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Everything posted by scarletpromos

  1. Now the truth comes out about the abyss clientel ---
  2. This post is gonna have some drama so IM gonna say my peace early -- Yes I will Be there, Yes I work for/at HUNKA BUNKA, Yes I have a vested interest in the party so there -- I dont care what is said just dont say anyting bad Because O'doyle Rules
  3. Green Velvet Live PA on Friday, see you there and hey MC Matty C im not scared to shw my idenity - I dont know what your problem is but i guess i missed it This is my first year at bunka after 2 summers at Djais but from what i hear you were not very liked any way my name is MIKE nice to meet you and lets stop this teen shit -- teen night is maybe once a month and no one here on this board cares lets talk about regular adult DRINKING NIGHTS -Matty C i know your not a teen so stop getting off on your teen nights, is that all you have in the club buisness - because if it is -- than that is SAD
  4. Lets roll -- and BARRY or BG or Ibclubbin whatever you want to be called today -- how do you get two teams-- from what it looks i dont think starbryte wants to be teamed up with you-- O' DOYLE RULES
  5. Lets Just stop talking about teen nights on this board --- I dont think too many people here care about our teen nights-
  6. Joint Scuba Steve Birthday Parties -- Im in --and Scuba Steve will also throw you a Medical School GRADUATION Party -- I hope you do your homework because scuba steve always does his Afterhours Party at my house, Scuba Steve likes to drink ketel one all night long in the summer -- Just keep the shopping cart away from him early in the morning/late at night :laugh:
  7. sorry -- and yes DONT FORGET ABOUT SCOTT BOND COMING TO HB on MARCH 22nd Scuba Steve might be there
  8. Scuba Steve Likes to play more in the summer than the winter but this weather has scuba steve itching in his wet suit -- Scuba Steve birthday Party get ready for it now -- Coming In May to DJAIS --
  9. Thank You-- AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY -- whos coming to the birthday party on friday at HB -- I know I will be there
  10. Pricks and Fags tend to be friends with each other -- Hey Barry what are you -- Prick or Fag ?
  11. Im done with this thread and Ibclubbin -- he doesnt matter to me or effect me in any way --- I need something intelligent to talk about --peace
  12. Fuck You you little bitch the only reason I apologized was cause certain people asked me too and thought it was the right think to do --- BASH ALL YOU WANT YOU LITTLE PRICK -- ILL PISS ON YOU AND YOUR PRECIOUS 2600's or better yet maybe there will be a Kemical Fire and they will burn ---- I could care less what a dj from old queens thinks -- and what when you have a job you dont take it seriously -- Im fuckin 21 makin money hanging out drinkin having a good time -- and yes im gonna take it seriously - i take everything i do and do it with pride no matter what it is that s why I care -- Fine you dont have fun at bunka -- what you were there once -- well when bunka is the place to be for something big and we will have something big like we always do because we can and little Barry cant come - Sorry and you say i dont matter thats cute -- like you are somebody that is gonna have an impact on my life --- ill see ya for the reunion in 20 years ill make sure i stop by queens on thursday cause that os where you will still be -- FUCK OFF
  13. sorry brian -- Im not really rude -- I undestand your post and it was intelligent -- but people like ibclubbin are just trying to bash something -- He doesnt realize where the music is headed and that we are trying to give a -variety to the people of jersey--- We are getting some of the best local and international talent -- Yes JM is not the same as scott bond or donald glaude, but you see what we are trying to do -- As far as ibclubbin- what he said was not necessary and to say that our shit is broke come on -- If you thought i was rude i apologize to you-- ind me the next time your at bunka and ill buy you a drink and if you need a comp no prob just PM me
  14. Just what i expected no comeback -- You little prick -- Hey how does Frank Feel about you promoting for Platinum -- Just because you spin one night at Platinum does not give you super star status -- where has your ego gone -- I bet Queens wouldnt be happy if you were promyiong for a club in the smae town or even spinning there --- Dont fuck with me or how I pay my bills right now cause your fucking with the wrong person -- Hey but on the bright side if your not working at Queens on thursdays you can come hear JM spin at bunka -- Well maybe not because we dont let your kind in
  15. Fuck you-- You Hater -- I havent said anything bad about your Platinum -- But you had to start it --- So its on and no it aint broke we just have the resources to be able to do the things that the club you hang out at can't -- Because the money os drying up over there -- hmmmm how are we going to make money at Platinum now -- tuesdays SUCK wednesdays SUCK COCK- Thurdays used to be Romp a Room, but now no more 18 to party for new brunswick so thursdays suck Hairy COCK-- Fridays and Saturdays might get a little better, but still not making money Platinumn has to pay too much in Radio and Guest DJ BOOKINGS because they have no one with any connections handling their shit -- SO dont say my shit is broke when im gonna be at Platinum in 3 months getting a great deal on barely used equipment tha is going to have to be sold -------- This does not qualify as drama it is only a respnpnse to a ridiculous comment - Thank you
  16. why do i have to get over myself -- Im not jealous of Bon -- For god sakes I only work everyday with him --- whats your problem still upset your parents named you LANEY ---- lol
  17. thats right bunka with denny tsettos
  18. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm goood i just ate some BUMPARONI
  20. Kosta I was the one in the yelow shirt standin on the side of the stage with Bon and Kip -- it was pretty good -- the only thing i like about teen nite is the money though cause we haveto hide the liquor from the teens -- the night is much better when the alcohol is flowing
  21. No when there is no more ketel to be had -- when there are no more Hot Pops---
  22. if you cant handle 7.50 a drink dont go out -- I know i never pay full price though anywhere I GO hahahahaha
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