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Posts posted by jaybzee

  1. it's like every other trendy place in the meat packing district, nothing special at all, except last time I was there definitely felt a good mob element

    and btw, I almost busted a nut seeing that girl in your pic...damn shun

  2. I thought I was being very coherent. Actually my JD and PhD probably do come from more prestigious programs, so do you think I actually believe that bombing the Middle East into smithereens is feasible? I hope not.

    Maybe I don't have a conscience/morals, but I can't believe that you live anywhere near the WTC and not have at least a little feeling of the need for redemption to the bastards who killed all those innocent people. Now go after the Al-Queda network you might say. OK, fine. But who are these people who are involved? I used to be kind of innocent. I thought everybody was at heart good people with love in their hearts.

    9/11 changed that. Now I'm suspicous. Maybe it's overkill, but it is a survival instinct. Everytime I hear about someone taking a video of an important building I get nervous. Everytime I hear about a group of middle eastern men taking flying lessons, I get nervous. It must be nice to live in your little tower away from all that. I for one work in the city and have most of everyone who means anything to me live in NYC or North Jersey. I want the terror to stop and now.

    Like you have a law degree and a doctorate...okay whatever. This will be my last post, mainly because you're full of shit. And buddy, blowing up the middle east is feasible (i.e. we're extremely capable of doing it), get your words right. I never talked about being capable; I talked about whether it was wise. And lastly, if we blew up the middle east to save our own lives, who are the real terrorists. Get back to me after you get your m.d.

  3. OK. Soft power and hard power. Got it. Now, how does any of this prevent terror attacks in the upcoming weeks? The terrorists are here. They are planning. The CIA and other intelligence says so. Now maybe you don't believe the intelligence agencies. That's your perogative, but I choose to believe these reports.

    I am sure your education far surpasses mine (although I seriously doubt it-trust me). And I do realize that there has to be a long term solution to these problems (although this bullshit has been going on hundreds of years--so again I doubt it).

    So what do we do to prevent more 9/11 type attacks, kidnappings, bombings, etc NOW? You still have failed to give me an answer. I'm waiting....

    First off, I responded to your statement that we should "nuke the middle east." That was the issue we first debated. When were dealing with what should be done to eradicate the immediate terrorist threat? Clearly if there is an imminent attack planned, bombing Yemen would do little to prevent terrorists on our own soil no? I think it's clearly obvious why that is wrong, don't you?

    Second, our country has been on high alert for the past three years, we have lived under constant fear and apprehension of upcoming attacks. What makes these reports so different from the dozens of other ones that we have received? To be quite frank I am quite skeptical of everything that comes out of our leaders' mouths today, I tend to learn from experience. Why should I so blindly follow what Mr. Tom Ridge has to say? I'm aware of why this information has been deemed so credible (logistics, detailed information recovered from a laptop in Pakistan, which has been subsequently confirmed by independent intelligence agencies), but we have heard that all before. I agree that being vigilant and aware is a necessary step to make us "feel" safer, but in the end there is really nothing we can do to stop a determined killer; At least not in the short run.

    My argument is based more on the long run, and that is why I spoke of soft power and hard power. If we "nuked" the Middle East because we were scared what would the rest of the world do? Could you imagine Pakistan or India's reaction? China or Russia's for that matter? Assured Mutual Destruction buddy. Do you think the rest of the world would sit by and applaud the heroic United States for causing mass destruction to some of the greatest civilizations to live on this planet. Is that your solution? Becuase as of this moment, I have already detailed why I think your knee-jerk reaction is so wrong, and is so destructive. You have simply dismissed my ideas and told me that you have more education than me. Maybe your B.S. and J.D. come from better schools than me, I don't know. Perhaps your plans for a doctorate in the near future will be from a more prestigious program. To be honest, I could give two shits, because it’s obvious that you put little thought or coherence behind your statements.

  4. Oh yeah smart guy? How would you handle the terror situation? Would you have 'open dialogue' with Al-Queda? Do you think that would work? Would you beg them to not attack us? Maybe that'll work...

    You stupid deluded little prick. Give me some answers about how to stop terrorists and maybe I'll take my initial statement back. Cocksucker.

