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Everything posted by liqidtouch

  1. "I want young men and young women who are not alive today, but who will come into this world with new privileges and new opportunities, I want them to know and see that these new privileges and opportunities did not come without somebody suffering and sacrificing for them!" – [Martin Luther King, Jr.]
  2. "When you have seen vicious mobs lynch your mothers and fathers at will, and drown your sisters and brothers at whim; when you have seen hate-filled policeman curse, kick and even kill your Black brothers and sisters; when you see the vast majority of your twenty million Negro brothers smothering in an air-tight cage of poverty in the midst of an affluent society; when you suddenly find your tongue twisted, and your speech stammering, as you seek to explain to your six-year-old daughter why she can't go to the public amusement park, and see her developing an unconscious bitterness toward White people; when you have to concoct an answer for a five-year-old son who is asking 'Daddy, why do White people treat Colored people so mean?'; when you are humiliated day-in and day-out by nagging signs reading 'White' and 'Colored'; when your first name becomes 'Nigger', your middle name becomes 'Boy', however old you are, and your last name becomes 'John', and your wife and mother are never given the respected title 'Missus'; when you are harried by day and haunted by night by the fact that you are a Negro, living constantly at tip-toe stance, never quite knowing what to expect next, and are plagued with inner fears and outer resentments; when you are forever fighting a degrading and degenerating sense of nobodiness – then you will understand why we find it difficult to wait." – [Martin Luther King, Jr.]
  3. unfortunatly i have had the first hand experiance of seeing what SLAVERY cna do to ppl- i have met escapies and freed slaves- as young as i am- that does not matter- maybe i am older than most are led to believe--- but i just want to pass tribute to a good hero to our country- USA-- although there are still ppl out there that dont see eye to eye with what this man has done for us- that is STILL The bottom line to what he stood for and what we sitll believe in today.... freedom and freedom of speech..... HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY FRIEND....
  4. hook it up? dude the party is running right now.!!!! mean while we're listening to my man dj QWEST click here and tune in..... I GET BYE by DJ QWEST on metromixradio dial up I GET BYE by DJ QWEST on metromixradio cable
  5. in case some of you didnt see it in the substance pages iwant you to take a look at this- it might apply to a few of you death becomes you.. take in mind this is for you own saftey
  6. today my plac to party is MR COMPUTER CHAIRS LOUNGE just across from the BIG BED OF HAPPINESS casual PLZ- only sweats and t-shirts alowwed
  8. its simple u have to understand that ANYTHING ANODIZED will do this... also if u must know the sign you get first is a slow sign of a heart attach- i have felt this from WELDING items like this and ITS FUKIN SCAREY- u know immiately whats happening and the PAIN is like NOTHING u will ever imagine or feel again.... if your going to do it- at least be as safe as possable- as hypocritical as that may seem...
  9. for anyone that has or is using this little device- i just want to let you know- that it is coated with an ANODIZING agent- thats all well and good (not really) but incase u really have NO CLUE on what that material can do to you?... heres the skinny IT WILL KILL YOU- ANODIZING is what makes it non stik and shiney- but it has a cost- i have worked with this agent FIRST HAND!!! the vapors that come any ANY heated anodized product are cancerous- there is NO question that they WILL kill you and the only reason the company can still sell this is cause they openly tell you- ITS ANODIZED but its up to YOUas the user to know what that will do to you heres what it is... as it is advertised Mini Zeppelin features an anodized (electrically bonded color) body and a rubber mouthpiece to keep it from heating up on you. These are great because they are small enough to keep just about anywhere and thanks to their small lighting hole design, they go out as soon as you stop inhaling. Colors may vary. $8.49
  10. this posted in a FACTUAL newsletter ....Oh yeah, the NYC no smoking law goes into effect March 31, 2003, for all bars and clubs too. Plan on that law causing bar and club owners a lot of grief as patrons head outside to smoke causing the neighbors to file complaints against the clubs....... drug are NOT the only issue but they may be NEXT to be constricted further
  11. dont worry NJ i never even played once- i dont even have any copies of it- not really into the songs that get the KTU over play-- im more the underground SICK TWISTED MIND BENDING style check out my brooklyn rave cds
  12. she s rigth everyone- that is NOT here i just poted that and its some unknown chick
  13. how about leaving all the CPers a little LINK to the page my friend:tongue:
  14. look for the thread called WAS IT TRUE???
  15. i been sayin that all last year!! and its not jsut twister its....naked GREASED up TWISTER
  16. i urge you all to just listen to the whole file- i added alittle something to it at the end and it means something to me- as i have had first hand knowledge of what it is to have a FREED slave in my family- this would seem the appropriate weekend to post this- i hope the file isnt too big... if it is- gimmie a few- ill be back and ill post the shortend version POSTED AGAIN ok i think i fixed the file PLZ someone post a responce to let me know it works cause DILAUP SUX
  17. yea can we stop this? i mean we arent little kids here- although some of u choose to act like it- if u dont like the dj or the place then fine you made your point- no need to drag it out across the street and beat it to death...
  18. DJ LIQID TOUCH is a straight edge always have been always will be never had a need for the drug.. i just want the ppl the music my headphones and THE DARK BEAT!!
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