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Posts posted by optic

  1. Thanks everyone.

    Crash Mansion - too small 600 capacity

    Beacon Theater - Does not work with outside producers (Live Nation Contract)

    Mercury Lounge - Does not work with outside producers - too small

    Downtime - too small - bad layout for live performances

    Bottom Line - Closed in Jan 2006

    BAM (Brooklyn) - Does not work with outside producers

    Where is Asylum? Wicket? This is what I'm talking about. I know there are huge spaces out there, that aren't being utilize to their fullest extend, and this is what I'd like to get set up. Major publicity for this show, once we confirm a venue.

    There use to be a spot over on 23rd Street, it was really swank and big. There was a big martini glass awning or sculpture or something right smack in the middle of the club. It changed hands a few times over the years, and the last I heard of it was around 2001 - went back a few times to look for it, but couldn't find it. It was over on 7/8th ave. Any ideas?

    I also know there are various after hour spots, that are pretty big, but very hush hush. These would be ideal also. I went to one over on 8th ave around 27/28th street. It was on a second floor, and you had to call someone to be let in. It was also a huge space, and perfect for this. But man I was sooo messed up everytime I went there, I could never remember where it was, but somehow we always wound up there at 5am. I think it was Teddy's or Mickey's or some name like that (no, not Brownies).

    - O

  2. I need a venue/room to hold a live show. Bands and all. Please do not mention the following:












    98% of those have contracts with LIVE NATION (Clear Channel), and wont work with outside producers. The other 2% aren't set up for live performances - no stage, no live PA. ANd we really don't feel like bringing all that stuff in. Or they have contracts with other companies (AEG Live, Bowery Presents, etc)

    So, what does that leave us with? NOT A WHOLE LOT!

    But I know there are venues out there, that I might have overlooked, or I am not aware of. Any suggestions/ideas would be greatly appreciated.

    This is a pretty known band, and we need something that can hold about 800-1200 people on a weekday in Oct.

    If you represent a venue, please contact me directly: optic@terminalbeats.com


    - O

  3. Ok, i turn to you guys for some SERIOUS help. I need a venue that can hold about 2000 people, and can support a live electronica act. So there needs to be a stage, lighting, and all that stuff.

    Please do not tell me to go to the following, unless you have some SERIOUS pull at any of these venues:

    Webster Hall - run by Bowery Productions - do not co-promote

    Avalon - run by Live Nation/Clear Channel - do not co-promote

    BB Kings - booked

    Nokia Theater - booked

    Crobar - waiting

    Spirit - waiting

    Pacha - waiting

    Irving Plaza - run by Live Nation

    Hammerstein - booked - waiting - not sure

    So what's left?? We might have something @ Crobar working out as well as Pacha, but I want to have back ups, just in case. Is there any other venue/club that I am missing that can hold this many people.

    I can't reveal the artists... well actually, many of you probably don't even know them unless your into that old skool dark electronica industrial scene, but the show will sell out. I need something for a saturday, in mid-June with a showtime of about 6/7pm till about 10pm.

    Any suggestions are appreciated.

    - Optic.

  4. the CHAMBER Saga continues...

    T E R M I N A L presents...



    101 Ave A

    NY, NY




    - ADAM X (Pyscho Dynamics/Alfa Matrix, Sonic Groove)

    In support of his new album "FATE UNKNOWN". Adam performs his first LIVE show in NYC EVER!!!

    - MONOLITH (Pyscho Dynamics/Alfa Matrix)

    The return of Belgian electronic pioneer ERIC VAN WONTERGHEM. The face behind many EBM/INDUSTRIAL projects, including INSEKT, ABSOLUTE BODY CONTROL & SONAR

    Manning the Decks before, during, & after the show...

    - DAN PHYSICS (teikou music, sonic groove)

    - VICTOR VORTEXx (terminal, chamber)

    - DJ RAVAGE (albion)

    - TERMiNAL OPTiC (terminal, nocturnal creatures)






    Bella of bellavendetta.com, performed by Rites of Passage Suspension group (www.ariteofpassage.org) and Pure body arts (www.purebodyarts.com) and also starring some of the other lovely ladies of the famed revenge krew and BellaVendetta.com: Dee, Nekromanta and Lady J. There will be hooks, needles, boobs and dancing, definately a show not to miss!

