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About genki

  • Birthday 04/02/1970

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  • Biography
    you wouldn't believe it
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  • Interests
    asia, music, food, nihongo, travel
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Newbie (1/14)



  1. okay, stop everybody. in web discussions it is very easy to misunderstand someone. especially with such poor spelling and grammar as is found here in my thread :square: it is difficult to understand what some of you MFs are saying. on the other hand, i think this is a valuable discussion. it is so interesting to me that NYC is home to such diverse cultures but we still have little understanding. maybe if every witey promises to love one asian this year, and vice versa, we can get over our problems and understand eachother better. Oh, BTW, I'll be at the Taiwan festival in Union Square on Sunday.... anyone?? Lots of my chinese friends are gonna be there.
  2. okay, thanks for the explanation crxtacy. I am gonna join your car club by the way. I know you have plenty of jewish eggs in the club but maybe you can squeeze in one more without offsetting your delicate racial balance ? My ride is cherry red, classic 1992, nissan sentra, coupe baby, with only one hubcap (you know shit is faster that way). Okay, seriously, now that we've gotten a lot of the racism/stereotyping discussion out of the way, can we go back to what I was getting at originally? The outstanding virtues of Asian women and how to better adore them. Sexy way past 50. Usually good cooks. Not american-insecure about catering to their guy friends / boyfriends. Usually talented. Often like electronic music. Stunningly beautiful skin, lips, eyes. Silky, thick, black hair. Emotionally tough but still exquisitely sensitive. Super super fucking smart. Opinions?
  3. crxtacy, wow, so much hating.... what the hell? please examine yourself and your motives for attacking people and fomenting racial disharmony like this and stop. we all need to live together in peace here in nyc/nj. and about your "lobe" of korean food and sushi, please recognize that sushi is to japanese food as pizza is to italian food (i'm not sure if you can understand that). And stirfry/kimchee... what the hell? Talk about outrageous stereotypes!! You're guilty of culinary stereotyping! As an egg, I'm insulted! Mephisto mentioned Asian stereotypes promulgated in the media... he's probably insulted too. Anyway, I'll forgive your simplistic prejudical culinary crimes, as long as you try to stop hating on "creamy whites" and "twinkies". Your sisters deserve your love and respect to make their own choices in their lives.
  4. LOL, that is really great. Thank you deanna for kneading and beating my doughy formless white flesh into submission with your perfect thin asian fingers and intellect. But you are so so wrong. I am not hoping that my interests in asian languages and cultures are flattering. I don't care what anyone thinks about that. It is what makes me happy. I think most guys who have written to this thread will assure you that you needn't know anything about asia to date an asian girl. It's the other way around....the reason I prefer to socialize and date asians is that it is intensely pleasurable to learn about the culture, and the language, and oh yeah, the FOOD! If I told you of some of the incredible experiences I've had you would drop your over-americanized jaw and admit that you are wrong. And as for my Jewish mother, she knows. I think inside she'd prefer me to be with a jewish girl but now she knows there is no chance. My mother is probably the one who got me into this trouble anyway; she took me out to chinese food every night for 3 years. I think she's an egg too. But thanks for your opinion. I don't think someone like you is asian enough for me anyway. You probably can't even speak and write your parents' language or don't know much about your culture's history.
  5. Wow, thanks for all the interest in my topic and helpful posts! I have travelled in many Asian countries and lived in Flushing for a year but sometimes it's not always easy to know someone's background from their appearance. I think it is very important and respectful to discover someone's cultural background, as there are tremendous differences between Asian cultures. Knowing a little about these differences makes for a rich NYC experience. Don't cheat yourself. Ask, read, discover. About Asian Fetish, I think it's wrong to say that Asian women are culturally the same as 3rd generation Americans. They do tend to be less confrontational in my experience. Also more intelligent, generous, sensitive, and persevering. So if I like the characteristics of some Asian women, am I not entitled to seek those people? In reality, the Asian women I know are very different from white girls in these ways. And by the way, I estimate that there are 6 million jewish guys worldwide, and 1000 million asian girls. So if you're down on St. Marks and you see a couple like this, which one has the FETISH?
  6. Does anyone know of any lounges/bars in manhattan where I would meet some nice Asian (C/J/K) girls? I'm serious about studies of Asian culture and language and I want to make some new friends. I'm serious. Thanks for your help.
  7. close, it's kam-sa ham nee da love korean
  8. vision, yeah, that scene with the black midget- the other fucked up white guy, that was Harmony Korine, the director of Gummo and of KIDS. There was so much visual stuff in that movie that seeing it once marks it indelibly in your mind. Remember, dead cat whipping, getting fed spaghetti by mother in bathtub, weightlifting with taped-together forks and spoons??
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