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Posts posted by sfamatwaaa

  1. Originally posted by milleniapro

    to clearify things up for thursday at platinum, djbg was not fired nor was he asked to leave platinum, he decided that he did not want to open up for DJ RIZ OF KTU, for a special one night event. DJBG told us that if he has to spin HIPHOP he does not want to work at platinum anymore, so we want everyone to know what the deal is.

    actually u had the post up advertising a "new thursday night" not a special guest appearance. don't try to cover up ur image by distorting what u wrote on here. maybe if u clued bg in b4hand he'd be more than happy to open for riz??. it's a matter of respect & proper business etiquette, both of which u lack. bottom line, whether he was just a one time event, wouldn't it have been in ur best interest to advise & clue in the parties involved such as ur current dj's prior to advertising the event to avoid this confusion??? don't think ppl r stupid & r going to believe it was a "one time event" when u advertised "a new thursday nite"...get over urself.

    on a side note, the platinum "crowd" if u would call it that primarily consists of sicktrax ppl. most ppl on this site(clubplanet) from what i've read have bashed it. as far as him hating to spin hip-hop, u hired him for that position & i far as i could see when i was there, he ripped it up. it's shady ppl like u who r only out for the "name" that make me wanna puke..the club is beautiful, but if u keep treating ur employees the way u do..it'll def. be done like everyone said esp. in the summer when ppl actually WANT to hear club music & ur gonna have a hip-hop theme w/ an empty club w/ overpriced drinks while everyone else parties down the shore...GOOD LUCK

    & i'm saying this as someone who has been there practically every single fri & most thurs to support my friends tooch & bg. & they r who bring in the fun crowd, not ur "promotions" b/c the club is always empty besides our friends which r the ppl in the circles makin it fun every week while the random 40 yr olds on dates prance around. i actually was considering getting a job at platinum b/c i go to rutgers but after reading this b/s it makes me SICK..u'll only see me there on fri's to support tooch for as long as he is there. u suck in my book buddy...BIG TIME & NOONE BELIEVES UR BULLSHIT COVERUP...if u really had no intentions of replacing him u wouldn't try sooo hard to "clear it up"

    :mad::rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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