    Fire performance by Zidney Sids of bellavendetta.com









    Doors: 9pm / 18+

    Admission: Limited Advance @ $10 & $15


    all others $15-20


    Buy tickets online at *************.com

    For phone orders call toll free 877.71.GROOVE (877.714.7668).

    Brought to you by...

    :: T E R M i N A L ::


  5. I have about 8 or so turntables for sale. They are all Technics 1200s, but models do differ..

    SL1200MK2 (Silver) - The original 1200

    SL1210MK2 (Black) - The black 1200 (no difference between 1200, except color)

    SL1200M3D (Silver) - This came out after the MK2s, and have a pitch reset button on it, as well as recessed power knob

    SL1200MK3 (Silver) - Same as above M3D, just different model number.

    All are mechanically MINT condition. Exterior range from mint to average. I work on 1200s for a living, plus I'm Panasonic certified, and these are just a bunch that I've collected over the years. I have more, but I am still working on them. But as I said, all are in MINT condition mechancially, and I'll even give you a 6 month warranty on the turntable!

    Some have dust coves, some don't. I don't have pictures up yet, but your welcome to come down and pick and choose which one(s) you want. Deals on 2 or more. I'm selling them @ $300 for singles, and $500 for pairs. If you buy 3+, I'll drop it down to $225/ea!! That's crazy!! But I have no room for all these turntables!! Plus you'll get the warranty as well, so you can't go wrong!

    Email me and I'll give you specifics. Just let me know which model/color you prefer and how many you want, and I'll tell you what I have left.

    I can also modify them if you want, like changing the lights to blue, upgrading the RCA cables, painting the cabinets, pretty much anything. Of course this would be extra.

    I'm trying to sell them directly, but the ones I don't sell will go to Ebay. I also have some customized 1200s, but these will only be sold on Ebay. These are a metalic blue finish, with blue lights, reverse, 78rpm, monster cables, & internally grounded - if your interested in these, IM me and I'll let you know when the Ebay auction will begin.

    I am in Brooklyn, but I have no problem meeting you somewhere or delivering them to you as well.


    - O

  6. ThunderTomProd. & T E R M I N A L present


    : : N O C T U R N A L C R E A T U R E S : :




    Ultra Sound Lounge (MetaSin)

    2715 Hempstead Tpke, Levittown

    info & guest list - 631-574-4622


    FRIDAY - Jan 16th, 2004

    the man, the myth, a NY legend...

    ADAM X

    (Sonic Groove Records)


    (DAT Records : TERMINALbEATS)

    EDGEY (Black Monoliath Rec : www.edgey.net)

    :: darkstep : dnb : hardstep ::

    FREEPORT NICK (nocturnal creatures)

    :: techno : electro : darkwave ::

    MARIKO (nocturnal creatures)

    :: punky disco : electronica ::

    ANTI-CATHY (nocturnal creatures)

    :: punk rock : glam : retro ::

    18+ / ID Req'd

    Doors 10pm-8am



  7. just found out...

    ADAM X tuesday 11/25 along with HEDDABOMBz and MYTH-I-S

    No Cover!

    I know tuesdays are hard for some people, but this is Thanksgiving week, so i know it will be slow at most jobs, and there's no school also. So if you can come out and support!

    Last time Adam was there, we didn't close the place down till about 7!!

    Juke Joint

    213 Bedford Ave.

    Bellmore, NY

    As for the open turntables... there's only 2 slots for this night, cause Adam likes to spin longer than the usual 1hr set, so whenever he gets off, that's when we'll have the open deck slot. There is 1 slot from 10-11 still open, so if anyone is interested email: iwannarockit@terminalbeats.com

    - o.

