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Everything posted by liqidtouch

  1. Mr. Lockwood i would like to take some of your time and would expect a response from you as soon as you finish reading this- I read through the article on this page Tonic Brawl news i have to say that i don't and cant for the life of me, for one second believe that you were actually at the site of the incident- i was there on all 3 nights this past week- No i am not employed by them and they don't even know im sending this to you- - i was in the establishment during closing of all nights last week- and on the night in question to this article- there are MANY things i see (not believe to be, but Truly ARE) - miss informative - ill respectable - way out of context - completely wrong in content of information and the list grows the more i read it, however, i will sum it up in as few words as passable. What does telling about the problems of PAST owners , events, themes and so on have to do with the venue of today at Tonic? what you're doing in that regard is saying that the same people from the years of 1983, are still attending and causing the same type of problems. This also applies to the naming if the issues of happened past when it was under previous management and ownership- ~~~If there was a murder in your home before you moved in, would the neighbors think that you would do the same?~~~ same rules and proper ways of thinking apply. don't they? on the MOST relevant of notes- you say the incident had the better part of 200 people involved? how could you be so wrong and un factaul in stating that? It is a terrably bold statement, and to think that i was actually printed? Keep in mind the issues of YELLOW JOURNALISM. Im sure you remember reading about that in your earlier days, yes? I was at the venue during the entire incident and there weren't even 200 people on the grounds- Just in that statement alone- i would be just as bold to DEMAND seeing a retraction printed in the next follow-up editorial spread. Now lest see how professional you can be in the next few minutes by telling me what YOU believe would be ample and sufficient actions to gain such a retraction from you? Further you printed this in the article <<<<<police were not being attacked by the crowd, but the Stanhope officer could not get through the crowd and called for more backup>>>> do you mean to tell me that the shoulder radio attached to each officer does NOT go to the central command location and dispatch personnel? this is something i can not believe. because in the following words you added this <<<A dispatcher put out an alert over a statewide police emergency network,>>> now tell me something/?.. how did dispatch know to get more backup and report to surrounding counties if (AS YOU SAID) the officers could NOT get to their radios to let proper persons know to do this? now lets take this further here you say <<<Two police officers suffered minor scrapes>>> but earlier you already told that the fight was between the bouncers and crowd and <<<The police were not being attacked by the crowd>>> in your own words. well? i have said my piece and as you can see its not as short as either one of us would have hoped it to be- i will be expecting a response in this matter so that at least I can understand all the facts that you so claim to have seen- (usually a THANK YOU is added here but i have yet to feel the need to do so) Eric Robinson
  2. mine is that one that goes DO DO OD dida da da da di daa dodo od something like that i think its sung by aim4night
  3. WOW:eek: Jill got SKILZ i didnt even think of that one and i get the weekly from them too (digitalxity) you can also head out to the local music shops- dj gear shops and see what magz that have laying near the door- usualy som flyers for parties and other parafenlia worth a shot
  4. mind if i join? i got some fruit by the foot
  5. obviously whoever made up that "yellow jounal colum" doesnt have ANY of it correct yes there was a fight but it involved no where NEAR 100 or 200 ppl thats just stupid cause by the time the fight took place it was emptying out and there werent even 100 ppl TOTLA in that area so FUK OFF on that one- ill make sure i find out how this JERK was able to print such a LAME ass story and have it in the papers- guess you cant belive everything you read -correct?
  6. u comming to tonys show this tuesday? ill be there CHILLIN BRRRROKIE sorry- its a spanish expression (brokie)
  7. yESSSSSSS sweet-pea i noticed you came back- hope all is well as your return (good time?) also i want to keep you posted on an event takin place in a couple months- I WANT YOU!!! i mean I WANT YOU TO BE THERE !!! (waiting for sultry cheap laughter from the VIXY girl)
  8. WHAAAAT! its only the bestest boldest hotttest music havingest- triumphant djs spinning online with talent local and some abroad with the latest DROPPIN BOMBS styleeeees MMR is METRO MIX RADIO metromixradio.com baby!!!! click my face in my sig
  9. let me know when the side-burns fully come in and ill hook you up with some SPERZ:laugh:
  10. hotspot ur funny and this is a good one did u post it on MMR yet?
  11. HOLLY SHIT how the F did this just turn into a 90210 thread? oh sorry , it started that way:eek:
  12. dont listen to GLO i dont know whats wrong there but i have more fun in NJ spots the NY to tell the truth- hit me up if you want ANY of them with your peeps:D not a promoter- i just know the right ppl there hi AMY how are ya?
  13. thanks alot for the feedback but i dont want this to turn into a threadjacking: to answer ya though im not spinning anywhere now- did my # of years on the decks- in the booths and whatnot- that set was recorded completly live at a spot in NJ called MANHATTAN STREETS ( how ironic huh ) its has alot of tracks i brought back from the UK with me- i still havent found a proper description for the music style it leans to- soon ill be doing this FETISH pary on a monthly in NYC then BI-weekly ( guess you cant us the term "BI" and FETISH ) in the same sentace:laugh: let me know if you want to come just contact me througt my website www.clubexl.com (contact info at bottom)
  14. WTF? y the hell was that name blocked? that doest name sence next will be my name or something
  15. dtrave- dont even worry- im well informed on who these ppl are- its funny i know them and they never met me- sometimes its nice having a face no one sees- call me Mr Behinde the scene and YOU are not even being looked at- so whats the deall? you comming thrusday or what?
  16. tell me if this does it for you Brooklyn part one
  17. YOOOOO "Teeeeeeeee" let me know if ur comming up papa- ill introduce ya to "whos who" Sleepy serena thinks your a hotty with a BOOM-boty:eek: serena- ill see you there call me thursdy like 7:hat: Partaaaaaay
  18. i got your hot girls in a pic too but they dont have a face- they just have one eye each:laugh: wassa matter? you didnt see me lookin? guess im getting better at it
  19. dont worry papa i got you on that one--- you comming up again? and did u see that i got you guys on the main page now? www.clubexl.com just watch the images switch along (youll see the two hoty girls too)
  20. this is even better!!! This saturday 712/03 free stuf at the door as long as you come in with a normal and respectable attitude (this only applies to sandstormer) how u been sweety- see ya thursday- got some peeps (newbies) heading in with me- drinks?
  21. thanks BINA that answers one of the questions:D
  22. are you ready to see another JUICE HEAD get tossed? i swear ppl better learn how to act
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