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Posts posted by jbocc10

  1. Originally posted by tunnelbandit

    Yeah i hear ya man.Meet me on 9th st. and 6th ave at 12:30 and i'll hook you up nice.I always give awesome deals to people who use messageboards to buy drugs. Silly faaaaacker:blown:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    can i meet u there too?

  2. i personally think sex in a club is gross, but i can honestly see why people do it.... but if i girl came up to me and wanted to have sex in a club..... my guess might be that she is not the cleanest girly in the club....

    once when i was really fucked up at exit..... me and my girfriend were chillin by the bar by the coat check, and i happened to notice to my right that there was this guy fingering this girl right next to me.... spread eagle...... i guess if thats your thing........

    i know her mom would have been so proud to see her.


  3. i doubt there is any real explanation.

    i personally think that the US economy just makes alot of money off of weed, and if it was legal then people would just grow it and there would be so much more...... i guess then everyone would be stoners (:smoke: :smoke: :afro: ) not that there is anything wrong with that. More of an abundance of weed could be looked at as just more problems, more people doin dumb shit. It makes sense when its looked at that way, but then look at alcohol. People do alot more stupid shit when they drink. So basically, i can definitly see why weed is illegal (although that sucks). I agree with BLAZN as to why alcohol is legal.... people would lose their minds..... people would be very unhappy.... The bottom line is that weed seems so insignificant when compared to alcohol, and the penalty when getting caught for smoking it and having it is just fucking bullshit. Recently i spoke with a narcotics detective who is a very good friend of my family, and he personally believes when someone is caught with weed, they should really only prosecute if there is an astronomical amount. He said that in New York, most cases dealing with only a few ounces are not even investigated because of the amount of cases they have.

    I can see why weed is illegal, but there is no reason why the law should ruin a kids life just becuase he likes to smoke a little pot. It just seems ludicrous. :mad:

  4. what does everyone think is the best drug to put into a blunt????????? someone told me valium was the best he tried. i heard xanax sucks. anyone use vicodin? perks? coke? E?

    Ive been told for the most part that the others are good, but i never get any good feedback.




  5. guys love when girls ask them out...... i dont think flowers are necessary.... if youve already asked him out by the time you read this post i hope everything went well...... otherwise, just ask.... i think its probably easier for a girl to ask a guy out just cause guys are always looking for the right way to ask a girl out.

  6. does anyone know a website where i can find more info on it??????????? shit sounds pretty intense, but id always wanna know what i am getting myself into.

    how is it smoked?

    where can i get it?

    how much does it cost?

    if anyone can help me out, id appreciate it. thanks

  7. im going to Amsterdam at some point next semester.... my friend who just went said that she bought the mushroom tea there, and she said it was the best trip that she has ever had in her life....... she swears its 10x better than anything she has ever tripped on here in the US......... so come to Amsterdam and we'll trip ballzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    :smoke: :smoke: :spin2: :spin2:

    mushroooooooom tea. :tongue:

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