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Everything posted by doubleplay1970

  1. comon tara you know me. Ill just voite for all of them so i leave no ojne out or hurt no ones feelings LOL guys def are the ones with something to look at on CP for you ladies is it the same. ??
  2. believe me if i go i will definatly be ROLLing in to limelight lol tough descion i got a 3 hr trip thanksgiving morning to my parents. im trying to get out of going but who knows
  3. i will be at deko. sorry i was under the weather so to speak. i am sure by sat night my hobbling ass will be ok to go to deko. at least i have most of this week off. im tired of people telling me i look like hell and look like i havent slept in days. I will be there. Especially now i know im on your SHIt list ok thorw saynotodrama on there too im just going to get all 12 months out of the way nmow and enjoy the year off lol
  4. i took off 2 times. once when i graduated i dissappeard w friends for a weekend and didnt tell anyone we went to seaside, so when i got back in my mom flipped so i just turned around and walked back out. I called her about 6 months later to tell her i was ok and then moved back in w her a year after that. then took of for 3 days after my ex bro in law died. that one was bad considering there was a missing persons report and all out for me. Just couldnt deal with the situation at the funeral and had to get some space. now at least i know to let someone know im going lol
  5. just busting his chops about when he was soo hammered he took his tie off and wore it around his head in Deko
  6. where does all this whos hot whos not whos an ass whos nice come from. Gotta love jersey. Gotta love the attitude. who friggin cares. someone cook me dinner damn it im hungry LOL
  7. hmmmm if we had nthing nice to say and said nothing how interesting would these message boards me:eek: :laugh:
  8. No offense but if there was a guy who understood women he wuld end up extremely rich or gay so no man will ever understand women
  9. ok what would i do with a chik in the library. hmmm be loooking for the next woman to divorce. Unless we we both reaching for a book called " history of house music"
  10. im going if binoy is wearing a thanksgiving tie
  11. ok so if stardo cant find a man then there is defnatly something wrong with the solar alignment.
  12. ok so if stardo cant find a man then there is defnatly something wrong with the solar alignment. ever try just standing there and waiting for someone to come up to you ??
  13. i had an 85 GT 5.0 i loved that car.never should have gotten rid o it. id love to get another one but convertiable.
  14. ok my official ballot goes to a 3 way tie Deelite ( gotta vote for the pahtnah) sexyinthecity and DKNYbabe
  15. Wow some hostility there huh ?????? ok i vote for you too lol after all who cant love a lil sin lol
  16. The bottom line is we are all fucked up, ok u guys are not me LOL Besides people defintly shw their true colors in the first 5 minutes and sometimes its hysterical
  17. funkatron safe from harm emerge ( the club 25 after hours 6 am dj christian remix) LOL
  18. yeah ut i dont give a shit if guys judge a book by their cover. they arent looking at me and if they are they better keep some distance. Besides Ill take the one who has the great personality and is cute too.
  19. nah i dont go shopping with women. That drives people to insanity. So i was just using an example. IU just meant alort of womens clothes are cheper than mens so its easy to wear it and chuck it. if you can beat michigam IF is a big two letter word. As far as holiday shopping for the ladies i dont go clothes shopping. Prefer better more thoughtful gifts
  20. ok not all women are players but IMO most are. ( not you sweetie LOL) seems to me all the chicks i meet friends or otherwise are just players. However there are a few nice women out there
  21. its the women plain and simple. perfect example ... i used to go to the place all the time. so there was this hot chick i kinda knew. She would blow off almost every guy that came by unless he was like GQ smooth. So one day she was all upset because this guy was cheating on her. So she says " why cant i find a nice guy" answer because she blows them all off. sO imo women judge a book by its cover and if the cover isnt perfect nothing else matters
  22. wow i must be old skool 5 people before 20 yeah thats a hoovh to me. And if you are in your 20's or 30's and hit like 20 or 25 you get the high holy hooch award.
  23. hmmm first im a nice guy and have no fear going up to a woman. Yet i do thik 80% in clubs are just a waste period. i am sure the same goes for guys. Everyone is always out looking for the bigger better deal. As far as meeting someone through a friend. Hmmm only place that can get you sometimes is one less friend. I guess You can meet someone anywhere. Jus tthey have to be interested and also looking for the same things you are. Besides if someone doesnt want you its their loss and nothing more than a waste of your time. All that said and done. Pretty glad at least for now i dont have to look. You women are worse players then men are and you are almost proud of it.
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