  8. actually, i know what you mean. but most of those punk kids are into other stuff. they won't admit it, but they are. i do hang out there on other nights as well. thursdays use to be a mish-mosh pit of everything, then the promoter started forcusing more on punk and bringing in punk bands and stuff. now, they stopped the bands, but the punk element is still there, which i don't mind. i'm into pretty much everything. but this makes the place perfect for other non-commercial types of music and crowds. on tuesdays it's a mix of goth kids, techno heads, junglists, and turntablists. their all into electronica based music, and are outcasts everywhere else. most bars won't permit anything like that unless your raking in big bucks for them at the bar. in this case, the owners are very flexible and understanding, and know that sometimes it's not just about the money, but about the quality and vibe of a place. People will spread the word, and they will come. And it's worked. Tuesdays & Thursdays are their busiest no-band night.

    anyways, perhaps we know each other, or have seen each other around. i bartend on tuesdays.

    - o.

  9. This is of course for the Long Island heads. There's an open turntable night every Tuesday out in Bellmore if you want to play to a receptive crowd.

    It's a small bar, but it sooo out of place for Long Island, it feels like it should belong on Ave. B or something. Anyways, great for bedroom DJs looking to practice or play! Last month they had Adam X, and they book alot of other great DJs. For Long Island, this is extremely RARE!

    check it - www.terminalbeats.com

  10. Escuelita kicks. Lots of fun. Tranny show @ 2am, strong drinks, good looking crowd. very mixed... white/black/spanish. It's more spanish oriented with lots of Salsa, Merengue, but the DJs also drop tons of old school house from the 80s and such. Freestyle, and just about everything else too.

    If your friend likes the bar scene, most are small dance clubs anyways, they don't really take to kindly to the cabaret laws, and most bar owners ignore it. plus the taskforce doesn't really mess with them. 7th ave from 14-23 street has lots of good places like these.

    - optic.

  11. your talking about a 'nice' warehouse. a warehouse shouldn't be nice. it should be dark and dirty. not dirty like filthy, but dirty like simple... nothing fancy or hi-tech, just barebones with minimal decor. some comfy thrift shop couches. black paint on the walls, and a sound system to kick. as for lighting.... keep it simple. fuck all that laser light shit, unless that is the only lighting you have. i hate clubs that are soo bright and the light guy has too many toys to play with. strobe lights should be the only other lighting allowed, or just put red par lamps everywhere. talk about ambiance. remember how Save the Robots was in the basement?? it was dark as shit, but they had the lasers in there, and smoke and that was it, but what a fucken experience!

    also, alot of club owners think that these high ass ceilings are the shit... NOT. unless you have a serious sound system & proper sound insulation/absorption installed, which most clubs don't. sound travels, and the higher the ceilings the more the sound bounces off the walls. Which is why you have to get right next to the speakers to feel or hear anything. Otherwise it sounds all 'high' and shit. Webster Hall had that problem upstairs, so then they installed 4 times as many bass bins to combat that high-hat sound you get when sound bounces off walls. Twilo had PERFECT ceiling heights, which made it such a great venue for it's sound. I prefer lower ceilings. something i can almost touch if I jump. the sound is tight as hell and you can feel it, without investing too much in a sound system!!! that's how alot of the underground clubs in Europe and Detroit are like. Low ceilings, minimal decor, minimal lighting, and just a kick ass sound system.

    I don't know if any of you remember the following places from back in the days (86-89)...

    - Hearthrob (TWILO building)

    - Cadillac Bar

    - Sound Factory (the original from 88')

    - The Building

    - The World

    - Red Zone

    - Mars

    - The Saint

    Well, all of these places (with the exception of the Saint) were straight up underground clubs where it was TRULY about the music. Their sound systems and their vibes blew away any HUGE club out here now. $10 bucks to get in, 4 speakers in the front of you (2bass/2tops), 4 behind you (2 bass/2tops), tweaters hung from the ceilings, red lights everywhere, black paint all over, and that was it! Low Overhead, minimal decor, minimal problems. Let's get back to the basics!

    JAYSEA... where is this building of yours? Need any help?? I would love to help!!

    - Optic.

  12. Just thought I'd let you all know that ADAM X will be spinning this Tuesday (08/26) over at the Juke Joint in Bellmore (213 Bedford Ave., Bellmore).

