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Everything posted by doubleplay1970

  1. lol typed that backwards. you had something stuck to your Lips
  2. just my point he was a mans man. as opposed to a real man
  3. kinda weird i dont remember meeting lock but if he met pandora i was with her the whole night. wow i must have been banged up
  4. i was going to say goodbye when i was leaving you were right in front of me but i think you had something stuck on your pil at the time and wasnt going to bother you
  5. nah thats just cause my parnts are pretty cool. my dad was like major guido and for them saturdays was copa or studio 54 and even hit up limelight here and ther in the early 80's and whatnot i thinmk a mans man was versace i think a real man was rocky balboa lol
  6. yeah but my dad doesnt need to b bigger than anyone lol
  7. imo if it didnt work once it wont work again. i was kinda shitty to an ex. and even thiking about if we got back i would end up bing the same way because of what you were use to. yet i would never be that way to smeone else
  8. the only hing that i dont like about Rbar is its thurs and sat and prime and BG are cool to hang with and i like deko alot descions descions. cant you guys plan your nighsts around my schedule lol j/k :laugh:
  9. yeah yeah yeah stick it in your ass lol:laugh:
  10. get it yo damn self you are no guest in my house
  11. hey joe im in put me down on a list for me Bob F plus2
  12. fuck you my house isnt perfect but its not ghetto. and dishes dont count lol. i acctually clan it. and uhhh might have to start doing that spotless thing dont want someone to think im a slob ya know. id never hear the end of that one.
  13. i had this shirt i got from bang bang a few yrs ago. i was showing my brother and my pop comes out and says " what did u get that shirt at the fag store bang bang" i was like wait a minute how the hell doies he know about bang bang
  14. single sucks unless im out hookin up then its fun. although thse days might be ending. dont know kinda talking to my boys cousin. now thats scary
  15. I think imgoing to have to hit R bar up on a wed night. Wont mind chillin with some sick music and good food. be just like sitting home except i dont have to clean up when everyone is gone
  16. hmmm me get into sports. softball 2 -4 times a week been playing ball for 27 yrs im not too into it
  17. bro i was shot in R bar BANGED UPPPPP
  18. uhhh ok just make sure you get here after the sopranos are over lol
  19. lol go pipdaddy pimpin aint easy but someones got to do it ya know
  20. het 125 million and i can buy a ring too.
  21. hmmm i dont think ill go there with what i am thinking. with my luck youd wanna come over and regrip our golf clubs together
  22. two words for the crackhead from the bronx. daryl strawberry. oh yeah and doc gooden too there was more coke in their club house than all of colombia
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