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Posts posted by fantazy

  1. Originally posted by SPYGIRL2

    I know in a day or two, I'll be over it. Sometimes it's hard to keep things in their proper place, including feelings.

    In that case babes, time is the only healer for you. Try not to think about it, occupy yourself with something else.

  2. Originally posted by wahoo

    Right right...as if that's more realistic?!?!

    That has as much chance as nailing the chics from the entire victoria secrets catalog, let alone one of them! :blown: What're you gonna ask for next, a threesome with tastyt and say brooke burke...dreamers....

    This whole fucking thread is unrealistic, you pee brain.

    But I definatly wouldn't mind a threesome w/tastyt and brooke burke.

  3. Originally posted by jy

    I still care about this person more than anyone else but it kills me knowing that there is the chance that they don't care for me in the same way.

    Obviously If a person behind your back does something to jeopardize your friendship and to hurt you, they don't care. It's not a chance that they don't care, they really don't... This is totally wrong, behind your back write something, expose it to others, make fun, or put you down, knowingly hurt you is fucking wrong. And you shouldn't try to regain that love and that respect for them. Stay strong, don't let this get to you, the world is full of voulchers that look for chances to poke at your flesh. If I were you I would avoid the person, let him/her realize the mistake. Although from some of their comments I think the realization on their part is simply impossible, like, "it mus've hurt" to me thats just a spit in a face. be strong, don't break...

  4. Originally posted by SPYGIRL2

    You are right, but it's not a romantic type of relationship. I don't even know how to explain it, it's just weird... I am more mad at myself than at anybody else. :confused:

    You are answering your own questions, you are mad at yourself for one reason or the other, you have no right to take it out on other people, expecially if you are not involved with them. So at the time like this take your distance from a person and figure out whats really bothering you. Distance solves a lot of discrepancies.

    I know exactly what you are talking about, the way I embark upon problems like yours is I let people know how I feel and say I need time to be without them(if it's that serious of course), which also gives them the option to re-process the episode.

    And once again if it's friendship kind of love or the one and only love it will only grow stronger. That time that you will spend apart will make you re-evaluate your friendship, relationship and each others limits.

  5. So many choices so little time.

    Angelina Golie

    Mila Jovovich

    Cindy Crawford still in love with her

    the whole Victoria's secret catalog

    Anna Kournikova

    the redhead from that '70 show - for some reason she seems very appealing and comfortable.

    Sheryl Crow

    the First Lady - just to say that I did


    You know what we should start a thread - which CP member you would fuck and in which position - it just sounds more realistic.

  6. You can't have one without the other. I honeslty would never believe a person that has been in a relationship and at one point wouldn't want to murder their partner. Those little arguments, that sometimes turn into big arguments, if they don't lead to break ups they only make your relatinship stronger.

    There is only one step form love to hate.

  7. In my opinion a person with "strong personality" is someone with an established "I", very secure in oneself, aware of the surrounding. It is a known fact that people are intnimidated by somebody with a "stronger personality" than theirs. So when somebody says to you you have a "strong personality" they basically mean I can't be arround you because I feel like shit, two steps lower than you are. I personally prefer a women with a very strong opinion of herself, not some unsecure girl who needs to be reminded that she is cute and not fat and so on and so forth, instead the one who can mentally challenge you in aspects that the other would not be able of reaching.

  8. Originally posted by fierydesire

    :puke: Why the fuck do people still get em? I mean I won't deny I have gotten some in my life, but I was stupid and young. But to see actual girls in my school wear em as its some trophy is disgusting. Hickeys are so distasteful.....they get a big fat thumbs down.....

    Shit grow the fuck up.....

    what do u guys think you like this unsitely monstrosities (sp?)?

    I totally forgot about existance of hickies all together. Damn I'm old.

  9. My most recent sex injury is from rough sex. this girl :blown: was giving me a blow job and she was using her teeth to aggresively which caused the head and the shaft of my penis to be red. It's still irrotated, even though it's been almost a week. Girls, remember, teeth are the enemy of the penis.

  10. think of cd players, big ben, cars, ugly women, mousepad, pencils, grass, pavements, food, work, hockey, sumo wrestling, stock market, anything that will make your mind drift away. Free your mind of all the sexual thoughts.

    For the long run I would recommend reading up and studying tantra.

  11. A hot women goes to a priest for confession.

    W: -Father I called a man a Motherfucker.

    F: -That is a sin, but what did he do to deserve that

    W: -He hugged me.

    F: Hugs her - Like this? But that is not the reason to call him that.

    W: -And then he kissed me.

    F: -kisses her - like this? Thats not reason enough to call a man that.

    W: -Yes but then he started undressing me.

    F: -Like this? undresses her. still not reason enough

    W: -And then he put his, you know what, you know where.

    F: -Like this? goes into her, still nothing bad enough.

    W: - And then he told me that he has STD's.


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