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About jrzygrl

  • Birthday 11/06/1972


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Newbie (1/14)



  1. ginuwine? I hope to God you were kidding w/that spelling! Genuine perhaps?
  2. Guess some people have some apologizing to do..... http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?threadid=139789
  3. LOL - that's so funny you bring it up! I just thought of that show on Sunday as I watching football! Delta Burke, in her skinnier days....MUCH skinnier days!
  4. Honestly, why do you get so riled up about message board people? And do all this investigating into their real identities? Why do you care?
  5. AWE! How cute! Coming to your boys defense!
  6. WEAK! That was really dumb, you're proud of that?
  7. LOL - hahaha not that it would be surprising that I would deny this, cause I mean if it were true I'd have to try and pretend otherwise. HOWEVER you are so off base it isn't even funny!!! The term whore has never been associated w/my name and I have a boyfriend who is mine and only mine. BUT keep going w/this, I'd actually be interested to know exactly who you think I am.
  8. You might want to try another route, that stuff only works on men, your mother jokes. I never understood how people got offended by that kind of stuff, you have no idea who I am so to spout out crap like that, it's silly really. Keep trying!
  9. Simmer down there ole'balding one! Simply making an observation.
  10. I have one girlfriend who I just refuse to go out to a club with any more. She always gets so drunk, it's embarrassing & honestly my days of babysitting are over! We're too old to be so irresponsible! I also have another friend who I hate going out w/cause he has a tendancy to go down a lot. Again, aren't we old enough to know when enough is enough???
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