    Ahh...my poor little friend. It would be too easy to rip you a new asshole on an intellectual level, so I will keep this as short and clear as I can.

    First, you referenced blowing up the Middle East did you not, as if everyone in the Middle East, Arabs and Non-Arabs are terrorists? Truly you do not think this is the case, or maybe you fail to think on your own and listen to the mindless drivel that gets shoved in your face by news channels such as Fox.

    Listen, there is something known as soft power, and in the long run it is just as effective as hard power. We have seen what our hard power can get us into; the horribly mismanaged war in Iraq is evidence of that. Although hard power is necessary it has to be directed wisely. I could not think of more unwise, unjust and immoral way to use our military might than to eradicate millions of people because a small percentage of them actually threaten our livelihood. We are smarter than that. Are you as immoral and valueless as to believe that bombing and killing millions of innocent and loving people, irregardless of race or ethnicity, is a "good thing." Do you? If so, you're sad, and please seek help immediately.

    As far as soft power, it is crucial in winning the war on terror, not as a means to stop terrorists (see hard power for that), but as a means of preventing the millions of poor and disenfranchised youth of third world counties from having a reason to rise against us. In case you didn't realize, we won the cold war not only by building up our military and in a sense bankrupting the soviet union, but we also won it by immersing the Soviet youth with our Blue Jeans and rock'n roll.

    Think about how effective our country would be if we stopped relying solely on the strength of our military might. Can you truly be a beacon of democracy solely through the use of a gun or a tank? Such military force is necessary, but it is not an end in and of itself.

    I can understand that you are scared, and your knee jerk reaction is to bomb them all. However, you need to be wiser than that and realize (1) you are playing into the hands of terrorists when you spawn that kind of reaction and (2) it is not a long term solution, unless again you are an immoral and valueless jerk (which I would not doubt).

  5. Those fucking bastards. I swear to God, I wish there was one president with some balls who would just nuclear bomb the entire Middle East and let God sort out the good from the bad. That would end it--permanently. And before any middle eastern people get all upset and righteous, I'm half Syrian. But 100% American first.

    thank god stupid ignorant motherfuckers like you usually work at Mickey D's instead of holding any real power in this world.

  6. Tall Paul sucks tall time.

    fuck this fucking asshole

    his music...is an embarrassment to UK

    he is the lowest dj and a man that we've got a chance to meet in our life

    hope he never comes back to nyc


    that's for u PAUL :gang:

    and u better :aaah: if i ever see us again in your life

    details please

  7. I knew some middle-class moron would force me back onto this thread. Do not come on to this board trying to spew some philosophical bullshit at your betters. I don't even need my mother's Bentley to run your nonsensical crap into the ground. Do you even own a sailboat?

    What's the matter? Didn't your parents teach you any class? Was mommy too busy getting finger-fucked by Paulo the tennis pro while you were off at Exeter or Phillips to give you any good substantive advice? True socialites know it's in extremely bad taste to flaunt your personal wealth or name drop, even if done anonymously. You sound like a preppy lil' kim, bragging about prada and gucci.

    Listen Skip, Tad, Todd, or whatever your fucking hampton country club name is, I'm glad you're the man, blah blah blah. If you truly do have all this shit that you profess to have, you're simply a loser for coming on here and trying to rub it in people's faces. If, however--and more likely, you are like most that come on the internet to spread delusions of grandeur, you do it well. Keep reading those trade magazines and dropping lines about shit real people don't give two fucks about.

    don't even need my mother's Bentley to run your nonsensical crap into the ground. Do you even own a sailboat?

    BTW what was so nonsensical about what I said earlier? Shall I put it in layman's terms? You're a self-delusional tool . . . Is that better brah? Pop that coller kid. Cause you're the man brah.

  8. I just had Manuel run out and snag me 3 pastel Ralph Lauren Purpel Label Polos for this weekend.

    This board really isn't for you. You are looking for the country club, pseudo-intellectual try-too-hard forums, where you will undoubtedly feel more comfortable discussing the latest drop in the bucket fashion wears. You see the problem with the bourgeoisie class (of which you all too desperately make yourself out to be a member of) is that they are too self-inflated to realize that despite the bit of modest envy this society may reflect, underneath it all, we're really just laughing at you—your posts are a perfect example. You would probably be more influential if you stopped trying to seem so important.

