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Everything posted by liqidtouch

  1. Ok so your with someone NEW- not even much past a week with them... who you think you or the other person would have the right to ask a question like- "sho how many have you been with..." as ur not even intimate with this person yet- might i add:eek: i find it WAY to forward but does anyone have an opposing point of view?
  2. OK OK OK OK OK i got the point;)
  3. once -- in band camp- oops wrong thread not really i reemeber at work once there was an office manager that had a tendancy to DRINK or eat and pik at anyone elses food- till one day she made the mistake fo thinking that she was about to brink someones glass of water- it took about half way through the 1st gulp- it was NOT water but alcohol in the cup looks like water right? she was an asshole anyway- and yes she did goto the hospital but never returned....she quit
  4. ok nvr mind me i dont know whats wrong with me today- ill just go into hibernation mode til i see you friday later sweety <~~~ im ready
  5. whats that burning smell?
  6. is that opposed to UN- usually? ya know like PRO is the opposite of CON so PROGRESS is the opposite of CONGRESS --- how ironic huh?
  7. ok then pik a superfluous body and start some DRAMA with them--- that seems to get a JUMP on EVERYONES number for a day--- go ahead (CELEB is right there-- like hehas anthingto do
  9. i think we can call this thread TODAYS THERAPY ...thanks for the push 812 even MORE glad that i dont drink
  10. wll i guess that should be a national holiday then huh? WOO HOO CP SNOW / POST WHORE DAY EVERY JAN 29th ...and then you go and spoile it all bye saying something stupid like I LOOOOVE YOU..... Sorry - i just had the song in my head
  11. wll i guess that should be a national holiday then huh? WOO HOO CP SNOW / POST WHORE DAY EVERY JAN 29th
  12. never had cable still dont have cable ......that explains alot of things now doesnt it:confused:
  13. yeae we alll ready know your one of those tara
  14. its now 1 hr later and Booooooiiiiing Booooooiiiiing Booooooiiiiing Booooooiiiiing Booooooiiiiing Booooooiiiiing Booooooiiiiing Booooooiiiiing Booooooiiiiing Booooooiiiiing Booooooiiiiing Booooooiiiiing Booooooiiiiing Booooooiiiiing Booooooiiiiing Booooooiiiiing Booooooiiiiing Booooooiiiiing Booooooiiiiing Booooooiiiiing Booooooiiiiing back at ya son-- haha good nihgt
  15. WHAT?! u think i dont have one here? hell-- all the stuff i get from the FETISH parties ive thrown and been to? OH GRL we gotta hang-- i just a freakin STORE here for ya and wheres MYSTI in all this?
  16. in case anyone would like to know the party went very well for a tuesdays short notice-- i had fun good work prime get me that info about the other new spot- ill hook that up for ya <> with ya <>< whateva yea:cool:
  17. DAMB DID SHE JUST SAY SMOOOOOOOTH? OMG IM GETTING TURNED ON!!! haha ha just had to do that sweety--- bye the way - i like ur eyes---real? or memorex?(contacts)
  18. introduce urself when u get there bro- Liqid TOuch white shirt - headphones- you know the drill.... yo davis-- call my cell
  19. Bump-- right? its called a BUMP? ok ok who wants to BUMP ooohtiii hoot!!!
  20. true prime!!! i know your a good guy and you KNOW YOUR SHIZZIT!! ill be spinning there tonight- whos commin in to represent?!?! some of you CP heads have been wanting to hear me live so?.. here the chance Tuesday January 28th 9pm-2am Donation at the door Two rooms will be open $1 bud and Bud Lights till 11pm $2 shot specials all night 18 to party 21 to drink Platinum 13 Paterson Street New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901
  21. i have both but i keep them in a jar under a heat lamp so they stay moist- she said she wouldnt screem and i had to stop her from makin too much noise.... damb organ donars
  22. ok i was shootin to make my 1100th post and that was it so now im off to bed if anyone wants to be there-- im spinning platinum tuesdaynight for the charity deal- djliqidtouch@tellurian.com let me know leave a number - ill hit ya back good night
  23. at least you spelled it right
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