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Posts posted by entao25

  1. The same people who always let me in at vinyl with my NJ driver's license would not let me in last night because they thought I stole the driver's license or some shit and didn't believe I was 18. Hello, last night was my 20th birthday, and I look 23 or 24.

    My friend who's 30 that I always go with was there too, and we both had to leave after driving an hour and looking forward to it forever. That same fucking guy who always remembers me and says so, who always lets me in no problem, wouldn't let me in on my fucking birthday and that was my night.

    Vinyl sucks.

    It also sux my friend's night was ruined too.

    Fucking vinyl 2 faced assholes.

    :mad::( :( :(:mad:

  2. U ever think she doesn't want to? It's not your body. It's hers. And maybe she doesn't wanna get all itchy. The hair is there to protect the delicate skin. If your girl wants to stay totally natural, that is her choice and not yours. Maybe she would like to stay how God made her or something. Some girls are like that. Bottom line is it is her body, not yours.

  3. In Brazil they speak Brazilian Portugese, but understand European Portugese. They not not understand Spanish that well. The pronunciation alone is way off.

    My name, entao, is Euro Portugese for And Then?

    (lol-No and then!) But in slang entao means what's up?

    You might have some problems but it is a tourism place so there will be some English speakers.:)

  4. No my boobs are not big, so that could not be why. Besides he couldn't see if they were I had my friend's leather jacket on. He liked my car though. I dunno. I said a lot of things to him. When he asked for my info I handed him a whole pile of papers. LOL He was SOOOOO nice. He said he didn't want me to have any points on my license, because I only got it within a year.

    Thank you, Officah!

    LOL he came up to my car and I thought, "How YOU doin'?"

    aww yeah

    He even helped me to get home cause I was lost.

    Cops kick ass I always thought so. I have a little police car on my dash, police paraphernalia in my car. I thought he'd think I was suckin' up, but nope.

    ;) ;) ;)

  5. Well guys, I finally got pulled over for speeding. 90 in a 55. But heck no, I didn't get a ticket. I just got a warning. He was hot, too, and he was givin' me the old eye. It took 3 squad cars to get me. It was like "COPS." LOL I was also in a car pool lane by myself, not really passing anyone cuz there was no one in the right lanes near me. I had an obstruction of view too. I hang a necklace on my rearview and it's illegal. Ick. But he guess he didn't care about all that. I had a good time.:)

  6. No I was NOT being sarcastic and if you'd care to notice I am a girl, so "he" was not being sarcastic.

    Monica I still believe you, what's not to believe?

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