  9. I was debating whether to start taking bar prep classes during the last semester, but considering how much I'll have on my shoulders at that point, I probably will wait until after graduation. I'll have enough time anyway. I remember a few 3L friends of mine who decided to juggle their course load with bar preparation during the final semester; they looked like they were about to drop dead at any given moment.

    yeah, forget studying in the last semester...I don't even know what bar review courses start prepping that early. Barbri doesn't start until the week of graduation.

  10. Hofstra Law, still chillin on the same campus I spent my undergrad years on, lol.

    How'd everything go with the Bar? I'm anticipating studying for that little adventure in a few months. I can't wait. :banghead:

    I'm in the midst of studying for it now. I wouldn't start to review for it until after graduation, rather unnecessary and you will blow yourself out. Definitely enjoy life as a 3L, it doesn't last long.


    OR you will look like the biggest NON NEW YORKER, TOOL

    This side of the EARTH.

    Shelter is a place, that is for music, and People,

    Crobar is a night club

    Shelter is LEGENDARY.... people fly in from all over the wrod to hear timmy Spin,

    What Tool Goes to CROBAR NY?

    THATS NOT From long island or New jersey. :gang:

    crobar is fun and all

    but the crowd there is Shipped in right from longisland,

    Shelter is a DANCE CLUB,


    plus id rather be around, a black,white,ugly smelling crowd? lol? Then @ Crobar with TINO, DONNY< JOEY, and THE BIMBO TWINS.

    if your gonna talk shit, ATLEAST know something about NY,

    Because when u Dis a party like Shelter, you look like u Educated yourself threw clubplanet.com



    moving to montreal in 5 months counting.......


    Listen, the 80's and 90's have passed, get over it, all you do is bitch and namedrop about the good ol' days. You sound like a queen version of Al Bundy, but instead of reminiscing about how you scored four touchdowns in high-school, you whine about the days when trannies and glam ruled the scene. I can just see you as a grandmother telling stories while listening to your cher cd, "now back in my day, I actually used to blow lines with Richard Bey and Madonna right on the limelight bar...these rascals nowadays wouldn't know a party if one crawled up their legs and camped out in their asscrack." Have fun in Canada.

  12. racist? i sleep with white women, i party with a lot of white people djs, promoters, producers. Junior sanchez ive heard 3 times the last one being in april at sapphire. You never did answer the question though? as for the hottest looking crowd boohoo who cares i wanna know can they dance. And when your dancing your suppose to sweat i believe, but i guess your crowd is SOOOO HOTT that they dance like animals but dont sweat a drop on their fancy clothes. And all a great club needs for me is a great sound system, a dance floor filled with people who love house and a world class dj. I could care less about anythign else.

    bro, maybe you should spend less time dancing and rocking out with all these party teams man, and learn that your is not the same thing as you are, or in the conjunctive you're......but it's cool man, it's all about the vibe and dancing bro, just dancing and feel the vibe. Rock on with your sweaty ass.

  13. [it was for lack of better words or terminalogy or somethig like that. Remember im not the brigtest person aroud now. I guess it just what happened at crobar the last time i was there musically i had a blast with some of ya, but that whole place was filled with IMO BAD ELEMENT. SORRY FOR THE DRAMA FOLKS. Really i jsut didnt know how to say it.

  14. "misspelling" and "geeze" sorry it's too easy. Don't worry it's never too late for your GED in the dirrrtyyyy Jerzzzzz. Fuck you'll have more of an education then half the state! Good luck with everything and God Bless your friend, but don't always blame the drug. He's in a better place now.......

    you should really learn the difference between then and than before you criticize anyone else. Jerkoff.

  15. true dat.. but i don't proof read.. thanks mr spell checker. glad you are doing your job.. now go get me a beer and find matas, that fucker owes me a car waxing.

    and dipshit, that's not a spelling mistake, maybe if you had written AWAL we would have let it slide, but it shows that you're fucking stupid, with weak arguments. Remember AWAL (spelling mistake) A Wall (ignorant kid who doesn't know basic grammar of english language, don't you always say that latins should learn english bro???!!!)

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