morning you were pumped and couldn't wait to post this garbage. and now it's up here and failing miserably. was this suppose to be funny? u know what would be funny? if u were to fall down a flight of metal stairs while letting out a 37 syllable fart. i would laugh very very hard if i saw that. moron.
  13. hey hey hey!!!! it's faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat clubkat!!!! haha u fat miserable bitch!!!!! :laugh: 5'0, 120 lbs???? jesus, u must look like a pizza dough before it's flattened out.
  14. look at the pic. it looks like the train they are on ran them the fuck over before they got onto it.... and it gets worse the further down to the right u go.... is that some sort of demon on the far right? to the dude, this is not ment for you.... no, i'm not gay. but i have to wonder if he is.... hanging with bull dykes and all...... and that is the most honest response u will get from anyone on here.... no, none of the females cute........ in any way at all. no, u don't look good..... at all. Hey, is that the ugly stick stuck in her ass????
  15. nope. anyone else??
  16. nope, no good dude.... thanks anyway! anyone else???
  17. In my hardest Cartman laugh..... hahahahahahaaaaaaahahahahahhaaaaaaaaaahaaaahahahahaaaaaaaahaaahahahahahahaaaaahahahaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! look out now people!!! there is a quater inch killer among us... tiny pp..... i mean really small. how mortifying....
  18. sumguy


    I get so irritated when I don't get my way! :mad: (had to get that off my chest)
  19. anyone know of any free sites? i love me some raver girlies..... yummy.....
  20. what the fuck? dingleberries? the shit that sticks to your ass hair? is that was this is about? jesus fucking christ all goddamn mighty!! thats the nastiest thing i have ever heard a girl say!! be proud....yes be very proud.....
  21. sumguy

    aNaL SeX WhY

    thanks for the visual....
  22. sumguy

    Dirty Sanchez

    the burning bush.... as you pound the shit out of your girl in missionary position, right before you are about to cum, you ignite her bush with a lighter or a match (lighter is easier). as she screams in terror of being burned, just look at her and smile. now the tricky part.... you must extinguish the fire on her bush with your load. BUT, it's a tough move if you don't have at least a weeks worth of juice.If not, she may get burned and no one like's a burned twat.
  23. sumguy

    Dirty Sanchez

    or the roman war helmet is pretty good too.... it's when you sit your lover down on the floor in indian style. you go stand behind her and kinda just lay your junk over her face. make sure your balls are parallel to her eyes and that your cock is hanging down off her nose. looks just like a roman war helmet. enjoy!
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