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Everything posted by liqidtouch

  1. i thouhg you were going to say : we are all dying from the moment we are concieved :
  2. yea really? let me see! (reaches out hand)
  3. OMG:eek: JILL i just spoke to you not long ago!!!! and this Just happend? OMG it so odd how life changes in a split second- you know im here for ya (all thumbs) - i mean EARS
  4. im thinkin about a couple options but i really just want to grab a sweet-pea hit the hoboken-weehawken border and just chill under the midnight burning sky
  5. PHAT!!!! and you know why? guys im rollin in there with 11 girls this weekend also got my peeps from PHILLY and FLORIDA commin in papa's so GET THE BOOTH SPACE READY and make sure you all got your FUKIN SUNDAY clothes on cause we aint leavin til the BREAKA DAWN this saturday is going to be HOT LIKE FIYAHH
  6. of corse i will just look for me at the booth ill be there with those "OTHER" 3 hit girls AHAHA jk who u comming with/? u know who i want you to bring right? i mean even though shes got what shes got it dont mean shes happy:hat: im just a sneaky one
  7. hotbarbiedoll ya know i was hoping this would be directed to you but i couldnt get the sn spelling right- though yo might like it:D
  8. from what i gather saturdays are little hard for the area this time of year (understandably) thursday was BANGIN and as for the other room not being open? well maybe reconstruction has begun for the sound? have to check on that one:cool: i have seen a # of plaes open and close in the WAY NORTH NJ area (lk hopatcong and further up) in the past 6 years- and its the people really that attend the locals ya know- they are MAD picky with the music and they dont really dance much but they LOVE the sound and the feel- i swear i want to get available a TON of free music for them hey ANTHONY?!! YOU READING THIS?!? lets get some cd relese party for the local yocals
  9. big ups to KTU? if ur biggin them up - you should be getting somehting in return? any credit at least?
  10. 1. We got off the Titanic first. 2. We can scare male bosses with the mysterious gynecological disorder excuses. 3. Taxis stop for us. 4. We don't look like a frog in a blender when dancing. 5. No fashion faux pas we make, could ever rival the Speedo. 6. We don't have to pass gas to amuse ourselves. 7. If we forget to shave, no one has to know. 8. We can congratulate our teammate without ever touching her rear end. 9. We never have to reach down every so often to make sure our privates are still there. 10. We have the ability to dress ourselves. 11. We can talk to the opposite sex without having to picture them naked. 12. If we marry someone 20 years younger, we are aware that we will look like an idiot. 13. We will never regret piercing our ears. 14. There are times when chocolate really can solve all our problems. 15. We can make comments about how silly men are in their presence because they aren't listening anyway. 16. When we buy a vibrator, it's sexy. When men buy a blow-up doll, it's pathetic. 17. Our boyfriends' clothes look elfin and gorgeous on us -- guys look like complete idiots in ours. 18. We can be groupies. 19. Male groupies are stalkers. 20. We've never lusted after a cartoon character or the central figure in a computer game. 21. Men die sooner, so we get to cash in on the life insurance. 22. Free drinks. 23. Free dinners. 24. We can hug our friends without wondering if they think we're gay. 25. We can hug our friends without wondering if we're gay. 26. We know the truth about whether size matters. 27. New lipstick gives us a whole new lease on life. 28. Condoms make no significant difference in our enjoyment of sex. 29. It's possible to live our whole lives without ever taking a group shower. 30. If we have a zit, we know how to conceal it. 31. We don't have to memorize Caddyshack or Fletch to fit in. 32. We have an excuse to be totally cranky at least once a month. 33. Our friends won't think we're weird if we ask whether there's spinach in our teeth
  11. ok heres your invitation im going back on thursday night come join me and a few djs heading over there:hat:
  12. yea he met you the MC meets EVERYONE!!
  13. ok guys heres the pics from TONIC thursday night- im alittle busy so would ya just post the pics in this thread? thanks peace http://www.clubexl.com/albums/The%20gallery.htm
  14. this is the attitude we all should be using- when we hear about a new venue so all you fuk heads stop hating and bashin on things you dont know anything about
  15. HAHAHA wave serena you guys are too funny at this (cant get the PMs working) im finally awake- had a RUFFFNight) friday anyway yes the guys that built up the equipment at goodies for sound (dont want to name drop) are gettting another bunch of $$$$$$ for adding the system to the "hiphop" area in about a week so be ready for more additions there in a couple weeks along with some additions comming as the weeks go on- sorry i missed it lastnight guys sersna thei pics are online already goto my site www.clubexl.com hit the GALLERY and its the one named TONIC as usual and sorry sweety- no - you and your girls werent the only 3 i was chillin with HAHAAHAH BOO! i think i was hangin with a total of 17 girls- i even got 9 of them together to line up on the stage in the PIT- thers some pics i didnt post- ill be using them for somehting else- have fun guy and WAVE stay in touch the phone # i gave you is cut off but the emails and all are easier to reach me peace you might need this http://www.clubexl.com/albums/TONIC/index.htm peace
  16. good show lol too bad im a straight edge- and fir those who still think the place is a dump and waste ( u have NO idea) lastnight was TREMENDOUS) ill be posting the pics tonight- place was PACKKKKKKKKKKED and the ratio was soemthing like 3grl (NOT 2)) for every guy later on at night it went to 4 grls to eacch guy ( like i wouldnt know/? i was the ONE guy with 3+ girls- dont believe me? ask COOOOOOOOOGS!
  17. well i do remember the name a face and a pic would help me as well- i think she was about 5'4" to5'6" tall set up the table near the main entrance- yes i do remember the night well- and ithink the description is pretty close cant really say on the hair color (im remembering somwhat LIGHT - not blonde but almost)
  18. hey i know that girl on the right- i swear we spoke not to long ago
  19. this is y i dont goto that board- i dont even think i ever signed up for it
  20. coogs got at me yesterday im sending him the PM on how many ppl i will need in with me:tongue: make sure he checks it ok? i dont like having door probs also ill be there with a digi cam so please take a shower tonight:laugh:
  21. liqidtouch

    Doc's review

    ATTN ":X:" and the rest of you- one simple question- will you be joining ME and Tony at PACKIES this friday? theres some tremendouS bi-ki-ni contest OMG U have GOT to see these women!!! are you comming? let me know djliqidtouch@tellurian.com
  22. what do they have for us guys that dont drink the alcky?
  23. sweet heart i dont know wherer you been but im looking for you send me your number again cause my cell is destroyed HERE clubexl@clubexl.com liqidtouch@hotmail.com djliqidtouch@tellurian.com
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