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About kelebek

  • Birthday 12/22/1974


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  1. NEW venue NEW resident Personally, I would loved to see someone like CRAIG DEMO pick up a residency Not only is he a bad ass DJ (anyone that has had the pleasure of hearing him will agree) He is always on the cutting edge and his style is like no other on the beach. He is so far ahead of Miami. I am surprised that he hasn't found a home somewhere yet. Besides that, have you ever seen him??? He's HOT!!! Any half way decent marketing director should pick up on that and market the hell out of him. When will Miami CATCH UP!!!!
  2. kelebek

    Nye Wtf

    WOW everyone here is really touchy and no i don't work for Stryke or even know what you are talking about you are all really paranoid there is no one out to get you
  3. kelebek

    Nye Wtf

    yes it was sarcasm... but it's not hate i do support the local djs...it was a joke about having the same djs playing at 3 different clubs on NYE now where else in the world does that happen but in Miami??? i am pretty educated in the music industry. I have some very close friends that are djs and producers, very close. I have been on the beach for a while. I worked in clubs for a while. I know what is going on in the music industry. Its great for you to have a big hit and sucks that you don't have a sense of humor and have to defend yourself. I believe that Miami still has the potential also, but there are few that really are educated and the rest only know what is shoved down their throats. I hear your fustration. The sceen is not being held back by haters its being held back by uneducated people. And I know first hand, it makes the job as a dj or promoter or marketing director or club owner that much harder. Good luck in the upcomming yr educating the masses.
  4. kelebek

    Nye Wtf

    Yeah you are right....gotta go w/ what everone is used to. This is sell out Miami. My wish for the New Years is that someone will have the balls to make a change. Don't try to fix what ain't broke....just repetative and boring. I also heard that all the local djs got together and decided to ring in the new year w/ DARK BEAT. At exactly 12am at every club in Miami, and of course on 93.1, Dark Beat will be playing loud and clear.
  5. kelebek

    Nye Wtf

    WTF is up w/ NYE I just wanted to thank all the big clubs for such a difficult decision. HMMM...should I go to Spin and hear George Acosta or to Level to hear George Acosta or to Space to hear George Acosta or should I go to Crobar to hear Cedric and Juan Mejia or to Space to hear Cedric and Juan Mejia Its great that you are trying to keep it local, but I am sure that there are some other local djs that deserve to be in there somewhere. What is wrong with Miami, why are we afraid to try something new and arouse the intrests of those that can't stand to go out anymore because its so 2 years ago.
  6. OK I did the Space thing when it first opened and EVERYONE was going (all the locals....familiar and fun people) If the crowd were still like that I'd probably go there more often. For the past yr the crowd has changed and the music (on the patio) has unfortunately stayed the same. Thats the reason that I only went 4/5 times in the past yr for special events. Something NEW for the beach is a good thing. And if you are going somewhere because of MUSIC then you should check out the new afterhours at PUMP......you wont be disappointed as far as music goes.
  7. Hot ass...them maybe you should check out Pump on sunday morning.
  8. I visit Space about 4/5 times a year to hear Danny because I know thats that is the only time all the locals will come out. 95% of the 3000 people that go to Space are the ones that listen to 93.1 and don't have a clue about music. Don't get me wrong I love the DJs at Space. The last time I went to see Danny I was more impressed with Oscar. But the crowd that goes there, to put it bluntly.....is repulsive. I think that an afterhours on the beach may bring out some of the locals that are afraid to venture to Space. Im sure that the music will be awesome!!!! Craig Demo, Sammy O and Eddie X.....enough said.
  9. Craig DeMo gets my vote He rocked the patio at their one yr anniversary party and at the Grooveman party a few months ago. If you want to hear something NEW every weekend. Check him out at Rain this Friday night....you wont be disappointed.
  10. Everyone says South Beach....models....where have you been for the past couple of years??? The model thing is pretty much over here. That was like 3 or 4 years ago. I haven't been her for that long (5yrs), but long enough to know that fashion here ain't what it used to be. I don't know what happened. If you think that we are the center of fashion in america, here in South Beach, that is scarey. See it's all about the shoes...pumps. Have you been out latley??? And you think those chunky shoes or those shoes that have the plastic heels that everyone is wearing constitutes fierce fashion??? WOW I have one word for you....clueless. Of course the fiercest fashion in in NY. And for those of you that say NY / NJ same thing.....you couldn't be more wrong. I am originaly from NY. A New Yorker wouldn't put themself in the same category as someone from Jersey. Thats just how it is. As for lifestyle....Miami is the way to go. It's paradise here...the weather, the beach, the clubs. So we are a little behind in fashion. I would never move back to NY....only visit to go shopping.
  11. In my opinion the LR is going to have the same problems that Liquid is having because of it's name. Not because of the who the promoters/djs/and friendly staff are. But because they are trying to revive something that should have just been inducted into the South Beach Clubbing Hall of Fame and left at that. The sceen is made up largely of locals. Now that we are going into the summer and the tourist season is closing if these clubs don't have the support of it's locals they are doomed to fail. That's not something that you would understand if you are new to the Miami club sceene.
  12. By the way. Edgar V has been out of town for the past two weekends. So saleen before you make yourself look like more of an asshole than you already are try to get your facts straight. It wasn't Edgar that you heard when you were there this weekend.
  13. favorite djs oscar g craig demo stryke dj i'm tired of seeing everywhere ivano
  14. We are celebrating Craig's Birthday @ Liquid Thursday January 31 Deep House...Tech House....Tribal Stop by to say Happy B-day, to have a drink or to just listen to some really good music!!!!! Call 305 531-9411 for the guest list
  15. before you jump to conclusions, Beyondo...which you do often. I wasn't pointing a finger at anyone club or any one DJ. But now that you have assumed I will explain. I was talking about Crobar. I'm jumping off the Ivano banwagon. I go to the Space patio now and listen to the same music he was playing a year ago. That music made that party great then. Now its OLD. I'm saying I am not going to pay $50-$75 for that. I'm not knocking any local DJs. I've worked at a lot of clubs on the beach. My closest friend are DJs...so I know music. I also know that people are sick of hearing the same shit being played at every club, every weekend. I hear it from customers that are spending big money on VIP tables. Every club is going to be having a New Years Eve party...if you are going to spend the $$$$ why not do it where you can't go hear the same DJ the following weekend for $20 or for free.
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