    If you've never been to the Tuesday parties @ The Juke Joint, your missing some seriously kick a** fun. It's a bar/lounge that feels like it should be on Ave B or something. The turntables are set up on the bar, and the sound system floods the place. Plus there's open turntables, and it almost always goes past 4!

    Anyways, if your coming down, ask for me @ the bar, and I'll hook you up with a drink or two. Adam is a very cool guy, and this is probably the only time you'll actually get to hang out with him in this type of environment on Long Island!!

    - OPTIC>


  13. tweak-bigall.jpg

    the TERMINAL sessions @ PURE.... presents every THURSDAY

    T W E A K

    Open Turntables & Live Electronica


    No Cover 21+ / $5 Cover 21- (ID A Must)

    OPEN TURNTABLES (the original since 1997!!!):

    - Sign Up Prompt @ 8pm (Slots range from 30-60min)

    - Bring your own headphones

    - Vinyl preferred, but CD ok

    - Play whatever you want, except that TOP 40 NOISE!




    267 Mineola Blvd.

    Mineola, NY

    (right off Jericho Tpke)



    Info: 1-877-873-3302

  14. Hey guys, just letting you know we found a new home for our weekly Open Turntables & LIVE Electronica PA's. The place is Chunky's in Mineola, which is now called PURE. The CHUNKY sign is still out front, so don't get confused.

    PURE is sort of a mini-club (250ppl), with a kick ass sound system, so for the Open Turntable DJs.... Your sound is gonna be tight. Also, it's our LIVE ELECTRONICA PA's ... here is the line up for tonight....

    TWEAK - SEPT 10, 2002

    See Ya Tonight!

    - Optic.

  15. Hey, this goes out to the Long Island heads... we need your help... Our parties at our venue got booted out due to ownership indifferences, so we have to suffer. In any event, we have a pretty decent party tonight with JO-S & GARON dropping the Drum-n-Bass, and need to find a new venue for tonight! We really don't want to cancel it, but if we don't find something soon, we might have to.

    So, if you know of any space in L.I., pref in Nassau, let me know ASAP. Or if you know of a party that might be able to accomodate our crowd (about 50-80), and our DJs, that would be cool to. If you hook it up, I'll owe you BIG TIME. And when I OWE someone I HOOK IT UP with whatever you need from me in the future! Just ask around!

    - OPTIC



  16. Originally posted by gmccookny

    WoW! Funny you posted this, Optic. Im heading out there tonight to see my buddy Sabastian Boaz (yes, that's his name ;) do his stuff.

    Come out and support. It's in Westbury, so you're not quite out with the cows and pastures yet :D

    Ya, Sabastian has some nice stuff! Really into that Atari/Commodore meets Kraftwerk sound! See ya tonight!

  17. I've been clubbing since the early 80s so I've seen my share of some things. But the most memorable was this girl was soooo wasted she couldn't even stand up, open her eyes, talk, nothing....

    .... So, she's sitting on the floor, leaning on the speaker, and she just pulls down her pants and takes a dump. Nothing big, borderline water and clumps. I didn't realize what it was until the smell got to us, and we looked over and there she was just poopin' away! This happened back in like 89' or so at Palladium, and that was the one thing I will NEVER forget. The girl was really cute too. Don't know what happened to her, the bouncers didn't throw her out, they just picked her up and took her to the office. I didn't see anyone go up to her as if they knew her, but she kept saying... "I LOST MY HUSBAND, I CAN'T FIND HIM ANYWHERE!" It was the funniest, yet, saddest thing I've ever witnessed at a club.

    - Optic.

  18. Originally posted by girly

    thats not true. Sf has some of the best dancers . I haven't been to a club yet that has better dancers then soundfactory on saturdays.

    Actually, the best dancers are in the basement. The main room dancers suck...B4 and After 8am! JP just doesn't play the type of music someone would truly appreciated to get them going into a dancing frenzy. Most of the people there dance, because the music is loud, and there's a beat. JP just doesn't have the 'Soul' anymore. I never like his stuff, but when he use to play at Robots back in the day, it was more about the music and you truly danced because the music moved you, and not some drug or some loud sound system.

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