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Everything posted by corinto

  1. so pysched to know the new venue...can't wait for this party.. Peace.
  2. I don't think FTL stands a chance against the Miami scene... In your posts it seems as what you want is someking of homogenous group of people all thinking the same, dressing the same, listening to the same, etc. It seems more like Club Faschistica than anything else. What's cool about Miami is the "melitng pot" phenomenom, this is what keeps getting the scene reinvented, etc. Diversity is key in this scene to keep it fresh and with a party vibe that beats vibes in club circuit of most cities worldwide... And why is this a factor??? I think if people decide to drink or do drugs etc, its their choice and by no means it is a factor for comparison, drugs have existed and been used by humans for hundreds of years before the club scene even started, this kinda of thinking is that has led to evil plans such as RAVE act, etc...Drugs will exist wheteher theres a club scene or not...get over it. And besides, you think alcohol isn't a drug??possibly the worst, i can't imagine all the drunk fights that hapopen around FTL strip after closing time when everybodys all confused and shitt... Other reason why miami secne will always be better than FTL, pretty simple, Miami is a major port in AMerica(possibly the biggest when concerning Central and South American audiences). I know by fact that alot of people from my country and other south american countries that are involved in the club scene are happy to know they have a major club destination 2 or 3 hours apart on plane. MIAMI IS WHERE IT ALL GOES DOWN> Peace.
  3. corinto

    Im Sorry

    Its not about the city, it's all about the beach and the golden goddesses... peace.
  4. Maybe it was because of my musical upbringing, but there's no way that I can genuinely get into this type of music... Peace/
  5. GREAT CHOICE!!! Definitely one of my top 10 albums of all time! Peace.
  6. originally posted by sunnyhost: hahahahah!!!long time since i had seen this dude...hahahahah Peace
  7. HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!! Hhahaha....thats even funnier than Burrito's jokes!!! :laugh: You should try creating some drama in MegaMaze or DiscoveryZone becuase honestly, I don't think its working over here... Peace.
  8. hahahahah!!!! sooo truee!!!
  9. Forgot to mention: There was a point in the night when I really needed some more drive in the music...perhaps the PMS guys(mono and chris). I know its cool to see international DJs and all, but, is it really worth it having all these awesome locals around??? I'm not saying I'm anti-bigDJs or anything, but, our boys can tear it up to the same level(and IMHO sometimes even 2000% better) than alot of the bigDJS that come to town..These guys are child of the Miami scene(with alot of outer influence), who will know tha Miami crowd better at this day in time??? SUPPORT the local scene, let's keep the good vibrations!!!! Peace.
  10. I wanted to go to this party so bad, expecting a really obscure set from this guy, something a la Digweed.... So, I got there like at 1, and immediately after getting in I was delighted by the turnout. Lots of cute girls. I didn't expect to hear satoshi for a while and the music was pretty loungey. To my surprise, it was Satoshi. So, i just waited around the bar for a while... LIKE a lil bit later(maybe 10 or 20 mins) I decided i wanted to dance...the vibe in that dancefloor was INSANE! I still needed the music to pick up(or may I say down) a bit...Anyway, afetr i realized, i was dancing my ass off. There was a moment when the music was pretty much what I was expecting from satoshi... There was a point when alot of people had left lola but the dancefloor still was pumpin, pretty cool...later, the music did go pretty downhill IMO(I'm really not into the whole Depeche Mod'ish, New Wavish , type of stuff) Conclusion: Great party, great vibe...I WISHED all parties in miami had the vibe people going to lola(becuase i know its basically the same group of people) have, not of that pretentious BS, just straight-up partying , RAW POWER>.. PEace.
  11. Or may I say...some Burrito.
  12. from yo momma , she owed Burrito some favors
  13. HAHAHAHAH! This girl always ends up beaten up over here....hahahahah!
  14. gotta work till 11 but Ill definitely try to make it tonite... PEace.
  15. i also have the BEASTIE BOYS-Ill Communication on my car stereo right nowww.... peace.
  16. Natural Born Killers and Clockwork Orange
  17. They forgot registration... Peace.
  18. Fuacata@Hoy como ayer(lil' habana) Spam Allstars! Peace.
  19. :D This is such an improvement in society ideals i can't believe it, just accepting the idea of legaliczation(even minimal) to pass on the ballot is an imporvement in itself, it shows how times are changing and government is realizing that telling their lies isn't paying off much nowadays(D.A.R.E and all that BS)... Ok, so, I hope other states take Nevada's example and start considering legalization an option. It is sad how many people are arrested on the US on charges of marijuana possession and dealing of samll amounts, i can't believe they treat someone whjo sells a dimebag to some guy in the street the same way they would treat a rapist, that's just wrong! I don not agree that MJ is a gateway drug, well, not worse than alcohol or cigarrettes, now those are the real gateway drugs , and where are they now? possibly the 2 largest industries worldwide....why do you think MJ is legal? because of society's morals at the time or simply because some people would loose alot of money???? And to prove MJ doesn't have that domino effect as "gateway drug"(hate that reference) , just look at countries were decriminilazation has taken effect(Holland, Switzerland,BC,etc), avg. consumption of Hard drugs such as Coke, Crack, heroin, etc is MUCH LESS than here in the US... Then comes the issue of the WAR ON DRUGS? Decriminilazation would definitely solve all the problems this so-called "Moralization" has brought...it seems the government doesn't want to stop this war either , why?? $$$$$$$ Peace and happy smokin' MG>
  20. corinto


    Then why bother making up a thread like this in OUR forum??? You must be bitter because you cannot wear a bikini!
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