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Everything posted by imnutss

  1. U guys are right he does flip flop and that sucks that we dont have any candidate whos worth it. but let me ask u do u change ur decisions or no after finding out fact.. Lets say theres a girl that u think is mad hot and ur been diggin her for a while and in ur mind u have made the decision that u will get with her so u spit ur illest game, lie and bullshit if u have to, do what u got to get her...but when u finally get to it u find out shes got herpies and crabs...will u go ahead with the decision u made earlier about hitting that or do u step back and realize that u will be carrying the same stuff if u go ahead with it therefore u decide not to hit that. right now thats what bush is doing hes banging iraq cause of ego..and trasfereing iraqs deseases to america..hypothetically speaking...Life isnt always straight forward u have to bend with it. kerry tends to bend a little too much lol....FUCK KERRY , FUCK BUSH... Wheres bill I would rather be worrying about him getting head than all this crap going on these days.
  2. U sound like a smart man to know about these points.. but unfortunately there are way too many loop holes that the rich have the money to find with the help of their accountants why do u think every rapper has a hummer,...if u spend the money on the business in certain ways u dont have to pay taxes on it. where as regular people dont know about this and get screwed so ur right its set up so rich dont get breaks but it doesnt work like that...There are many words such as "phase out" but u ever heard of a word call REALITY..... im a business owner and im just speaking the truth bro no disrespect intended. If you want I can prove it to you we can sit down with the accountants for E*trade and go over all this...I fall in the high tax bracked because I own my own business and im speaking from experience.. I have made 40,000 a year and I have made 10 times that in a year and I have to say if you compare the ratios I paid less when I made more... Hey thats why I voted for bush last time cause he is good for big business. Sayings such as "rich get richer while poor get poorer" no matter how cliche were made for a reason.
  3. U have got to be kiddin me...that has to be THE MOST IGNORANT THING i have personally heard ever...do u know how the economy works..or do u think that money just appears out of no where for countries...Im not trying to insult u or anything but please can u tell me one thing. bush tax credit as much as u would like to believe is for u, its not, its for people who make over 200,000 a year first of all. second, if the richest are getting the tax credit than who is paying for the war that was ging to cost us 80 million then a billion now its on track for countless billions on contracts that were never bidded on...and the law says no public contract can be given out without bidding and what happens when u keep spending the money u dont have...deficit for our future generations and eventually a colapse of the economy...forgot about russia what happened to them... My friend its u and I who are paying for that and so will our kids. Its the money u and i slave for all day at ur job thats paying for it...and u want to talk about paying high taxes. Not to mention that 9-11 was because of bin fucking ladin not sadam how can anyone justify having 2000 troops looking in afghanistan which is bigger than iraq looking for bin ladn and about 150,000 in iraq..if u can convience me that sadaam was a bigger danger than bin ladin... I will pay ur next years taxes for you.... I have friends in the army and they themselves say bush is a retard. and we did not need to be in there... granted sadaam needed to be removed but he wasnt the immidiate threat... but kudos to bush for brain washing the whole country and making them believe that its sadaam that needs to be removed...when was the last time u heard about bin ladin...and I bet u he will continue to play the security card to win this election and unless people open their eyes he will......Its not about republican or democrat its about the truth and freedom thats what america is all about and right now its not we are considered occupiers in iraq and to top it all off all the aligations made have not been proven.. it went from weapons of mass destruction to al qaida which was never in iraq and now it is.... if you are a republican good for you but use ur brain dont be a retard and make stupid statements. explain that to the families that have lost people in iraq and continue to...Bush has created a global problem and this is just the start if bush gets re-elected which i think he will we are in deep SHIT! and im not endorsing kerry either im just stating the situation we are in.
  4. Theres a bus leaving from nutley for deko if u dont want to drive...u will avoid lines at the door and cover so I would recommend taking advantage of this....
  5. no offense but that club has the worst location ever... inside the place is tight...its definitly different from the regular spots.
  6. I'd go if they were giving away 2004 porsche and i would bring 200 of my friends to bum rush the freakin joint...shit even if I didnt like the place I would sell the porshe and go to a different spot and ball out....lol just playin
  7. in case u have been wondering what Syn3 is and what does the name mean: Syn3 is a safe ride system for colleges and general public that deals with the hottest nightlife venues, we bring you to the clubs and bars of your choice and u dont pay anything to get in or wait on anylines...that enough incentive for you not to drive drunk.. and the name Syn3 stands for "Serving Your Nightlife" 3 is the number of synergies it took to set this system up. Now that u know about syn3 why dont u use it and see what a great time u can have by not having to drive. check out our website for detail www.syn3.org
  8. if u dont know u better ask somebody.... Taste saturdays here we come
  9. We're definitly looking forward to this opening.... time to go nutss again.
  10. Abyss wednesdays is gonna be sick... we got a couple of buses heading down from north jersey...cant wait.
  11. I would love to add taste on our schedule...if interested in getting buses to your party please give us a ring and we can work something out.
  12. The parties this fall/winter are going to be sick Deko is gonna be off the hook, spirit... plus everyone else is picking up their games a notch also... hope you guys are ready.
  13. If you use the transportation to go to Deko afterwards we can provide you with transportation to city, back to your house...and then back to deko the next week
  14. College Students just got hooked up.... Syn3 has just joined forces with Colleges Against Drunk Driving (CADD). Syn3 will be bringing students to the hottest parties and best of all different party every week. Venues Such as Spirit, Avalon, Deko Lounge, Abyss, Ikon, Joeys, Circa, Taste, Diva Lounge, bars in hoboken, Webster hall and many more. So if you are in school u are in luck cause you will still save money by using syn3, getting the same VIP treament and u'll be going to the hottest city and jersey venues. Most importantly you will not be risking your life and others by driving drunk. If you are a promoter and want syn3 to bring people to your venue please send us an email: transport@syn3.org.
  15. Nice I hope ur right about the $20 thing cause I picked it up at $1.78 thanks to kudlow and krammer about 2 1/2 months ago when they first announced the deal between sirius and a major car manufacturer. Im holding on to my shares of sirius even though my escalade got XM.
  16. I have XM in my truck.... I believe XM has more stations than sirius and is a little better. but everytime I go under an overpass or am around tall trees it looses reception big negative for satelite radios.
  17. What the hell happened this summer....the club scene was "WACK". whatever I made the best of it im sure others did to but starting september its gonna be all about Abyss, Deko and the city I heard the parties @ deko and abyss are gonna be sick!
  18. There are still seats available on the buses to x's from Garden state plaza, Willowbrook Mall and belmar going to X's for this saturday. Please if u want to use the bus reserve your seats now cause seats go fast and if you call on saturday u might not be able to get one.
  19. I dont disagree with you but why whould anyone have to worry about getting caught.
  20. thats funny cause actually mexicans were the first to bring it in the country.
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