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Everything posted by danfury

  1. Please don't tell me Baez....... He's the only person not on your list that can draw, and does jersey clubs........
  2. I don't think Laurie or scarletpromos were lying.......I heard a lot of people on the dancefloor complaining, and everywhere people saying "the music sucks!" .......... I personally didn't think it was that bad, but i think he could have played harder..... Plus it doesn't help when the place was insanely packed and it took 30 minutes to walk 2 feet........so i think everyone was just pissed all night, and people took it out on the music..... Calle i liked the "everything will flow" brought back some memories....
  3. Gropasauraus, you completly described my shore house's routine every weekend......this is f'n hysterical :laugh: ........
  4. George........ once again, thank you for such a ridic. time @ metro...... The 40 minute drive is well worth it..... For people that have yet to go to Metro this year, you need to go check this party out, and see what everyone is raving about...... Sandman, u better not sell out this friday.......
  5. thats funny, I was just gonna start this post, but someone beat me to it......... Probably the best friday night at metro I've been to. Keep it up Richie!
  6. check ur pms in about half an hour i'm going to lunch.....
  7. good one claire........You're the girl next to lauren in the ceeotered pic right?
  8. When i first walked into exit last night, I thought i was gonna shoot myself.......it looked like a high shool dance..... That guy speedy kept talking, and every 10 seconds someone would be talking about KTU..........as soon as IIO finished rapture i had enough of the main floor.... Luckily, we went to the White room......thats where the real party was.....Denny Tsettos was insane last night.. haha He put the billy Jean Bushwacker mix on with some tribal in the background (song still gets me going)... the vibe in that room was just incredible .. I couldn't believe that I was actualy having a good time @ exit.....Thank god they ran a tight door for that room, otherwise it would have been miserable....(he was only letting girls in) by far the best time ive had at exit .....once again denny saved the night...... did anyone else go?
  9. i was wondering that too.....i heard its something that u shouldn't miss though........
  10. I second that...... Tyco Really took the words right out of my mouth..... not to mention the fact that Friday parties in NYC are not what they used to be and there is no where else to go........every good friday club either shut down or was a 1 month wonder......
  11. whats up wakeup........Do you know what the story is with SF closing early this sunday?????
  12. :laugh: When was the last time you were at metro? There is never a ratio problem there......Its always an even ratio if not more girls than guys........
  13. Is this the infamous Paradox with "approachable women" ? Sandman i'll see u at metro this friday.....be ready for shots of 151.....::
  14. Metro is a safe bet.........Rydell never fails.......they're having the eye candy theme party so it will def be packed......
  15. .....laurie are u going tonight?? I saw u for a mili second at poor Chalupa's last night....
  16. CONDUIT????? isn't that by ENVY2......????? :blank:
  17. I'll be there.............9 a.m. sharp........ who else is in? Last year there was a lot of funny outfits......( people with the built in pajama feet ) ......robes, slippers, lingerie..... going through it..................
  18. I definitely will....i'll see him tonight....
  19. Yeah it was probably temps......I think i remember how we met.....i'll pm u later.... :laugh:
  20. I am actually really good friends with him as well as a customer.........I usually go to abyss on random wednesdays and fridays.......but he'll take afterhours trips with us to SF, roxy, exit etc.... after he stops bartending......
  21. I don't know how I remembered your name or how i met you exactly.......But i'm assuming it was either at temps or surf club this summer........unless i met u at SF..........I have a bad memory...... :confused:
  22. The girl on the right looks so familiar.........IS her (your) name Lauren....i swear i know that face.....
  23. Second that vote.............George is definitely the best bartender i know........ Close seconds Pete the Greek and Kasey from Abyss........ Honarable Mention: that hot short blonde girl at sound factory on the Dance Floor directly opposite from the stage........i think her name is Nicole....
  24. what girl at river street are u guys talking about......?
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